Hello everyone!
I had one of those Mondays today.
This website (I called it a blog, but it really has evolved into much more than that), notably, has been a glimmer of hope for me. I absolutely love what I do on this website. I know that this is what I am meant to be doing because when I do it, it doesn’t feel like work to me, but it feels inspiring. Like I am fulfilling my inner self.
That is not to say that this website hasn’t been a lot of work, because it has. Anyone who has done something like this knows of the countless hours that need to be devoted to it to truly make it special. But the work is fun to me. I come alive when I am talking about my passionate interest in health, food, nutrition, exercise, fitness, beauty, fashion, self-esteem, body image, baking/cooking, and running.
I come alive when I am able to help others or inspire other people to become happier individuals.
I know that down the road, this will be a career for me. One (or all) of my passions. It just has to be. I can’t imagine going on in life and not doing something that I am truly passionate about. It is also a dream of mine to own an out-of-house bakery.
These dreams and aspirations keep me going when the going gets tough. Some days, like today, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have this glimmer of hope to aspire to and work towards. That is really the only thing that keeps me going on days like today.
My question to you is: Do you have a ‘glimmer of hope’ or a dream that you aspire to? Are you taking steps to achieve that goal?
Luckily I had my amazing husband and Sketchie-cat to come home to tonight:
What an amazing picture!! His eyes are slits!
Note– this was taken on the weekend- I only wish it was sunny out when I got home at 7:30-8pm!
Dinner tonight was fabulous. This meal makes leftovers take on a whole new meaning!

Squash and Chickpea Moroccan Stew from the other night:

I chopped up raw almonds and sprinkled them on top. They added such a wonderful crunch. I also scooped a dallop of vegetable hummus and organic salsa on top. Soooo good.
Everything on one spoon:

I was still hungry after dinner so I had a bowl of spelt cereal, a Cinnamon Roll Larabar, and a small handful of semi sweet chocolate chips. Now I am stuffed!! Stress eating/hunger perhaps???
Looky what came in the mail today!!!! I squealed with joy!

hahaha could this guy look any funnier!??? I think not.
MEOW!!!!! lol.

The DVD is comprised of three workouts– one for beginners, one for intermediates, and one for advanced. I cannot wait to try this out!!!! I am going to put it on tonight to watch a bit and get familiar with his style.
Stay tuned for a review of this DVD in days to come!
Stay tuned…
- Best and Worst dressed from the Golden Globes (have your say with polling stations!)
- Nature’s Path cereal review
- Kardea Nutrition bar review
- My half marathon training recap so far
Don’t forget to vote in today’s poll of the day if you haven’t already:
Have a great night everyone! I am going to check out my new Yoga Fabio Prince (Y.F.P.) (oh Eric is jealous now), watch last night’s episode of Dragon’s Den, and The City (missed it last week!).
And I did a little soul searching tonight….
Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you’ll have more success than you could possibly have imagined.
— Roger Caras
You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances
are you’ll end up boring, stupid, and monotonous.
— Bob Black
I believe you are your work. Don’t trade the stuff of your life, time, for nothing more than dollars. That’s a rotten bargain.
— Rita Mae Brown
Each man has his own vocation; his talent is his call. There is one direction in which all space is open to him.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
I love that….’there is one direction in which all space is open to him….(errrr….HER!)’ ;)
Do you ever look back at this post?!? Amazing. Just perusing your website and came across this old gem. You’ve achieved your goals =)