Good evening!
Krissy and I had a fun get together in Toronto today! We went to Lululemon (surprisingly, I walked out empty-handed!) and also to Fresh.
With all the crazy Swine going around, we decided to start off our lunch with an Immune Elixir:

<——- Krissy
<——- Me
Lung Lover (left), Flu Fighter (right):
I had the Flu Fighter back on our anniversary weekend. I knew today I had to get it again. It was even better than I remembered. Warm, soothing, intense, and ginger-y.

For lunch, I tried my first salad at Fresh and it did not disappoint.
I got the ‘Big Salad’. I felt like Elaine from Seinfeld. ;)

I had mine without cheese, but with marinated tofu. I rarely eat tofu anymore as I have been trying not to buy many processed veggie products lately (its cheaper to buy beans/lentils!). I had it for a ‘treat’ today as I do like tofu on occasion. However, I wasn’t a huge fan of this tofu. I prefer my tofu baked and crisp and we thought this was raw? It was …..’meh’ I ate half.

The salad was delicious though. Especially the homemade dressing:

I had the Wild Ginger dressing and it was TO DIE FOR!!!!!

Camera Curse:
Unfortunately, my camera battery died when we went to get a picture together. What is it with my camera dying at Fresh?! lol. Unfortunately, I lost my battery charger for my point-and-shoot so I have no idea when I will be able to charge it again. Looks like I will be lugging the SLR everywhere for a while!
On that note- Bad news about our SLR. Remember when I told you Eric dropped it? Well, apparently something bad did happen. :( We took the backlight flash off the camera yesterday and we discovered that the regular flash (the one built into the actual camera) no longer works. It won’t even pop open. :*( I am devastated. We are going to see if it is under warranty, but I doubt it since we’ve had the SLR for 3 years now. *sniff, sniff.
On a happier note, Krissy and I had a great time and it was fun being a big city girl once again! The lovely Alex was supposed to join us, but she is sick with the flu. Feel better soon!!!
Whittle My Middle News!
1) Stability Ball Roll-out
The amazing Lexi from The Ramblings of a Healthy Student read about our Stability Ball Roll-out woes and she offered to do a video demo for us!!!
Isn’t she a doll? :D
I took Lexi’s awesome advice and lo and behold the move WORKS!!! I was doing it all wrong. Thank you Lexi!
PS- We have the exact same stability ball! ;)
2) Yoga for Sore Abs?!
Are your abs sore and tight from the onslaught of core exercises? I discovered a great yoga pose to help stretch out those sore ab muscles!
The cobra pose is amazing for stretching out abs!!!

I do this pose at the end of every Whittle My Middle session and it feels incredible. Try it!
3) Stability Ball for a sore back!?
I love playing around on my stability ball. I have discovered that it is not just for abs- it is actually a great stretching tool. I lay all over it and twist and turn and it stretches out my back so wonderfully! I love this move in particular:


Ahhh it feels sooooo good on my back. Such an amazing stretch.
I figure I spend most of my waking hours with my back hunched in the opposite direction, so it is nice to stretch it the other way for once. ;)
Here I am at the gym yesterday doing my yoga and core work:

Sporting my undergrad university zip-up- University of Guelph. Loved that school so much. Any Gryphons out there?
The past couple days I have been doing some intense cardio on the gym’s Stepmill. I am convinced the stepmill is the hardest cardio machine out there. I am the only one ever on the damn thing at the gym! lol.
Today I did 45 min. on the mill at intensity 10-12. Man oh man was it hard. I was drenched in sweat afterwards. Such a great workout. I skipped my abs today as I doubled up on the WMM moves yesterday.
I am going to be quite sad when my free gym pass runs out. It has been a nice change of scenery.
You can follow all my workouts on my Run page as well as my Whittle My Middle workouts on my abs page.
Glo Bakery:
- I just made every single flavour of Glo Bar available in the shopping cart!!!!!! This is the first time I have ever done this, so if there is a flavour you have been waiting on, get it while you can! They won’t be available for long.
- Don’t forget that pre-ordering for holiday gifts is happening now with 10% off the gift packs until Nov 20th. The orders are already filling up fast so get yours in soon before it is too late.
My new addiction:
- I’m off to watch Gossip Girl. I watched Season 1 Episode 1 last night and I am officially HOOKED. I can’t believe how addicting this show is! I wonder how quickly I can get caught up on all the seasons?????
Have a lovely night!

I’m a shameless Gossip Girl addict too. Seriously, there is only one show that I will schedule my life around… and that show is Gossip Girl. :P If I miss it, I get a little anxious until I can watch it online! (I wish I had DVR.)
Oh wow, my dad graduated from that university as well :D He brags about it all the time to us. He got his chemistry degree + honors there
You will be addicted to GG. I spent my whole birthday weekend plowing through two seasons of GG…literally back-to-back episodes. I love it. I didn’t like Chuck in the beginning, but his character is grew on me. Enjoy. xoxo Gossip Girl :)
Yep, Guelph grad here!!! That is a time in my life that I wish I could go back and enjoy more!
Stellar meal and I LOVE the GOSSIP GIRL series!!
Love the Christmas lights :-D
LOVE the video! So well explained and demonstrated :)
Raw tofu? That does a number on a lot of people’s stomachs (including my own). Ick. Your guys’ drinks sound amazing though! I am so intrigued by hot juice…
I need to find myself some of those juices.. both my sisters just got over swine flu and I am so nervous that I am going to get it!!
I hate to admit that I haven’t watched ANY of the Gossip Girl episodes this season! I am just so far behind now that I think I might have to wait for them to come out on DVD. I feel so out of the loop!
Those elixers sounds terrific!
I love stability ball workouts!
We (Marc and I) might need to take a little side trip to Toronto so I can go to Fresh and, maybe, even have the opportunity to meet you in person. ;o)
The one thing is that there are some veterinary conferences there once in a while so that would be the perfect opportunity.
BTW, Marc did his internship in Guelph back in 99-00.
I’ve told you this before… but I’m Guelph Alum. :)
I have to agree. BEST SCHOOL EVER!
I absolutely love the area too. My best friend ended up settling there so I get back to visit quite often.
Great video from Lexi, she is wonderful! I’m tempted to get my ball out from behing the chair now :)
Thanks Lexi for the video!
Omigosh Fresh looks so delicious! Someday I’m going to have to eat there. Your elixir looks so yummy!
Both my parents graduated from good old U of G… my dad is a prof there now! I’m in the process of transferring there, actually! After living 6 hours from home for 2 years I’m ready to embrace my inner Gryphon for my last two years of school heehee.
Hey there! I read your blog everyday but rarely comment, I HAD to comment on this post because it feels so close to home for me. I LOVE FRESH, I used to live in Toronto, just down the street from fresh (spadina and front) but I moved away a few months ago. I also went to GUELPH!!! Graduated in ’07!
A very nostalgic post indeed!
Looks like you had a good lunch. The dressing choices looked amazing.
OMG your food looks amazing. Those juices look awesome too.
Thanks so much for posting the additional video on the ab roll outs, it helped SOOOO much! :) And Gossip Girl, so addictive!
Not sure about the flu fighter concoction. That suckers looks and sounds freaky.