Good afternoon!
I had a much more successful bread baking mission today as compared to yesterday.

Oh, what? You say, I didn’t mention yesterday’s bread baking mission?? Hmm, that’s mighty odd. It must have slipped my mind…
You see, it is always important to lock the dough hook before commencing. The end result was much too horrific to even photograph. A cup of seeds wasted. A soaked bread bottom. I could barely look.
But I don’t accept defeat too often in the kitchen! This bread machine has gotten me once, and now twice, but the way I see it is I am still 3 for 5. :D
Today’s loaf was a simple whole wheat bread recipe. I adapted the one in the manual:
- 3/4 warm water
- 1 tsp bread machine yeast
- 2 cup whole wheat bread flour
- 1 Tbsp sugar (I omitted)
- 1 Tbsp shortening (I used Becel Olive Oil Margarine)
- 1 tsp salt (I used a sprinkle of half salt)
One loaf of this bread makes about ten 100 calorie slices.
I was so hungry for lunch by the time it was done baking I didn’t even wait for it to cool! It was so warm and doughy.
I immediately slathered on some Light margarine on the warm crust and inhaled it. :)

So good.
Then I had a huge, thick slice for lunch along with an apple and homemade Almond butter:

I figure I had about 300 calories worth of bread alone in this lunch, but it was so. worth. it. Homemade bread is the best! Especially when you don’t have to do any work to get it.
Wondering what others think of my Glo Bars? Leah has posted a wonderful review of her first Glo Bar today on her blog, Simply Fabulous.
I meant to mention in this morning’s post that I posted today’s BBBC challenge last night on the BBBC page. If I ever forget to mention it on here, please see the BBBC page (now called bikini) for the daily challenge!
My workout today was fueled on Dough Power! lol. I had some serious glycogen stores in reserve for today’s workout. I felt powerful and energized.
Workout stats:
- Duration: 52:30
- Walk/run intervals (Walk = 4.0 mph, run = 4.4 mph; incline 12%)
- Max heart rate: 164 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 138 bpm (the yoga drops it)
- Feel the burn: 385 kcals
- I did 1.5 min. run intervals on every 5 minute interval until minute 40.
A few times during the workout, I got off the treadmill and did some core work and yoga poses! I find I can get into the yoga poses much better when my muscles are warmed up. The downward dog just seems easier to do it while I am already warm and sweaty.
Here is what I did:
- 1 60 sec. side plank (right) These kick my butt…errrr SIDES!
- 1 60 sec. side plank (left)
- 1 60 sec. plank (regular)
- 3 downward dogs (45 secs. approx)
- Camel pose
- Dead bug pose :D I end every workout with this pose now! Great inner thigh stretch!
The good news? I am seeing some major improvements in my stomach/ab area since starting the BBBC Challenge! Eric even noticed that my stomach looks flatter and feels firmer. If I get the nerve I might post some progress pictures sometime this week.
Is anyone else noticing any improvements? Share them below!

Researchers find that taking probiotics may help reduce anxiety in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
For the full story see here.
I think this is very interesting. More research needs to be done with larger sample sizes, but I think it looks promising. I have been meaning to buy some probiotic supplements for a while now. Kris Karr also swears by them! I just might have to get some today or tomorrow and see if I notice any health benefits.
Do you get probiotics from food sources or supplements? Did you notice any positive changes in your mood or health?
Well, I should get back to work!
Luckily I received help from my brother in law this morning with my tax questions. He is an excellent accountant and knows everything there is to know about business start up! There is so much to learn, even with respect to just the tax part! I feel overwhelmed at the moment, but it really helps to know that I have an expert to help me through this process.
This morning I also found out where to pick up my manual for the Food Safety Course that I am taking so I can get certified in food safety handling.
I have to drive to the health department tomorrow (it is about 50 min. drive) to purchase my manual. After I have studied I will be writing the exam (hopefully on the first Monday of May!). I hope the manual isn’t too big! And yes I still have to start reading my nutrition manual and study for my certification in nutrition and wellness! That has been pushed on the back burner while I start up Glo Bakery though. A gal can only do so much in one day! :)
Ok, I am off to bake some gooey (but healthy) oatmeal raisin cookies! YUM! :)
Have a great day! See you tonight!

"Make a game of finding something positive in every situation. Ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself.”
Brian Tracy
That bread looks so good!!!
My Mom has a bread maker… I might ask her if we can bake some this weekend. She made an awesome raisin bread once.. I love the smell of home made bread.
I completely agree that I can stretch much easier once my muscles are already warm. You had such a good workout today!
I have taken probiotics almost every day for the last couple months. My mom suggested I start when I seemed to be getting sick every other week or so. So far, I think it’s really helped!
The bread looks amazing!! I’m always staying away from breads, since I never really know how good they are for you!. Have you ever done a banana cinnamon bread? My gramma used to make it and it was DELICIOUS!!
You should “invent” it..lol I think you would really enjoy the flavor!!
Yummy looking bread! I have definitely started seeing some difference. The clothes are getting looser!
YUM BREAD!!! Bread with butter is my favorite food ever! I’m such a carbaholic. but I’m not even ashamed. After a bout with South Beach that left me crying out loud for fruit, I realized that me and carbs never ever should break up. We’re going to be lovers for life. I mean I will have affairs with protein and fats, but if it came down to the three, I’m a carb-girl with no reform. That’s one bad boy I can’t resist ;D
mmmmm bread! i thought that you needed a little sugar for the yeast to feed on and grow.
There are few thing in life as satisfying as fresh homemade bread! Angela I am totally loving your off-treadmill interval workouts this last week- its such a fun way to break up the time on long cardio sessions! Thanks for the great tip!
love fresh baked bread, there is nothing better than that smell. I was a very spoiled child and thats the only type of bread we ever ate growing up!
Angela – I love bread!! It is that simple. Yours looks amazing and I would like a loaf… thanks zesty :):)
Wow, that bread looks fantastic…I am hoping to get a bread maker as a wedding gift!
I don’t take probiotics since most are dairy-based.
haha we would have never been wise to your bread mishap! I don’t think you can beat freshly homemade bread- my grandmother used to make it every week during summer and i would have it right out of the maker with butter for my afternoon snack…heaven :D
12% incline. Yikes!!
I already look good enough in my wife’s bathing suit.
Did I just say that?