Gooood morning!
Did any of you suspect that I was going to make my first batch of homemade almond butter!?
The lovely Melissa suggested that I try making my own! I always wondered how it would turn out and hearing about her experience made me want to take the leap!
Homemade Raw Almond Butter

Ingredients: 2 cups raw almonds
Directions: Place 2 cups of raw (or toasted) almonds into food processor. Process for about 15 mins. scraping sides frequently. 2 cups of Almonds makes about 1 jar or a bit less.

The almonds will stick to the sides pretty much the entire process. Lots of stopping and scraping involved. Patience is key!

Do I see some solidification!? :)

I almost squeeled for joy when I saw this:

After about 15 mins:

Can you believe it was this easy!?

Who hoo!!!

In a container it went!

I am so happy this was successful- and SO easy! It is foolproof. I didn’t even have to add any oil like I read I would have. I think patience is key. If you process it enough it will eventually get the right consistency without any added oil.
I am so happy that I have this now because it has been a couple weeks without any nut butter in our house! I had to stop buying it as a budget cut back. Goodbye Maranatha hello homemade goodness! :D
My next homemade experiment? Almond milk!
” When forgiving others, you may actually be forgiving yourself. Therefore, forgive frequently.”
John Singh
Found the following in a health food store. Almond Hazelnut Fruit and Nut Butter. Ingredients include dry roasted almonds and hazelnuts, Canadian wild blueberries, cranberries (sugar, sunflower oil). In 30g serving, sugar is only 2g so it’s great for diabetics. Thought that this info may give others ideas about making the nut butter! It’s absolutely delicious. Your recipe sounds great and I really plan to try it some time, possibly in my food chopper. Hope that it will do! Nice to save money also!
Angela have you ever tried making your own almond milk? I learned to do it at a raw food class and was shocked by how easy it is! You just soak the almonds over night, drain them add double the water and blend! Then strain the milk to get out the chunkies, add some agave( and cacoa if you want chocolate milk) and voila! amazing beautiful white delicious almond milk with no weird stuff in it! We learnt how to do super easy coconut milk and coconut Kefir to if you are interested! :) Enjoy!
Yes I have…it was fun!
Oh i just made this, I found it hard to find Raw almond butter, and i made this today, sooo good, i could eat it with a big spoon.
Love the suggestions of add flavours.
Can anyone tell me where to buy bulk raw almonds at a good price? How much are you paying per lb?
Another winner, Angela! You haven’t given me a bad suggestion yet! Thank you!
i just made a batch of this!! absolutely amazing, it was so easy, took a little long and i had to scrape the sides of my processor a fair bit until it would just run smoothly. but i wanted to ask, when should i use it by? a week or more? and should i keep it in the fridge or just in my pantry. thanks heaps!!
Hey Sarah, It should last in the fridge for up to 1 month. hope this helps!
Just made this for the first time. The recent salmonella scare was motivation to do so. Your directions were so helpful … man do you ever have to be patient! I eventually had to add some water to the mixture, and as soon as I did, butter resulted. Thanks. Love your recipes!
Is it possible to make almond butter with an immersion blender (stick blender) seeing as I dont have a blender yet? Use almond meal instead of raw almonds?
Thank you so very much for sharing your recipes!!!! They are so easy and healthy! I also like to DIY ! This Almond Butter is amazing! Love your “raw” recipes! God Bless you!
Just finished making almond butter after previous attempt with dry crumbs as a result, which I used in a baking recipe. Thanks for the advice about patience! Works like a charm using an inexpensive food processor, lots of stopping and scraping
First time making this today; I used a blender and it turned out beautifully. It didn’t take as long as I’d thought it would and it was very delicious (love almonds). Definitely going to make again soon. Thank you for sharing this, Angela – your recipes never fail to amaze me!
For how long can you keep the almond butter in the fridge?
Hi Melissa, It should last in the fridge for up to 1 month in an airtight container. Hope this helps!
Patience is KEY. I found you need to really commit a block of time to really do this. I almost gave up halfway through but just waiting a little bit longer creates awesome results. Thank you!
You say 2 cups of raw almonds makes 1 jar. How much is that in cups, ounces, or grams?
Hi Lorna, 2 cups of raw almonds makes approximately 1 cup (250 mL) of almond butter. I hope that helps!