My digestion has been a bit out of whack over the past few months. Actually, I’m feeling a bit out of whack as a whole. Maybe I was naïve, but I really didn’t anticipate the postpartum phase to be so challenging, on many different levels. The pregnancy seems to get the most attention while the period after having a baby seems to be all about getting back to your old self as soon as possible. At least in the media. I guess I expected that for myself too, but it’s not my personal reality nor is it for many other new moms I’ve talked to. We’re almost 5 months in and I still don’t feel like I have it together. I mostly blame the overnight waking hours and sugar cravings (the cravings result from lack of sleep – it’s a vicious cycle), but it’s everything really. Life has changed in so many weird and wonderful ways. I wonder if I ever will feel like my old self, or if I’d ever want to; what I have right now is great. I say it all the time but motherhood is amazing. I pinch myself so many times a day…like, do I actually get to witness this sweet baby discover the world? It’s the kind of thing that fills my heart with so much joy it keeps me up at night because I know that it could all be taken away in a second.
The intensity seems to be lifting as the months go on. We are laughing so much every day! I’m convinced Adriana is a 90 year old woman trapped in a baby’s body. Seriously…she does this lip-sucking in thing that makes her look like she forgot her dentures. I die every time. She is my number one priority and because of this I think I have let my own self fall to the wayside. It’s the cliché saying about motherhood, but it’s been so true. For me, this seemed necessary to get through the first months as a new parent, but I’m getting to that place now where I think I can find a balance for both of us. The fog is lifting. This is where a plant-based diet can help in so many great ways! I think I’ve done a good job of staying healthy this past year, but there are a few things I would like to improve upon.
The advice I often give to others is to make small changes when starting out, so that’s what I’ve been doing recently. Just a bunch of little tweaks that all contribute to the whole. Baby steps. Rather than having caffeine in the morning (which doesn’t seem to agree with my anxiety-prone nature), I’ve switched to a tea made with fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, and Rooibos tea. I drink it all day long. A few other things I’m doing (almost) everyday – green protein smoothie, exercise, probiotics (plus my other regular vitamin regime), and hitting the hay earlier. There’s nothing ground-breaking or gimmicky here, but they are things that just WORK time and time again. Sure there are days when none of these things happen, but for the most part it’s helping!

While this smoothie is different from my regular morning protein smoothie, it makes for a lovely afternoon snack. You could probably add some hemp hearts to this one if you wanted to boost the protein enough for a morning drink.
This smoothie combines the power of many digestion-friendly and immune-boosting foods:
// Pineapple // Digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits, immune support. One cup gives you 105% of your daily Vitamin C requirements. I use frozen pineapple chunks in smoothies to save time.
// Fresh ginger // Soothes the intestinal tract and helps with digestion. Awesome for all kinds of gastrointestinal relief, such as morning sickness. Anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.
// Fresh parsley // Rich in vitamins K, C, A, folate, and antioxidants. It’s a natural diuretic which can help release water retention. Opt for flat-leaf parsley as it’s less bitter than curly parsley. Cilantro would be a nice swap here too!
// Avocado // Major anti-inflammatory benefits + heart-healthy fats. High in fibre which aids with digestion.
// Banana // Rich in B6, manganese, Vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. Interesting to note – while bananas are high in sugar, they have a low glycemic index score which means that they won’t spike blood sugar levels. It’s soothing to the digestive track and thought to regulate the bowels and enhance friendly gut bacteria.
// Lemon // Rich in vitamin C. Aids digestion and helps flush out toxins.
[Source: The World’s Healthiest Foods]
I also add some coconut water and probiotic powder for an extra boost! Feel free to add a handful of spinach or kale too.

Happy Digestion Smoothie

2 1/4 cups (560 mL)
Prep time
Cook time
0 minutes
Total time
This green smoothie is packed with digestion-enhancing and immune-boosting foods like pineapple, parsley, ginger, and avocado. Don't worry though; its sweet flavour makes it friendly for green smoothie newbies! If you are adverse to the spiciness of ginger, I recommend starting with half the amount and adding to taste from there. This smoothie also keeps well overnight. I will often make a double batch, save leftovers in a small mason jar in the fridge overnight, and enjoy it the next morning.
- 1 heaping cup frozen pineapple chunks
- 1/2 large frozen banana
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) water
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) coconut water
- 1/4 cup packed fresh parsley leaves
- 2 tablespoons avocado
- 1 teaspoon packed fresh grated ginger
- 1/4 teaspoon probiotic powder, optional
- lemon or lime slice, for garnish
- Add all ingredients into a blender and blend on the highest speed until super smooth.
- Feel free to add a handful of baby spinach to boost the nutrient power even more.
- Fresh mint also gives this smoothie a nice digestion boost (not to mention a delicious minty flavour).
Nutrition Information
(click to expand)
PS – I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Publisher’s Weekly recently – hop on over and read the interview here!
Is it ok to use canned pineapple sometimes? I can’t remember the last time I ate canned fruit but I live in Germany and I can’t always find pineapple. Here you can only really find fruits when they are in season. I can’t remember the last time I saw a pineapple at the market.
I know that generally fresh is always better, but just wondering if anyone has some input on the occasionally canned fruit.
Hi Angela! Do you have any suggestions/advice re: probiotics in Canada? What brand(s) have you had success with?
That look absolutely fantastic! Looks perfectly creamy! I’m dying to try it out.
Thank you for so honestly writing about the first few months of motherhood. I’m only a few months away from delivery, and I have this looming feeling how everything will change. I’m so worried I’m not going to be able to handle it. We have 2 dogs that need to be put on leashes and taken outside every few hours, and for some reason, that is really stressing me out/ making me mad. I’m assuming this is normal. Ok, now I’m rambling like you’er my therapist. Sorry! Thanks for the recipe, and thanks for your honesty :)
Hey Angela! I made this just today and it’s delicious! I love the smooth and creamy texture. It’s just sweet enough, and I love the addition of parsley.
You mentioned feeling out of sorts postpartum. Have you tried Sepia? Its a homeopathy medicine and it does wonders postpartum. I felt like I was exhausted and out of sorts until a friend who is a Doctors wife recommended it to me. You can get a low dose at health food stores from Boiron or go see a naturopath doctor for 200 dose. You will feel the cloud lift and your energy and libido rise again!
This is a great post. Look forward to A future post on the tea you’re having daily. A post on how you get sugar cravings under control would be really great too please. I don’t have a baby (yet) but the lack of sleep from crazy work hours has me craving sugar ALL the time. You’re right, it IS a vicious cycle. Thank you for all you do & your honesty!
This smoothie looks amazing! I have digestive issues so I’ll be trying this out soon. Love adding ginger to my smoothies.
Where did you get those glasses with the gold rims from? So pretty!
WOW! This shake was incredible, really loved the gingered added. I am going to have this for breakfast a few times per week.
I’m currently drinking your Happy Digestion Smoothie, it is creamy and just plain yummy. I’ve never been a big fan of parsley in my smoothie, but (for me) the amount called for is perfect, not overpowering. I did have to use coconut milk, skimmed of it’s fat, as I didn’t have coconut water.
Unlike many of the posts I’ve seen, I’m not a mom chasing after a toddler . Just the opposite actually, menopause is what is zapping my energy and a sinus infection. Decided the health benefits of this drink might be just what my body is in need of.
What a wonderful post, Angela. I have a hard enough time balancing my own life sans baby and can’t even imagine what it’s like adding a bundle of joy to the mix. Congrats on striking a balance, and thanks for sharing such a delicious-looking smoothie. Really can’t wait to make this, as I’ve been going through my own digestion issues. Cheers!
The baby pictures are so cute! I was in so much of a fog with my little(now 4yrs old) I did not have any professional pictures taken of her at all. I too got in a vicious cycle of sugar, no sleep, caffeine.. repeat. Thank you I think if I had read your post four years ago it would not have taken me four year realize I what I was going through was normal. The blogs I read at the time emphasized the joys of motherhood, but glossed over the unhealthy habits we can get locked into. Thank you for your honesty.
I will have to try the smoothie, it sounds very good. I would also like to see the tea “recipe” I am in desperate need of a coffee replacement.
I really enjoyed this smoothie. I love avocado in smoothies for the creaminess it provides. I have to say I was a little nervous about the parsley and didn’t put in quite 1/4 cup. I shouldn’t have worried. The pineapple is so sweet, and the ginger gives it a nice zing – I didn’t even taste the parsley. Next time I will make it as directed! I used fresh pineapple and I’m happy that I have a ton left to keep making this every day for at least a week!
I totally agree concerning the pregnancy blocking out everything postpartum. Part of it is our own incomprehension of what lies ahead but a lot of it is in the expectations we put on ourselves. Two years after having born my child, I am much closer to my previous self (still lacking sleep sorely and still a couple pounds heavier) than I was at its five months.
Media recently asked a musician how she got slim so quickly four weeks after giving birth and she was like I am 30 pounds heavier and you do not want to see my belly. But of course they printed that she was back to her old slim self.
Even though you are now writing about this very openly, your blog has also added to the myth on my side of getting back quickly with regular blog posts and great pictures of yourself and talk about an avocado. Seriously, I was wolfing down all kinds of cake and huge portions when I was still breastfeeding, an avocado would not have done the trick.
This is not meant as an offense but an analysis, as I think this urge to get back on track a) allows us to endure a pregnancy b) keeps us sane and going for the first weeks that makes us aspire our before selves. Plus, I am aware that you like many others only post on small parts of your life and we tend to fill in the gaps and if we are insecure we tend to do so in a glossy way. But I think it would be a great goal for all of us to aspire a more balanced picture and to ask ourselves about the impact our presentations of ourselves have on other women, thereby hopefully achieving a more rounded picture of the situation. I have a two year old and a work full time job and we always get dinner on the table = I have it together. But I also have days where I have to do a mad dash from daycare to work with baby wipes and mittens still in my pocket, the stroller forgotten in daycare building, making do with dry shampoo and hoping no one will see the spit on my jacket or come by our house which looks like post hurricane = I do not have it together at all. Both are the truth. I wish you all the best with your baby and want to alert you to the fine line between postpartum overwhelmednesss (is that a word) and postpartum depression – just in case.
NO ONE can warn you or prepare you enough for how difficult life with a Baby is.
The fact that you are still posting recipes and blogging throughout it is beyond me! AND testing for your next book!
My daughter is going to be three and only now do I feel like my “old” self – but with more pride, power and sense of accomplishment.
You are amazing!
What if I’m allergic to ginger? :(
Delicious new green smoothie, I loved it! I’m going to do it again tomorrow for sure. Thank you Angela!
I can’t wait to try this. My digestion has been totally out of whack too since having my baby 5 months ago. Just curious, are you thinking about posting homemade babyfood recipes? I haven’t started solids yet but will in the next 4 weeks.
Angela – I love your recipes and especially cannot wait to try this one out. I have struggled with IBS symptoms the past few months after having a major surgery and I am seeking out ways to help digestion too. Do you take any plant-based probiotics to help with your symptoms? Or do you just stick to letting recipes like this smoothie do the trick?
Yum! I love the combination of the pineapple and ginger. This is definitely my new favorite smoothie.