Hello there lovely readers!
I have been busy as a bee working on the Glo Bakery as well as the Oh She Glows website. I am currently in the midst of planning to transfer my website over to bluehost.com so that I am able to do so much more with my website!
The problem is trying to figure everything out! I am surrpised by the lack of information in some areas that I am trying to research.
The good news is I am getting there slowly but surely! There are going to be some big + exciting changes on Oh She Glows over the next few months and I am so excited to see them take place.
I am planning on completely overhauling the design of Oh She Glows to make it more fun, user-friendly, and professional in its appearance.
I have taken Andrew’s advice and scoped out a few websites that I absolutely love. Now I just have to get some quotes from website developers to put the ideas into action!
The new website design for OSG is going to be fun, flirty, and feminine looking with a spunky edge. I can’t wait!
I also have lots and lots of ideas to improve the website such as:
- An Oh She Glows forum/message board where myself + readers can interact
- An Oh She Glows Newsletter/mailing list so I can send out weekly updates about OSG
- A Place where you can submit an email comment right from the website itself
- A link to my Glo Bakery where there will be a secure way to place orders online
I have so many ideas just oozing out of my pores!! lol.
That is how I know that this is such a passion for me…because I can spend the better part of the day on it and it doesn’t feel one bit like work.
Ok, I lied. It feels like work when I have computer glitches and technical difficulties…I can never get away from that completely! lol.
New Developments
You may have noticed something new on the top of the right toolbar —>
1) “Subscribe to Oh She Glows Feed”
Want Oh She Glows at the touch of your fingertips?
This is my RSS Feed! Just click on the link and subscribe. Your feed will be automatically updated everytime I create a new post. Easy as pie.
2) “Subscribe to Oh She Glows by Email”
All you do is submit your email address and you will be emailed everytime that I update with a new post. Be the first to know. I was so excited I even subscribed myself! haha.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments right here on Oh She Glows…..
Do you have any ideas for new Oh She Glows features? Leave them below!
Lunch Break
I was so caught up in the website domestics that I didn’t break for lunch until about 2pm (breakfast wasn’t until 10:30am!). I am a bit off schedule but that is ok.
For lunch I had a fabulous bowl of no salt added Black Bean soup by Healthy Valley:

With a large dollop of my 50 cent homemade hummus (I made another batch yesterday!)
And 2 pieces of Eziekel toast + Vegan spread:

I found 1/4 of a pack of Ezekiel bread in the freezer and I almost screamed with joy. Let’s just say the no name whole wheat bread is NOT the same! However, I have stuck with my budget and only bought this no name stuff since.
I think I will be making my homemade spelt tortillas much more! :)

After lunch I was still hungry so I filled up with a Green Monster:

I drank it as I mulled over color samples for painting!

It was refreshing and so tasty with the carrot added. I felt like I was on a tropical island!
Ok time to get back to work!
I have a list of things to get done today:
Finish cleaning house (didn’t get done yesterday due to the car fiasco)
Organize/overhaul office (it is a disaster!)
Continue along with OSG domestics/Glo Bakery
Renew Credit card/change name
Respond to Oh She Glows emails
There’s more but I am going to be realistic and will just leave the list at that!
See you TONIGHT for more fun!
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is where they should be.
Now put the foundation under them.
– Henry David Thoreau
angela!! such exciting developments in the works! amazing work and i’m so excited to see all the new things you have planned :)
I can’t wait for the updates on your blog! And a message board would be AWESOME!!!
WOW! You are a busy bee! I can’t wait for the new OSG website – so cool! Keep on truckin, you’re rocking this thing!!!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
The new developments sound exciting!
hooray for new and exciting things :)
Love your blog and whole website! So inspirational! Can’t wait to see your new site!!
So exciting! I’m on bluehost but have NO idea what I’m doing lol!
How exciting!
My boyfriend and I produce websites together as a side business and because of this, we have little overhead and can create your online presence for a lower fee in comparison to others.
From following your blog regularly for the past few months, I think I understand the direction you want to go. If you are interested, visit us at
the overhaul sounds great!!!
Can’t wait for the new additions. Good luck with them!
I’m looking forward to the new additions – and the bakery! I think your site is great already – I’m sure your new ideas are going to make it fan-freakin-tastic!
I’m loving all this new stuff on your site!!! HOORAY!
oooooh, i am so impressed with all your ideas and your drive to make them reality! you have an amazing business sense (and food sense!).
very excited for your new ideas, i have wanted to do more with my site, but am not the most tech-saavy, so easily intimidated :)
I wish I had more time to put as much energy into my own site as you do. Damn job getting in the way. Looking forward to see what you come up with.
YAY for secret hidden Ezek!! I just bought store brand english muffins for 99 cents :( They are NOT the same, i might go back to Thomas or Ezekial and skim off some money elsewhere!
I am looking forward to your website’s growth and development.
I would certainly scream with delight if I found Ezekial in my freezer@
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