Hello there!
Look at the gloomy and foggy weather we are having…

Also note, all the leaves are now off the trees… :(
This calls for some comfort food!
Here are my delicious vegan eats for my lunch today…

‘But How Do You Get Protein?’ Vegan Couscous Pita
Yes, I blatantly stole that name from Dreena Burton’s recipe in Eat Drink and Be Vegan. ;) Love it.
- High protein pita
- 1.5 cups couscous (thanks to Caitlin for inspiring me to try couscous, I’m now obsessed!)
- 1/2 cup homemade tomato sauce (tomato paste, canned tomatoes, onions, herbs, EVOO, sea salt)
- 1/2 cup corn
- 1 scoop hummus
- 1/4 cup black beans
- Black pepper, freshly ground
This is one of my new favourite combinations. The couscous pita has over 30 grams of protein! It fills me up for hours.
Dessert was my Vegan Pumpkin Pecan Pie:

You have to make this for Thanksgiving!!!!! It is so delicious. I am blown away by it. It’s even good cold! The great thing about this pie is that it has a great nutritional profile and lots of protein from the tofu.
No, pumpkin pie is not normally a part of my lunch, but when in Rome…
You catch my drift. ;)
I especially enjoyed the glazed pecans along the bottom of the crust:

The crust is maybe the yummiest crust I have ever tried. It actually has some ‘oomph’ to it!
Glo Bakery News:
- There are a few really exciting things going on with Glo Bakery at the moment. I can’t wait to tell you all about them. I wish there were 10 of me right now…
- Don’t forget today is the last day of the Healthy Holiday Lovers Glo Bar sale!!! Get em while you can! My orders for Christmas are coming in much faster than I expected this early on in the holiday season, so please get them in soon as I may have to cut them off in early December.
- For customers who have ordered and tried the Glo Bars: Can you tell me if there is an option to rate the bars in your account info page? Eric tells me there is but we haven’t had anyone submit a rating yet. Help is appreciated! For now, you can check out what Glo Bakery customers are saying about the bars here.
Vegan 4 A Week:
- Don’t forget to check out my guest post over at Silly Tater Tot where I talk about all of my favourite vegan baking tips!
See you tonight for snacks and dinner! :)
Are you doing vegan 4 A Day? How are you finding it?

I’m dying to try that pie. Any suggestions on how to make is gluten-free?
I love couscous, too. I actually do like the plumper Israeli couscous a little better. And those close shots of the pecans in the pie…oh dear, I’m drooling.
Hey Girl!
Im doing the vegan for a week challenge and love it!! Btw that pie looks out of this world fantastic. The cous cous is a cool idea for breakfast too! I usually eat it for lunch or dinner, but that picture looks amazing. Good luck on all your amazing projects too=)
have a great day!
I’m a vegan every day, so yeah, I’m doing vegan for a day :) And I just logged in to my Glo account to see if there was a review option I could find, but I’m not seeing anything. When I go to my account page it just shows the information of my last order. Good luck working that out!
ok i might copy your lunch! haha
its like your in the middle of a forest. I love it!
That pie looks so good. I haven’t tried cous cous, but i am loving quinoa!
I’m doing vegan for the day and its okay. But I messed up and ordered regular milk for my latte. Darn it will sit in the fridge until tomorrow.
Watching Food Inc will change anyone vegan! UGH!!!
Your lunch looks mighty tasty darling…
I will try it with Quinoa – did you know soaking your quinoa for 10 min at least before cooking provides you with more protien?? Easier to digest once soaked!! YUMMM
CousCous doesn’t like me..
blech, we’re having the same weather! it’s been rainy and gray here all day.
I’m doing it, and love it so far! I’m not sure I could jump right in…there would be a lot to figure out with meals and such with the husband, but it’s definitely making me think more about what I’m eating.
Your lunch looks fabulous and super filling! Great suggestion for a quick and easy meal!
I’m doing it! I’m a vegetarian but am trying vegan for a day. It’s been a sinch so far, but then again I’ve only had a green monster..
Yum!!! Definitely have to add that to my cooking repertoire!
I have a verrrry similar view from my window, if you were to swap the trees for streetcars!
The pita and the pie both sound delicious! I’m super excited for my Glo bars to arrive as well….thank you so much!!!
Your lunch looks FAB and has possibly inspired me to purchase some cous cous on my next grogery trip!
Reviews on the Globars is a positive- Eric was right!
I just did a review/rating on Refresh!
‘grocery’, that is!
I heart couscous!! I am vegan everyday, so today is not different.. lol BUT its so fun to read/look at all the yummy meals everyone in the blog is making!
Ps.. I get the “oh you must get no protein comment at least once a day”!
Ooh, I might have to run to the store and pick up some black beans and hummus so I can make that pita for lunch. I’m wanting to try baking the pie, but I’m not sure I can sell my family on something vegan for Thanksgiving…would have to make one for myself first, to taste-test and see if it would fool them…hmm…
Mmm, I love couscous! How great is it that it only takes like 5 minutes to cook? Your sandwich looks very filling and yummy. Your baking tips were awesome in the guest post. Thanks. :)
I love couscous. It is one of the easiest things to make and it is a no fail project. Have you tried the whole wheat couscous? I recently bought it and I hope it tastes the same.
As well, what type of “High Protein Pita’s” do you buy? Pita’s are so yummy but I never find them filling. Are they just from a local grocery store?
Happy Vegan eating
No i havent tried whole wheat- didnt even know there was WW!!! This is my first time eating it. I will definitely be exploring it more :) ~A
I cooked it tonight and I approve! It’s delicious… You should definitely try it (Bulk barn and Whole Foods)
Oh my…that close-up of the crust made my mouth water!!!
I have to stop myself from DROOLING over that delicious looking piece of pie! YUM!!!
I’m definitely interested in the vegan 4 a day challenge. I think I’ll give it a go some time this week!