For those of you who don’t already know, The Great Fundraising Act organized by Janetha raised a whopping $26,432 for Susan!!!

I’ve said it before, but this community is truly amazing in every way possible!!

Susan writes, “I was running on a high all day yesterday watching the bids come through and keeping up on Twitter. My family and I were all texting each other with updates. You didn’t just save me, but you saved my family. The predicted amount for my chemotherapy drugs is $30,000 if I have to do the full 6 months. This covers almost all of it. That means my retired mother doesn’t have to cash in her RRSPs. My Nana doesn’t have to give up her “just in case” nursing home savings. I don’t have to work full-time when my doctors have advised me against it.
It doesn’t end here however. I am still going to work at getting the drug assistance my province owes me. This gives me a cushion while I go through the bureaucratic minefield of getting there. I originally wanted to give the remaining funds to buying items for the kitchen and family room in the oncology ward that I lived in for one month. But maybe this means we could renovate to give them a proper kitchen! I met SO many amazing people fighting cancer in that hospital, they and their visiting families certainly don’t deserve to eat food like this. I will be blogging all the details about where the money goes.”
Susan also appeared on CBC News and on the front page of the Fredericton newspaper!!
Kicking butt and taking numbers. Whooo!

In other exciting news, I’m having quite the week hosting my family during their stay in Ontario! We’ve been on the go all week doing fun activities with my nephews. (Thanks to some major blog pre-planning, I’ve been able to stay OFF the computer! Amen sista.)
I’ll be posting a recap with pictures soon. :)

I’m also here to tell you that it’s never too early in the day for Chocolate Peanut Butter dip.

Or strong coffee, but you knew that already.
We tested this theory after it called our names from the fridge at 8am. You can’t say no to peanut butter and chocolate when the moment presents itself. You just can’t.
Luckily, this isn’t your average sweet fruit dip loaded with sugar. It’s a dip that can be enjoyed at 8am…just because you are a cool Aunt and the kiddies will think they are doing the naughtiest thing in the world!
Just don’t blame me if they request this at home as much as that Dora character I keep seeing all week.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Dip
Adapted from ABU which was adapted from Heather.
- 3/4 cup smooth peanut butter (all natural)
- 1/4 cup to 3/4 cup almond milk, as needed
- 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, or to taste
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- Pinch salt
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup chopped dark chocolate, stirred in & to garnish
Directions: In a blender add all ingredients (start with the lesser amount of milk) except the chocolate. Note: If you want to make the swirl, also leave out the cocoa powder at first. Blend until smooth. To make the swirl, I simply portioned some out before adding the cocoa powder. I put it in a plastic bag with the ends cut off and I swirled it over top.
Now blend in the cocoa powder and pulse in the chocolate until chunky. Garnish with more shaved chocolate.

Making sliced fruit look naughty since 1998. ;)

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead
Thanks for this recipe! I made this dip for a chips and dip party and served it with banana chips. It was a big hit! However, I will say that mine came out super thin – more of a sauce than a dip. I ended up adding a little extra PB, cacao powder, and some oat flour to thicken it up. That worked, but I am left wondering why my initial version came out so thin. Thanks again!
Hey Tracy, Thanks for letting me know! It could be due to variations in thickness for nut butters. Sometimes they can be on the oily side or very thin, sometimes very thick and dry. I love that you were able to thicken it up by adding more PB and cocoa powder though! Good call.
I just attempted this and (like Tracy wrote in October) it came out very thin. I didn’t even use a full cup of almond milk. Tried adding extra cocoa, extra PB, and finally a little cornstarch. It’s finally become as thick as a milkshake. Tastes good, but definitely not a dip.
Hey Laura, Thank you so much for your feedback! I have made a note to test this recipe and update the amounts. So sorry it was too thin for you!
Oh my goodness! This is SOOOOOOOO good! Made it just now to take to a SuperBowl Party (Go 49ers!). Serving it with blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and apples. My daughter said she would eat this every day. Vegan, healthy and delicious!! Thank you!
Hi. Very very good! How long will it keep in the refrigerator?