Hey everyone,
I’m pulling myself out of the post-holiday haze to let you know that we’re moving OSG to a bigger, badder server tomorrow (December 28th). By "we", I mean my favourite husband ever. This site has been on the same dedicated server for the past 4 years, but it’s time to upgrade for some exciting ventures in 2016.
We’re doing the move now because the last week of the year is always the slowest traffic wise. The site could be spotty for a day or two. If you’re planning on making any blog recipes this week, I recommend printing them now in case the site is down when you need them. That would be sad. PEEPS GOTTA EAT.
If you don’t hear from me again you can assume that the new server swallowed me whole. I’m hoping to be back with a post to close out 2015 though…big guy willing!
Cheers to the good kind of downtime this last week of the year. Enjoy,
I’m feeling glad while reading your article… Its have been so wonderfully written & I like your way to dress it up… Keep sharing more… I’m waiting!!!
Hi Angela: I am so happy for you! Our girls are 22 months apart, and with the youngest just turning 1 year old, we are so happy to watch them love on each other! Our lives are so blessed right now that we are actually considering a 3rd…crazy, I know! May God bless you and your growing family. :-)
I bet it’s so fun to watch them interact at those ages! I look forward to when they can play together. All the best with your decision about having a 3rd! We’ve said in the past that we wanted 3 kids, but now I think we’re just going to play it by ear and see how the second one turns out. hahah!