As part of Oh She Glows 1-year Anniversary Blogiversary on Halloween, Glo Bakery is having a Glo-Out sale!
Exactly 360 days ago today I started Oh She Glows.
The official release of the new EMPOWER bar is here in this delicious Chocolate & Coffee Lovers variety pack! 20% off only while quantities last.
The new Empower bars are also 10% off if you want a box all on their own.
Remember this Operation Beautiful note I stuck on my back before my half marathon??
Well, look at the email I received this week from a man who also ran in this race:
Paul wrote, "I was googling to see if I could find pics of the race and came across your blog. Congrats on your race, despite your struggles. The reason for my post is that I just wanted to say thanks for the distraction near the finish. I approached you from behind, trying to read your shirt as I was struggling around the 18-19 km mark on University Ave. As I got closer, gasping for breath and trying to focus, I made out the message on your back…and I powered through the finish. As I ran alongside you, I wanted to acknowledge and thank you for your message, but figured you were probably focused on your own battles at the time. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you, and I’m glad I found a way to do so!"
I was pretty pumped to receive this email. It was such a cool feeling running my half marathon and knowing that this note was possibly inspiring others to keep going.
Behold my newest Operation Beautiful note:

It reads, ‘You look sexy in your hair net! Ow! Ow!’
To say I feel unattractive in my baking get-up is an understatement!
I basically have been feeling like my old lunch lady! I decided that there is no reason why I had to feel unattractive- it was all a state of mind. I decided to change my attitude and write a note that would pick me up.
Every time I see the note I look in the mirror and smile. Case closed. Hair nets are the latest fashion accessory, didn’t ya know?
I also am eyeing these super cute aprons. I like this pink one (of course). I wonder if I can convince my MIL to sew me one…
Do you wear a uniform at your job? Do you like it?
Have you ever had to wear a uniform that you hated?
Luckily, all of my previous jobs were in retail or office environments so I was able to wear normal work clothes. My very first job was at a Produce store when I was just 13. I was even a health nut back then! I got free fruit and veggies too…it was amazing. I had to wear an apron and work boots and I literally hauled 50 pound bags of corn and produce off frigid trucks, in addition to being a cashier, ice cream scooper, and stocker. Oddly enough, I am now 26 and still find myself hauling 50 pound bags of oats and hemp seed. That makes me laugh.
Off to bake!

When someone we love is having difficulty and is giving us a bad time, it’s better to explore the cause than to criticize the action.
Zig Ziglar (rocks!!!!)
That is such an awesome story! If I ever run a race I am definitely putting a note like that on my back. I wore uniforms in highschool, and I LOVED it. Not only did I get to save all my ‘fun’ clothes for other things, but I never had to figure out what to wear. I miss wearing uniforms. :(
I had to wear a uniform in elementary school, but I didn’t mind it because I was so young I didn’t care about clothes.
Now I have to abide by a certain dress code for my job..which is basically a uniform. I have to wear khakis which I HATE because I can never find a cheap pair that fits me right (I don’t want to spend a lot of money on them because I work at a childcare center so I get messy a lot!) I also have to wear a red polo that my workplace provides. It is SO ugly and doesn’t fit me right at all. Needless to day, my job is less than glamorous. Good thing I work with some of the best children ever!! They make it worth it!
You should search on Etsy (www.etsy.com) for fun aprons. You’ll find super cute ones that are all handmade! :)
I was going to suggest the same thing — maybe you can find a canadian shop and save yourself the shipping hassle!
As soon as I’m back to Canada I’ve got to get into this Glo bakery ordering action!
When I worked in catering I had to wear black pants (not tight) a blouse, tie and a masculine vest. I actually kind of liked it because it felt professional and appropriate for the job. This summer I worked at a steakhouse where we had to wear skirts above the knee and heels for every shift. I was very offended by this and often felt uncomfortable in the way I was being presented to male customers. I also killed my feet wearing heels all summer.
Aint nothin wrong with a hairnet when you’re doing what you love- because following your dreams is sexy.
I love the story about the operation beautiful note from your half marathon.
That was so nice of him to send you that email.You got him through the race with inspiring words= made him feel good and he sent you that email= you feel good.It’s so cool how those things work.cc
What a gratifying feeling that your Operation Beautiful note helped that runner; and yes, hair nets are sexy :)
That email is SO sweet, that must have made you feel like a million bucks. It is so great that he found a way to get in touch with you.
HAhhaha, I love the way I feel in my hair net, I get that ‘I’m a professional baker’ gleam in my eye!
Happy anniversary I suppose?! 360 Days OSG!! YAY!!! And I think I read at least about 200 of them!!
I would totally loooooove to try your bars, but as you know, I’m neither from Canada nor from the States! :(
Wish you a wonderful fall-day cutie!! Hug n.
I really love your operation beautiful notes~!
That dorothy apron is SO cute :)
I work at Booster Juice, where we have to wear a shirt provided by the company and an apron. I don’t mind, the shirts aren’t bad, they have fun says on the back like “Boost a Move” and “Juice Couture.”
whahaha your note to yourself is so funny :-)
I would love to order Glo Bars (esp the Coffee Pack!) but with the US shipping it is too much $$$ (which is obviously not your fault). Have you looked into whether any other companies offer shipping cheaper if you sign on to use them as your primary shipper? I am sure you have but just figured it might boost more US sales.
Yup that is the first thing I did…Canada Post had the cheapest rates I could find…cheaper than Fedex and UPS
I might just have to go ahead and splurge. I’m drooling over them =)
Angela, I swear I’m going to put a sign on my back for the half. One like yours or “GO ahead, pass me. You can do it.”
Uniforms…spent some time in the Navy (didn’t always wear a uniform), got used to it.
Wore a uniform (polo shirt and hat) when I worked at the pizza place in college.
For the last 12 years I’ve been in the semiconductor industry, so my “uniform” for much of the day is a bunny suit.
I don’t mind it. It certainly means there’s no need to dress nice underneath (jeans, tshirts, comfy shoes, no makeup allowed).
Getting messages like that from people is really what makes blogging worthwhile. That’s awesome! Congrats on one whole year!
I have to wear scrubs..I don’t mind it a bit. I hate having to make decisions on what to wear to work everyday, and it just feels like wearing pajamas to work! Plus, I wouldn’t want my clothes to be anywhere near some of the stuff I come in contact with ( I’m a nurse)! The gloves, however sanitary, are sometimes annoying though.
Love that O.B. note! LOL!! P.S. I’m giving away a breast cancer awareness Ipod nano armband case on my blog: http://lovinlosing.com/
What a great story! I’m sure that made your day!
That’s awesome, that the person sent you an email. Definitely made ME smile, so I can imagine how you felt when you read it.
Not really, I don’t need an uniform. I do have to dress up a little when I photograph weddings but that’s not really a uniform is it…? :P
That pink apron is really cute :)
What a nice email you received! Talk about uplifting!
What an awesome email!
I’ve had tons of jobs requiring a uniform. Before my current job I worked as a pastry chef so I had a sweet chef’s jacket. Too bad the pants were super unflattering since they were unisex and made for giants (I’m 5’3 and I swear the pants would be long on someone that was 6′). I’ve also worked at a grocery store, and as a theatre usher – I got to wear a blazer and clip-on tie.. haha. And last but not least, I used to work at Tim Horton’s in high school. Oh boy… those uniforms are the worst!