There is nothing like coming home from a crummy night at work and seeing a PACKAGE from a dear friend! I love mail! :D
Leah sent me the most thoughtful gift, Christmas card, and note in the mail!
I don’t even think I took off my coat and shoes before I ripped it open!
Read this!!!

UK health bars!!! Score!!! :D
The loot:

I immediately had to rip one open and try them out of course!
I tried the Nakd Berry Cheeky bar:

Awesome ingredients!!

Wonder if I could make these??? heh

The taste?
The only way I can describe this bar is that it was like an explosion of fruit flavour (haha wait a minute, isn’t that a slogan for fruit roll-ups!?)!!!
A smorgasbord of nuts, fruit, and oats if you will.
The Raspberries and Strawberries were a very prominent taste of this bar.
I loved. every. bite. of. it.
This would be a perfect pre or post-workout snack! This whole bar is only 100 calories, making it a light and healthy pick-me-up.

It took all of my willpower not to rip open all of them! I have already packed one in my lunch tomorrow. :D
I love how it says: “Best Before: (your friend eats it!)” LOL…I have hid the rest in my desk drawer!!!
So after the thrilling package and new bar taste testing, I was in a festive mood for dinner. After a stressful and late night at work, I wanted CRUNCH and lots of flavour to satisfy my mind, body, and soul.
I decided to make my favourite dips the stars of the meal:
Black Bean Dip
Ok, Guacomole is also a favourite dip of mine, but I am out!
“Taco” Salad and Salsa Sandwich
1. Gather Mary’s Organic Crackers, romaine lettuce, tomato, and your favourite dips

2. Crush crackers and toss over lettuce. Chop tomato and toss over crackers. Add a few dollops of your favourite dips.
3. Add fresh, crushed pepper.

4. Toast 2 slices of Eziekel bread, add Tofurkey or sliced meat, spead on your favourite dips (I used again, salsa, hummus, black bean dips). Add romaine and sliced tomato.

5. Make sure the spreads ooze out of the side. :D

6. Add your favourite hot tea. (I used Gingerbread Spice! Eric got me on it this morning)

7. Eat up! YUM!

This dinner was so crunchy and satisfying! I LOVED Mary’s Organic Crackers as a super crunchy base to the taco salad.
Blog Domestics:
Just a note– I started working on the FAQ’s today!!! To my embarassment I had 30 pages of comments to go through! LOL. I made it half way through, just sorting them, and I will be posting the 6th installment of FAQ’s tomorrow. Stay tuned! I apologize for the delay.
From now on, when I get a question, I am going to file it in a separate spreadsheet to make my FAQ installment much more efficient! :)
After 2 days off running, I must say I am really looking forward to running tomorrow!! I will also be reviewing my new orthotics tomorrow. Hopefully they help!
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
– Hugh Downs
haha love that best before! and I love how you spell flavor..flavour! so sophistocated. Idk which is the right spelling? hmm
love your page! would you like to trade links? =)
“Best Before: (your friend eats it!)” is so FUNNY!!! Packages from friends are always fun, glad you enjoyed yours!!
I have lived in the UK for a year and have been trying to find good bars (minimal Larabar flavor selection)…I didn’t even know these bars existed, so THANK YOU for this post!!
Yippiee so glad that it arrived! I’m super excited that you like them as well. I am addicted to them.
Lara- you can buy the bars at Sainsburys, Tesco, and Boots.
I love surprises in the mail! Yay for good friends.
Those bars look great — and so does your din din!
Fabulous package and FOOOOOD!!!
those bars look awesome. I hope i can find them in NY!
I am hiring you as my nutritionist!
Your food looks much more appetizing than mine.
Can you get those bars in the states? hmmm..
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