First up and most importantly:
She is beautiful, caring, thoughtful, loving, funny, charming, and very generous. Despite our conflicts when I was a teenager, my mom and I have now grown into best friends. She supports me in whatever I do and she is my probably my biggest Oh She Glows fan, reading every comment and always telling me her thoughts on whatever the topic may be.
She is currently in L.A. about to embark on a wonderful birthday cruise of the French Polynesian…lucky lady!
She will be spreading the Operation Beautiful message everywhere she goes and documenting pictures of it too. I can’t wait to see them.
Love you mom! xo
I completely forgot to mention this, but last week our beloved Canon 30D SLR + Macro lens + external flash was dropped on our hardwood floor.
It was straight out of a horror film. I saw Eric reach for the camera, he fumbled it like a bad pass in football, and then there was a huge smash on the floor. We both uttered a few curse words and stood there in complete shock. I think a single, quivering tear dropped from my face as Eric picked it up and assessed the damage.
I still wasn’t breathing at this point. He tried to turn it on and the screen read ERROR. Still not breathing.
Being the technology genius that he is, he decided to remove the macro lens and snap it back into place. Once he did this, the error message was gone and it was working again. It has been fine ever since (knock on wood), but boy did that give us a scare! Canon cameras are STRONG. Whenever I get emails from readers asking me about cameras I always suggest Canon.
I was able to resume my normal blog photos of Sketchie…and he carried on with Project Hibernate.

I have also had my point-and-shoot Canon Powershot SD800 for about 4 years now. It has suffered a ton of hardships- drops, food particles, water, etc. and it still works like a charm! The best part is the price has dropped over $200 since we got ours 4 years ago.

Changing Up Exercise: How Often Do You Do It?
A while back, I did a post asking you how you define a rest day. It was a really interesting topic and I loved reading everyone’s thoughts!
Well, today I wanted to talk about changing up exercise.
After my half marathon a week and a half ago, I told myself that I would give my body as much time as it needed away from running. My legs had one heck of a summer- a 10k, 10 miler, and 2 half marathons within 4 months.
It was a lot to chew and I knew that.
However over the past 1.5 weeks, I have been struggling with a few things:
1) I have been feeling quite sluggish, yet I don’t feel ready to dive into exercise.
2) I have been wondering if I need to change what I am doing for exercise.
Running has taken up a large part of my life and has consumed 100% of my activity over the past 4 months. Training for races takes a lot of time and it did not leave me for any free time to pursue activities like strength training or yoga. It was actually a miracle that I found the time to train despite being so busy with everything.
I have been asking myself- Maybe this is a chance to try out something new and back off running a bit.
Maybe I can try yoga again and just focus on yoga. Or maybe I can do strength training and really stick with a schedule. Maybe I can use my free pass at the gym and do some non-impact stuff. There are so many wonderful activities out there that I have not been doing and I think it may be time to change it up!
I am guessing at this point you are probably asking yourself…so what is the problem, Ange?
Well, the problem is that I have been feeling guilt over it.
I have been feeling guilt about:
1) taking this exercise break, and
2) considering taking a (longer) break from running.
Crazy thoughts have entered my mind like…
- Maybe I am not a real runner if I take a break from it?
- What will happen to my training, my endurance, my speed?
In reality, I know that taking a break from running is not the end of the world. I have prior experience of course with my injury last Winter. I also know that my anxiety from taking exercise breaks is in large part due to my disordered eating and compulsive exercising in the past. It is sort of like that voice that never goes away, even though I find that I do a pretty good job silencing it for the most part. It is still there occasionally telling me I need to do this, this, and that or ‘x’ will happen.
Well anyway, last night I did my first 15 minutes of yoga since I-don’t-know-when.
And it felt amazing!!!!
I did the P90X YOGA DVD (first time) and started off slow with just 15 minutes (in the dark!). I actually really enjoyed it.
You know what else this told me?
I have been neglecting my flexibility way too much. My muscles are so stiff it is unbelievable. I have also been having back and shoulder pain from baking and packaging all day. My muscles have been crying out in pain from all the abuse! So I really think it is time that I addressed this aspect of my fitness.
For once in my life, I feel excited about the possibility of practicing yoga and trying something new without the pressures of scheduling a million other exercise goals into my calendar.
I think it may be time for a change- for now anyways!
Despite my anxieties, I am going to go with it and listen to my body. And right now my body is looking for a different approach to fitness.
Do you go through phases in your exercise or chosen activities? Do you change it up or decide when it is time for something new??
Well, this post was ummm….a bit verbose. I think I am due for a Wordless Wednesday, no??? haha ;)
Happy Hump-day!!!!

Don’t forget this is your last chance to enter the Garmin Forerunner Charity raffle!! It is for a great cause so submit your entry today!! :) They are due by midnight!
Also it is your last chance to vote in the Foodbuzz Nominations! Please vote for your favourite bloggers!!!!
have you thought of doing pilates? really good for rehab and core.
on a slightly different note, what about taking up a martial art? really great for mind and body. i know as a runner there is the fear of getting injured, so you would have to risk assess and maybe pick thai- chi , to get you into the amazing world of martial arts.
Yes! I totally go through phases – one day I love running, the next day I hate it. Lifting weights is SO easy to go through phases with those – change the reps you do, the length of the rep, the amount of sets, the type of move, etc. It’s hard not to get bored! Ha ha
Angela – my post on my blog is SOMEWHAT related to fitness today (ha ha, it’s hard to link personal finance to fitness). LOL If you have time, check it out!
Hope your mom has a great birthday!!
Happy Birthday to Momma OSG!
I definitely struggle with switching up my routines.
I recently started doing Booty Camp Fitness classes, and LOOOVE them. Each workout is completely different!
Its a great way to break up my running/spinning addiction.
Speaking of taking a break, REAL runners take breaks! ;)
You are so well-grounded. I like reading your take on things.
Exercise and boredom…that is something I know a lot about. Even in my work life, I’m a “jack of all trades, master of none”.
I’ve been exercising regularly as an adult for over 20 years now.
Running: I’m not a fast runner. I would say that now, I consider myself a runner. Even though my best 5k time is “only” just under 9:00 mile and my 1/2 marathon is TBD.
Several years ago, I decided to try a book to become a “1 hour runner”. And I did. And I ran an hour twice. And got bored and stopped.
Then last year, I ran a 10k and a few 5k’s. And then I stopped running. And I hired a personal trainer for 10 weeks, and boy did I work out hard and get buff! I think my 18 year old trainer took lessons from Jillian.
Then this year, I started running, ran a few 5k’s, and lost my mind and now I’m training for a half (10 days!!) I’m learning that training for a half is hard on my 39-year old body and hard on my life (not a lot of time…) But I’m also discovering how amazingly healthy I am – what great shape I am in. My resting heart rate is really low, and I feel GREAT! But i really hate running on the treamill at 5:30 am. It’s making me cranky.
So quitting, doesn’t mean you can’t start again. It doesn’t mean you aren’t a “runner”, except for maybe the real “runners” who run 5x a week. Even training for my marathon, I run only 3x a week.
I really like the sense of balance that you have. I love that you do hill treadmill walking, and I want to incorporate that into my workout. I am missing my 2x weekly weight lifting workout right now. I have to spend too much time on the treadmill and at work. I miss my bike rides to work.
I just a few weeks ago discovered yoga, and it’s awesome!! I am one of those people who will change stuff around…focus on running, then focus on walking, then focus on taking a spin class every week, then switch to a step class…
My goal after the 1/2 is to continue running distance…maybe Sat runs of 6-8-10-6-8-10. And maybe run 1 day a week on speedwork. And then start enjoying more bike rides to work, walks on the weekend, yoga. I am lucky to live in Santa Barbara, where year-round exercise is possible outdoors.
Keep up the good work Angela! I’m totally wearing an Operation Beautiful sign during my half…
Happy birthday to your gorgeous mama!!
I also get bored with workouts…I think the key is just staying active and doing something you enjoy. It’s great to have goals to work toward, though, so maybe you could try to set a personal goal for yourself if you decide to switch up your style of workout! For example, you may want to practice yoga and increase your flexibility to be able to do certain postures, or be able to lift a certain weight a specific number of times, etc. That always motivates me :)
To your concern about “not being a runner” if you take a longer break:
I recently read in a book on writing and the creative process that there are “seasons” to creativity, in the sense of a highly productive “harvest” time and a less-productive “fallow” time. The key is to identify your own “cycle” (it probably won’t match up with the actual seasons!) and work with it. I bet the same holds true to exercise–like you said, you’ve put your body and legs through a TON the past few months, no one can simply keep up that kind of activity level all year long!
Maybe think of it this way — you’re more than a runner, you’re an ATHLETE. Which means you can devote your exercise routine to improving or maintaining all aspects of fitness–cardio, strength, flexibility, etc. Just give it some time to find a nice balance.
I have done the whole P90X program last year and am starting it again on monday! It is hard stuff isn’t it? But you get amazing results and its nice because you switch it up everyday :)
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!
Happy birthday to your gorgeous mom!!! Sounds like a fun trip :)
I love Canon too and will always be a loyal fan. I’ve had 6 Canon cameras (2 film+4 digital) over the years and have never, ever had a problem with one of them. I’m pretty clumsy when it comes to technology, too!
I definitely go through phases when it comes to exercise. It doesn’t help that I think I have a little ADD, but some times I go weeks without doing yoga and other times I’ll go two weeks without doing any hardcore cardio. Sometimes I like to think I’m listening to my body, but other times I just fall out of my routine and/or turn into a slacker! I’d like to remedy on that and I’m working on it slowly.
You definitely aren’t a failure! You just ran 2 races in what, a month?! That’s amazing, and not a sign of a failure. I think it’s good to change things up a bit!
Switching it up is the way to go! Now that my 10 miler is over, I’m loving the freedom to do spinning, kickboxing, more strength training, etc., and not worry about being too sore to run! During my running I also kept up one day a week of pilates and yoga each, so I’m continuing that. Cross training = great.
I completely understand needing to change up your routine. In the past I’ve never stuck with any one type of exercise. For the past 9 months I’ve actually stuck with Zumba – going twice a week. I keep going because I pay for each month – and man, I’m not going to waste that money! ;) But, I can also relate it to my hobbies (sewing and knitting), it seems I’ll go through phases where all I want to do is one or the other, and sometimes I’ll do both. Our bodies and minds need change to stay stimulated. I can’t wait to see what types of things you start to explore now. Plus it will be a great time to try other sports once the snow comes. Good luck!
You should try spinning (indoor cycling). I bet you would love it!
i know what you mean on the exercise front!! i was pretty much training for my half in september since february (minus a month and a half hiatus for wedding/honeymoon/etc.)… and since my half, i’ve just been doing… nothing. i run maybe once or twice a week, maybe do something else. but i just have felt so DRAINED and unmotivated. my eating has suffered as well, but i just can’t seem to find the drive to really push myself like i had for so long.
my husband and i have also decided to try for a baby, so that makes me feel like i shouldn’t push so hard to try to lose weight now, because once i get pregnant i will just gain it back anyway. i really want to just try to exercise moderately and eat really healthy once i get pregnant, and try to gain a minimum (healthy) amount of weight. i feel like right now i’m eating a lot of crap that i know i don’t want to eat once i get pregnant, does that make sense in a twisted sort of way??
anyway… i say go for changing it up!! i’m sure as long as you’re doing something and you can still throw in a run every week or two (or more), you will be just fine!! :) right now i’m enjoying that i can go for a run when i WANT to as opposed to when i have to, and i can go for as long and far as i want. i like not having a training plan at the moment dictating my exercise.
I am a serious runner, marathon and all, but the best work out of all is when I get to go swimming! Swimming challenges me in completely different ways than running does, but it has been me so much stronger, and while running is great aerobic excercise, swimming is a great muscle building sport!
Love your blog!
i’m not usually very good about mixing up my exercise routines and doing any cross training but now that i’ve committed myself to a 1/2 marathon training program i am being very strict about running only on my running days and cross training on my cross training days along with some strength training and yoga and i’m really enjoying the change so far :)
I definitely think that if you are over running you should take a break. I did my first half marathon last February, but I definitely overtrained for it. I did some short runs after and then took a break – a looong break. I still exercised, but did things i didn’t do while training (cycling, elliptical, etc). Eventually I was ready to run again, I even started having dreams about running! I guess that’s when you know your body wants to do something! Now I’m mixing in running with other exercise, and my body and mind are happy. So, take as long of a break as you like, and if running ends up not being for you, that’s OK!
I started doing Baptiste Power Yoga (heated to about 90 degrees and basically just an awesome flow class with a lot of emphasis on strength) after I injured my hip running and absolutely love it. I think it’s a great idea to switch up your routine from time to time even if you don’t have an injury. Now that my hip has recovered I alternate running and yoga and find that the balance works well for my body. It keeps me toned, relaxed, and the cardio is still in place just not as much (I used to run every day). That picture of Sketchie is just adorable by the way. I got my confirmation for my bars today and I am so excited! I wish they were here right now so I could have one for dessert!
I get bored pretty easily so I like to switch things up. Next week I’m starting tennis lessons for a change so we’ll see how that goes. One constant that helps with all my cardio activities is pilates – 1 hour once a week. It keeps my core strong and since I work with an instructor one-on-one we can taylor the workout to how my body feels that day -heavy workout, serious stretching,etc.
Like a chapter out of my life’s book!
A few months ago I struggled with whether I was a runner, what would happen if I stop, and how guilty I felt for investing time and money into running and wanting to stop. I decided to take up yoga again after being on and off for the last 6 years. This time I committed to practicing regularly instead of doing it for a week, loving it, and then stopping. Commitment is what I wanted and so I gave myself that chance by signing up for a month of yoga at an amazing studio.
I’ve been doing yoga exclusively now for 2 months and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Sometimes I have the urge to run and when that happens, I go run. I even ran a 5K without training and it was FUN and CAREFREE, something I did not experience with training for races. But I never force anything anymore and I think that’s what I’ve learned the most from. Just be where you are now. Just be okay with what you want to change. Just be.
Happy Birthday Mom! The boys miss you (me too!)