Good evening! I hope you had a great start to your week.
I don’t want to jinx it, but my groin feels almost back to normal. I am going to take it slow tomorrow and see how it feels. Time heals all wounds…
This week also marks the beginning of our TRY-A-TRI training! I will be blogging about it soon and telling you our plans. :)
I got a call from Ambrosia this morning (the health food store carrying my Glo Bars) and they doubled their order from last week. They were pleased with how quickly the bars sold out! Thank you to everyone who dropped in and bought some Glo Bars! :) Your support has been nothing short of amazing. The bars should be re-stocked in the store by Wednesday or Thursday.
My food highlight today was C-R-E-A-M-Y!

1 Minute Coconut Banana Cream

- 1 small banana, peeled (see note)
- 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 heaping tablespoon coconut butter, softened
- 1-2 teaspoons almond milk
Directions: Place banana, vanilla, milk, and softened coconut butter in a food processor and process until smooth. Serve over fruit and enjoy!
Note: You can use a cold/frozen banana if you want the cream cold or just a room-temp. banana if you don’t mind the cream warm. The heated coconut butter will make the cream warm, so adjust recipe to your liking!

Or you can just eat the cream straight up. :) It was heavenly.
Next time I think I might use this cream over something savoury, like oatmeal or pancakes. This was good, but it was a bit too sweet.
Since I am working tonight (two words: Business taxes…blech!), I thought this was the perfect time for another Health News Round Up…
Health News Round Up:
- The Block: Do you have it? – Huffington Post
- Run your route backwards to vary training– Fit Sugat
- Almost Vegan Sloppy Joes – Leftovers For Lunch
- Is there a multi-vitamin and breast cancer link? – Huffington Post
Tonight’s question:
Have you ever had an injury that side-lined your exercise/training plans? How did you cope with the injury and bounce back? Do you have to train differently now?
It is no secret that I had a pelvic muscle pull last January 2009 that put me out of exercise for 2 months. Aside from that, I have been lucky. I have had knee pain and wore knee sleeves all last summer, but I have been able to rid myself of the sleeves this year after extensive strength training with Booty Camp Fitness. I definitely train smarter now than I used to. I used to ignore my body’s signals of pain, but now I am a good listener. If I feel an unusual pain that is out of the ordinary, I will stop the exercise until it goes away. It took me a long time to be able to do that! Some people say it takes discipline to workout, but I say it also takes discipline to workout SMART.
I appreciate you sharing your stories. I get emails every week from women who are dealing with an injury and looking for some encouragement.
Sleep tight!
Yay on the glo bar orders!!!
I’m lucky to have never had an injury, so here’s hoping it stays that way lol
Ahhh that coconut banana cream just sounds heavenly. I adore my coconut butter!!
I, luckily, have never had an injury. Actually, I did have some forearm tendonitis when I was training for my first fitness competition, but with proper rest and icing, it healed quickly. It was more from doing new moves (like strength moves with most of your weight on your arms), and I think it just took a bit of getting used to. :)
I’ve not had an actual injury…but I did have laproscopic surgery a month ago. The surgery was a relatively minor surgery, but the after effects of the anesthesia have been really horrible. The fact that the surgery forced me to miss my half marathon….well, I wasn’t much fun to live with for a while.
Fortunately, I’ve been working with a personal trainer for a while, and she’s been able to help me readjust my workout schedule. I have to be careful because I wear out very easily (doctor said it could take 6 months to get back to where I was!), but so far so good. We literally had to take me back to the beginning (last summer, when my exercise odessey began) and reduce that level of activity even more.
The big trick….patience, patience, and more patience.
My heart wants to push as hard as I can, and it does feel good in the moment! But my head knows that if I do that I’ll be on the couch all day. I ran last week for a whopping 10 minutes, loving every single second …and then paid for it for two days.
It helps to focus on the things I can do – eating right, sleeping enough, and rebuilding my strength training bit by bit. (Cardio seems to be the big problem right now.) Since the marathon is over, I”m also using this as a chance to shake up my workout a bit. Since I have to start over, I might as well try something new!
PS. The Parsnip fries changed my family’s life tonight, too!
That coconut cream looks amazing. Just have to pick up some coconut butter!
Yeah, tri-training!! You will love it! I signed up for the olympic distance and that starts in two weeks. We just have the last of our time trials for the sprint distance!
Can’t wait to see you out on the circuit!
I’ve never been injured, but it is something that I am afraid of right now…especially after what you just said about your knees. I’ve been experiencing knee pain in one of my legs while running…I had it checked by a doctor and he did a 5 second exam and said nothing was wrong, so I’ve just kept running. Will knee sleeves prevent injury/stop the pain? I thought it wouldn’t be necessary to stop running, but now I’m not so sure.
Glad to hear that you are healing well and feeling ready to bounce back! I totally agree that it is important to train smart.
I’m currently recovering from a brain injury I sustained while playing softball. I wish I could tell you I’m doing it with grace and patience, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. Thank goodness for your blog! It gives me something to read as I spend countless hours on the couch. :)
I am getting better though. I was recently given the go-ahead to walk daily. It’s great to have activity back in my life!
Last year during my senior year of college, I fractured my foot. although I didnt get it checked out. it was 4 days before our big show. the only shoe I could wear was flip flops. it was november in upstate NY. I danced on it anyway. NOW i know to be smarter about my body and training because from time to time my foot hurts where it did before after a long run.
That’s so great about your glo bars! I wish I could just pop into that store and pick up some! I made your nut butter fries tonight and they were to die for! I haven’t (luckily, knock on wood) been injured, so I don’t really have any advice to share. Glad you are feeling better!
I’ve never had a major injury but I definitely do my best to listen to my body. It is harder than it sounds though!
Can’t wait to hear about your training and so happy your bars sold out, that’s fantastic.
I’ve been out of exercise for over a year due to health reasons. A lot of stuff to go into. Anyway, I feel like I have lost myself. My passion and my identity. Trying to persevere with a bit of pride because I don’t want to be a “woe is me” girl. I need to appreciate what I have (even if its very very little).
Nice eats.
Jamie Oliver’s show is really interesting actually. Kind of shocks me the way schools are being operated like this.
Very cool news about your bars! That’s so encouraging to hear and must give you a lot of hope about the future sales of Glo Bars.
Awesome news about your bars!! Of course they sold out though!! :)
thats pretty exciting that the bars are such a hit!
I’ve been so sidelined this year with health problems and now an IT Band issues. It was so hard at first, but I am really realizing that it’s just plain stupid to try and pretend like its not there. I am doing the smart thing now so that I will be able to get back into it sooner and longer!
Take care girl. Have a great night.
Congrats on the doubled order – that is so great! Re injuries. Yes! I was in a car accident last summer that sidelined me completely for months. It has been slow and steady since and the key has been to listen to my body (well, that and physical therapy, massage therapy and acupuncture). I’m still not at 100% but I’m getting there.
Yes, I’m currently recovering from a groin pull (achieved on a 16K run and have no idea how it really happened). I’ve been seeing a sports doctor for a few weeks now and he said it would take me six weeks to recover. That officially took me out of my half marathon training. I’m pretty bummed but not torn up about it.
Its only six weeks…maybe a little longer but I will run again. That half marathon will always be there.
Chin up, yours will heal too.
I giggled to myself when I read this question- is being PREGNANT comparable to an INJURY?!? LOL! I’ve definitely tweaked my workout plan- no more specific ab workouts, i’ve lightened up my running distance and have also been focusing on keeping my heart rate from sky-rocketing too much during spin class.
Glad you’ve been injury free since last year! Way to be smart and listen to your body!
I’ve never hurt myself training, but I’m super careful whenever I do heavy squats and deadlifts. It’s because I used to horseback ride, and saw a lot of accidents caused by just a single moment of carelessness or stupidity. I had a few bad falls in my time (no serious injuries though) and they taught me more than anything to always be ready and always be alert.
With squats and deadlifts for example, the weight doesn’t even have to be that heavy for you to injure yourself. But if you’re chatting with a buddy as you carelessly lift 90 pounds with relaxed abs and a rounded back…that could hand you in the hospital, no joke. So yeah, I’m careful, and so far it’s served me well!
I am currently a senior in college and have been on crutches for the past 6 weeks with a broken 5th metatarsal. I was in the best shape of my life, never experienced any ailments until I fell in a pothole while running. Doc says I’ll be on crutches for 2 more weeks and in a boot for another 2 during which i can do the stationary bike/moderate exercise. It’s been so hard emotionally dealing with not being able to run. I look forward to getting back into exercising (slowly) but until then I cope by weight lifting, ab-work, and I was just given the OK to swim with a flotation device. I’m really hoping this upper-body strengthening will make the transition back to running/high intensity cardio easier!
I would really love some insight on how to deal with injuries on an emotional level. I constantly feel like I’m gaining weight since I’m not running anymore, and it’s been difficult spending my last semester of college like this because running is what has always motivated me.
Thanks for all of the inspiration so far though, I would never have made it through 6 weeks already if it wasn’t for the blog world!
I had this exact injury my junior year in high school. Once you have a boot on, you’ll likely be able to ride a stationary bike, and even do some swimming. I recommend you use both of these.
In the meantime. . . yes, there will be some weight gain. This is called LIFE. But — you don’t have to gain a lot, provided you eat clean and reasonably, and you certainly can get back into shape in a few months. The comeback is also part of LIFE. You may even discover that you like weight training/biking/etc, and you’ll have a new interest. On the emotional level, try to treat your rest as part of your training for the future. You will face challenges like this, and worse than this later in your life. You can look back at this and learn for the future. This is truly the case — and least it is for me. The next time you face a tough spot, you can look back and say, “I went through xyz, and dealt with it, and made it through. I can handle this new challenge the same way.”
Rest up, heal, and you’ll be back to your old running soon enough.
Thank you so much! :)