My digestion has been a bit out of whack over the past few months. Actually, I’m feeling a bit out of whack as a whole. Maybe I was naïve, but I really didn’t anticipate the postpartum phase to be so challenging, on many different levels. The pregnancy seems to get the most attention while the period after having a baby seems to be all about getting back to your old self as soon as possible. At least in the media. I guess I expected that for myself too, but it’s not my personal reality nor is it for many other new moms I’ve talked to. We’re almost 5 months in and I still don’t feel like I have it together. I mostly blame the overnight waking hours and sugar cravings (the cravings result from lack of sleep – it’s a vicious cycle), but it’s everything really. Life has changed in so many weird and wonderful ways. I wonder if I ever will feel like my old self, or if I’d ever want to; what I have right now is great. I say it all the time but motherhood is amazing. I pinch myself so many times a day…like, do I actually get to witness this sweet baby discover the world? It’s the kind of thing that fills my heart with so much joy it keeps me up at night because I know that it could all be taken away in a second.
The intensity seems to be lifting as the months go on. We are laughing so much every day! I’m convinced Adriana is a 90 year old woman trapped in a baby’s body. Seriously…she does this lip-sucking in thing that makes her look like she forgot her dentures. I die every time. She is my number one priority and because of this I think I have let my own self fall to the wayside. It’s the cliché saying about motherhood, but it’s been so true. For me, this seemed necessary to get through the first months as a new parent, but I’m getting to that place now where I think I can find a balance for both of us. The fog is lifting. This is where a plant-based diet can help in so many great ways! I think I’ve done a good job of staying healthy this past year, but there are a few things I would like to improve upon.
The advice I often give to others is to make small changes when starting out, so that’s what I’ve been doing recently. Just a bunch of little tweaks that all contribute to the whole. Baby steps. Rather than having caffeine in the morning (which doesn’t seem to agree with my anxiety-prone nature), I’ve switched to a tea made with fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, and Rooibos tea. I drink it all day long. A few other things I’m doing (almost) everyday – green protein smoothie, exercise, probiotics (plus my other regular vitamin regime), and hitting the hay earlier. There’s nothing ground-breaking or gimmicky here, but they are things that just WORK time and time again. Sure there are days when none of these things happen, but for the most part it’s helping!

While this smoothie is different from my regular morning protein smoothie, it makes for a lovely afternoon snack. You could probably add some hemp hearts to this one if you wanted to boost the protein enough for a morning drink.
This smoothie combines the power of many digestion-friendly and immune-boosting foods:
// Pineapple // Digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits, immune support. One cup gives you 105% of your daily Vitamin C requirements. I use frozen pineapple chunks in smoothies to save time.
// Fresh ginger // Soothes the intestinal tract and helps with digestion. Awesome for all kinds of gastrointestinal relief, such as morning sickness. Anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.
// Fresh parsley // Rich in vitamins K, C, A, folate, and antioxidants. It’s a natural diuretic which can help release water retention. Opt for flat-leaf parsley as it’s less bitter than curly parsley. Cilantro would be a nice swap here too!
// Avocado // Major anti-inflammatory benefits + heart-healthy fats. High in fibre which aids with digestion.
// Banana // Rich in B6, manganese, Vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. Interesting to note – while bananas are high in sugar, they have a low glycemic index score which means that they won’t spike blood sugar levels. It’s soothing to the digestive track and thought to regulate the bowels and enhance friendly gut bacteria.
// Lemon // Rich in vitamin C. Aids digestion and helps flush out toxins.
[Source: The World’s Healthiest Foods]
I also add some coconut water and probiotic powder for an extra boost! Feel free to add a handful of spinach or kale too.

Happy Digestion Smoothie

2 1/4 cups (560 mL)
Prep time
Cook time
0 minutes
Total time
This green smoothie is packed with digestion-enhancing and immune-boosting foods like pineapple, parsley, ginger, and avocado. Don't worry though; its sweet flavour makes it friendly for green smoothie newbies! If you are adverse to the spiciness of ginger, I recommend starting with half the amount and adding to taste from there. This smoothie also keeps well overnight. I will often make a double batch, save leftovers in a small mason jar in the fridge overnight, and enjoy it the next morning.
- 1 heaping cup frozen pineapple chunks
- 1/2 large frozen banana
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) water
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) coconut water
- 1/4 cup packed fresh parsley leaves
- 2 tablespoons avocado
- 1 teaspoon packed fresh grated ginger
- 1/4 teaspoon probiotic powder, optional
- lemon or lime slice, for garnish
- Add all ingredients into a blender and blend on the highest speed until super smooth.
- Feel free to add a handful of baby spinach to boost the nutrient power even more.
- Fresh mint also gives this smoothie a nice digestion boost (not to mention a delicious minty flavour).
Nutrition Information
(click to expand)
PS – I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Publisher’s Weekly recently – hop on over and read the interview here!
Looks amazing! Can’t wait to test it out!
Ditto that Christine. I’m a teacher in Buffalo, NY and we had another “cold” day. Therefore I’m home with the kid’s and can make everyone this Happy Digestion Smoothie.
This looks absolutely divine! My gut health has been pretty good lately and I want to keep it that way. I will be whipping this up this morning!
Yumm! I love frozen bananas in smoothies — makes them taste more like a dessert. :) I’ve had troubles with digestion over the last few months as well, and never thought of putting probiotic powder in my morning smoothie. What brand do you like?
I absolutely agree, there is so much emphasis put on pregnancy but no one talks about once the baby comes. After four months I’m starting to feel the fog lift but it was a long few months!
Our baby slept 5 hours straight at 6 months to the day she was born. She had colic and all sorts of digestion issues and now I wonder, if my wife was eating super healthy digestive foods (and smoothies like this) if that would have helped. I tried to help my wife through the postpartum stage as much as I could, but it’s hard to understand being a guy ~ I didn’t give birth and can’t imagine what that would be like! I don’t think I could do it so hats off to all of you moms, that’s quite an accomplishment.
I am a mother of 3 ( and 2 Angel Babies) and i just read your comment and wanted to tell you THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you said! I really appreciate it and love hearing a father say he helps as much as he can because as you know, it can be hard at times! But i give it to father’s like you too because you play an awesome role too :).
Oh my gosh Ange, this sounds fabulous!! I love ginger and pineapple together, and am totally in the mood for this smoothie right now (even thought the temperature outside is falling FAST!) I love reading about your life as a new mother and if anyone knows how to use a plant based diet to help boost mood (among other health issues) it’s you. PS we need a date soon! :)
Thanks girl :) And I agree! Was just about to email you.
I can’t wait to try this!! I just made my favorite smoothie (kale, banana, pineapple, milk, ginger) which is so similar.
I know this post is about the smoothie, but I love the idea of the ginger/turmeric/roobis tea, I think I need to give it try! I’ve been trying to decrease my caffiene intake and find different things to replace coffee (I say this as I’m drinking a large Tim Hortons coffee…ha), how much ginger/turmeric do you put in?
It usually varies…sometimes I’ll make a huge pot so I will add a lot (a couple tbsp grated ginger and 1 T sliced turmeric maybe) with a few servings of loose leaf. If I’m making just 1 mug (which I rarely do) it will be much less. I might have to do a post about it!
Yes, please do!
We were just talking about starting some probiotic supplements. Which do you take/recommend? Enjoying your maple apple and pear baked oatmeal from your cookbook this morning :)
Hi Katie,
I’m not loyal to one brand in particular – I like to rotate them now and then! Innovite probiotic powder and Bio-Kult are two I’m using lately.
Hi Angela,
I’m intolerant to bananas. Could I swap for something else or take it out completely? Thank you!
I would probably increase the avocado to 1/4 cup if leaving out the banana to ensure that it’s still nice and creamy. You might want to consider adding a bit of sweetness from another fruit to make up for it since the banana adds a nice pop of sweetness.
I dislike bananas so I’ve always used applesauce to replace them in recipes (such as baking), and using frozen cucumber to replace in smoothies. It doesn’t replace the sweetness, so you may need to find a little something else for that, but they are decadently smooth and creamy and add a very fresh taste!
Hi Angela,
The recipe sounds awesome and despite being a dude I really appreciate the rest of the post as well. I made your chocolate pie (as I call it) last night…this morning I made us your hot overnight oatmeal (awesome) and as soon as my little guy (11 months old) gives me a chance (mom is currently busy doing a yoga routine), I’ll get at making your roasted tomato soup which we’ll be having for lunch followed by pie for dessert…NOM NOM NOM ! It’s my wife’s 34th b-day today so I am pulling some stops out… as a matter of fact she’s getting your book…and an apron :-) Seriously girls the apron was her idea… but I am absolutely good with that… big fat surprise! Anyways, thanks for all that you do and all that you are. Keep up the incredible work. Best to Eric and your little gem.
Wow that’s so nice!! Happy b-day to your wife. Thanks for all your support. :) You don’t know how happy it makes me to see a comment from a man once in a while, hah.
Hi Angela! I have a 6 month old daughter and this post took the words right out of my mouth regarding the postpartum period! It was almost like reading my own journal! Thank you for this recipe, can’t wait to pick up some pineapple and give it a try!
Glad you can relate but I hope it gets better for you soon too! Hugs
This looks soooo tasty! Just a warning that a lot of parsley can decrease milk supply. I wouldn’t worry though if you haven’t noticed a change!
Also, you are so right. That new motherhood fog can be tough. It does end though – I promise!
I’ve heard this too, but I was told it was only in large amounts – I guess it varies for everyone though!
I also heard this, and I heard the same about avocado and banana – which I eat every single day! And peppermint, which I love. Seriously if I want to keep my milk supply I am going to need to eat nothing but oatmeal and brewers yeast…this smoothie looks amazing though. My brother in law makes homemade kimchi and kombocha, both of which are loaded with probiotics! So so so good.
Avocado makes your breast milk so rich and fatty…babies love the taste! I eat one every day and also a bit of banana every day too. Not sure whether they impact my supply but shes gaining lots of weight. :) That being said, oatmeal tends to really increase my supply if I eat it daily.
Perfect timing! I have been experiencing the worst indigestion when I teach at a studio. Every week the same stomach ache (am I allergic to my job?). I must make this part of my Tuesday routine.
We (my husband, 2 kids, and I) love green smoothies and this one looks to die for. Thank you for the recipe, Angela!
A good digestion tip that I picked up during Nutrition School is to start the day with a glass of water and juice from 1/2 lemon. It not only helps the body detoxify, but also makes you go to the bathroom (with number 2 :)).
Loove this!!! I has to be amaziing <3<3
This sounds absolutely delicious — I’ve never thought of combining avocado and ginger, but since they’re two of my favorite things ever, I suspect I’ll love the heck out of the end result. :)
As for post-partum weirdness, I don’t have kids (yet — fingers are crossed this changes soon!), but I know that even slight shifts in my hormone levels can make everything feel intense. And if those slight shifts can have such a profound effect, I’d guess that the *huge* shifts new moms undergo would feel nothing short of seismic. So, it’s totally understandable that it would take you a long time to feel like things are smoothing out. (I mean, I wept almost non-stop while watching “Annie” in the theater a few months ago, and that was just PMS.) And that’s to say nothing of the sleep deprivation, which can make even the most stoic person feel like they’re losing it. I have no idea why the media perpetuates this myth that women give birth, shimmy back into their pre-pregnancy jeans, and carry on as if things haven’t changed that much — but it seems ridiculous, and it’s fantastic that you’re describing what’s *actually* going on as you adjust to new motherhood.
It’s also great that your routine of tea, nourishing foods, and exercise are helping you through this adjustment period — hang in there, and know that I’m sending hugs from afar!
Yea the hormones are insane for sure! Luckily I have managed to avoid the blues for the most part, but the days where I don’t sleep enough I feel it more. Is it summer yet???
Thanks for your kind words!
I can only imagine the major lifestyle changes that come with a baby; stay strong! We know you can do it :)
Gotta love ginger. All the ingredients sound great. I’ll add this to my, must try list :) Thanks as always,
I love this idea for a smoothie – particularly the combination of tummy soothing ginger with the enzyme rich pineapple.
I would need to swap out the avocado – it’s a high FODMAP food and hard for people with IBS to tolerate, but I think adding a little coconut oil and a bit more bananda would do the trick! :)
Latest Post: Spiral into Fit – I Spiralized Every Meal For a Day!
I love your book and your blog. You are a tremendous inspiration! :)
What kind of probiotic powder do you use? I have purchased GoodBelly probiotic a few times, but it would be much easier to add the powder to the green juice we drink in the morning.
Have you noticed that dropping caffeine has helped with anxious postpartum feelings? I had anxiety after my son was born. I call it postpartum insomnia because while he was sleeping through the night from week 1…I was up all night. UGH! Switching from a veggie diet to a vegan diet helped. Dropping the dairy helped with the anxiety and let me sleep much better…but I wouldn’t say it’s 100% gone. maybe 90%. maybe dropping my morning coffee would help it out that last 10%?
Beth Rapp
Hi Beth, Yes I definitely think I have less anxiety when I don’t have caffeine. I think it depends on the person, but I’ve never been overly good with caffeine.
As for probiotics, I vary them up quite often but right now I’m taking Innovite powder and Bio-kult capsules (which easily open up).