It’s chilly, won’t you come inside?

Tonight Eric and I dug out the Christmas decorations and got to work!

Tuesday night, we went to Dollarstore. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a ton of stock out yet, but I am confident that they will step up their game as the month goes by. ;)
I got these two Christmas bears for $1 each!!! The scarecrow was also from Dollarstore last month, but he is now packed away for the season.

Christmas decorations are like building a Lululemon wardrobe. Slowly, overtime, you build up a nice collection and they last forever. ;)

Eric’s mom gives her sons at least 2-3 Christmas decorations every year at Christmas. Eric has acquired a huge collection over the years!

I got this Snowman placemat for $1!!!!!!!!! It’s so cute! Expect to see it lots over the next 2 months. ;)

We need to clean out the fireplace so Santa doesn’t get dirty this year…

I am looking forward to our first fire of the year.

When my mom and I first moved to Ontario, it was just us two living in a small apartment. This mini tree below was the only Christmas decoration that we had! It has since been with me to University, our old condo, and now this house. Sketchie can be found sleeping under it when he is not knocking it over…

My favourite Santa is on my desk watching over me.

We had Mariah Carey’s Christmas CD blaring!!!! I LOVE THAT CD!!!!!!!!!!! I know every word, I think.
Dinner tonight was easy-peasy since we were busy decorating. I also blew off my cardio workout in favour of decorating…priorities, people, priorities! ;)
Chickpea Spinach BBQ Pita Pizzas
- High Protein Pita
- 2 T Mr. Spice Organic, no salt added, BBQ Sauce
- Orange pepper
- Tomato slices
- spinach
- Zucchini
- Roasted chickpeas
Directions: Place all ingredients onto pita to make pizza. Broil in oven on medium for 3-5 minutes watching it carefully.

Organic grapes. These tasted sooooooo good.
My second dessert was a Present Glo Bar. So addicted.
Whittle My Middle 30-Day Challenge:
Can I just say that I am SO excited for this challenge!?! It feels so awesome to be doing this challenge with all of you! I love how you are as excited as I am about it. I am seriously pumped for December 10th!
I have had a few questions about the Whittle My Middle 30-Day Challenge. Here are my answers:
1. You can follow along my ab workouts each day on the new ABS page. Keep in mind that everyone will be at a different level. My best advice is just to do it for as long as you can, while still maintaining good form.
2. Don’t have a stability ball? Simply sub the stability ball exercises for other ab exercises. Google it and you will find a million. As long as you are challenging your abs in new ways, it doesn’t entirely matter if you are doing every exercise in the video.
3. Concerned about doing abs 5 days a week? If you are sore then by all means, take a day off in between. You can even double up your workout and just do it 15-20 minutes, 3 times a week.
4. Yes that is me in the picture above, lol. It was taken at the end of the Bikini Body Boot Camp on June 1st 2009. I vow to get my strong abs back! I’ve also been told that strong abs reduce back pain (which I have been having a lot of!).
Glo Bakery:
1) There are only 5 more Glo Bar Variety Packs left! This will likely be the last Variety Pack that I do before December since I will be busy with Holiday prep so Get em while you can!
2) Stay tuned later today for the release of the Holiday Gift Packs and special referral and blogger promotion! You will be able to pre-order your Christmas gifts and learn about how you can save money on your orders. Will post Thurs. afternoon.
3) You can now follow Glo Bakery on the official Facebook Fan page!
4) TWITTER: Follow Oh She Glows, Glo Bakery, and Green Monster Movement on Twitter!
Whew! Long post. If you are still reading bless your kind heart. ;)
Ciao lovies!

Where is the BEFORE picture of your abs? :-D
love the Christmas decorations! we just decorated our house too… you gotta enjoy it for as long as possible so why not start in november, right?
Cute :) Isn’t Mariah Carey the Best Christmas CD ever?! Well I do have a special place in my heart for the Charle Brown christmas cd…..I can listen to it over and over.
Have a good day Doll ;)
Wow, I am ready to start decorating now! It was always a big tradition in our house to do this right after Thanksgiving and we, too, put on the Christmas tunes. I love the Nutcracker music because I danced in it so many years growing up and my Mum LOVES the N’SYNC Christmas CD – too cute!
Love the decor!! Reminds me that I need to start getting my stuff up asap! I LOVE the holidays! Super cozy. I am so in on the Whittle my middle challenge! yey!!
Super funny about the Mariah Carey christmas cd. Thats the one me and my mom always used to listen to during the holidays! Its a oldie but a goodie! I also love the Christina A. one too=)
Loooove the Christmas decorations!! I always put them up in my house as soon as we could. I’m sad I won’t get to see them until I go home December 19th. I’m going to need to put up some decorations in my dorm!
Mariah Carey’s Christmas CD is the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m going to go listen to it as soon as I finish teaching these rambunctious 5 year olds.
And that pizza? YUM. I will have to make that asap!
Mariah Carey was on Larry King Live a few nights ago and said she’s making a new Christmas cd — but it won’t come out until next year.
I can’t believe you are decorating for Christmas…it sure looks fun though and I just LOVE pita pizzas! They are the best invention for us trying to watch out waistlines ;)
I want to sign up for whittle my middle!
I am in a work out slump and trying to get back into the grove. Yoga and Pilates are easy for me to do in the evenings chasing a toddler!
it’s the running at night after he goes to bed that has me perplexed!
sign me up. I just found out about it today so I’m a day behind!
Thanks for the inspiration!
I love that you decorated already!! You have a beautiful home!
Can’t get enough of MC Christmas. That CD takes me back…
I’m glad someone else wants to put up christmas decorations too! I looove christmas…its the most wonderful time of the year! I’m in for the abs challange, a little late, but better than never!
I’m definitively joigning you for the core challenge. I’m going to the gym and I’ll pass more time on my abs from now on!
I can’t wait to see the results after.. I’ll see this way if all theses efforts worth it with my picture and measurements.
Unfortunately, this year, because we live temporaly in Vancouver (we’re from Quebec), we won’t decorate our little appart for christmas except some candles and I feel a little sad about it because I LOVE the magical of this period of year…
I love your decorations! I may have to start pulling mine out this week.
Your home is absolutely beautiful! I love the warm and loving glow. It’s incredible the caliber of cheap Christmas decorations you picked up from the dollar store. I need to take notes.