I have to say, this blog series is so much fun to put together each week. Even though I reply to your comments and questions a couple of times each day on the blog, making this round-up inspires me to dig a bit deeper and try new things to help troubleshoot. I also learn so many interesting things from you all, and absolutely love sharing your tips for others to read! Let’s dive in, shall we?!

Q1. Hey Angela! With how popular superfood powders are, I’m curious if you consume any on a regular basis?
Hi Monika, I can’t say that I use many superfood powders! They tend to be expensive and I’d personally rather spend that money on quality produce. I also want my recipes to be accessible. That said, there are a couple I like to use: DoMatcha Organic Green Tea Powder (I make green tea lattes with it and add it to smoothies) and Sprout Living Broccoli & Kale Sprout Mix. The latter is a powder made from broccoli and kale sprouts that have been gently dried and milled—I also add this to smoothies for a plant-powered boost!
Q2. Your coffee always looks so delicious on Insta Stories! Do you mind sharing exactly how you make it (including the proportions used)? My track record isn’t that good when I “wing” a recipe!
That’s too funny, Susan—I’ve definitely had my own fair share of “winging it” disasters! I love to start my day with French press coffee, and have a couple different ways of making it. I’m not a coffee expert by any means, but I’m happy to share both ways that I prepare it!
Basic French press coffee:
I start by grinding coffee beans—I like the “Mug Shot” organic coffee from Toronto-based brand 23 Degrees Roastery, and find grinding the beans morning-of makes them extra fresh and flavourful. I scoop two heaping tablespoons of ground coffee into my small (2-cup/500 mL) French press (from Ikea). Next, I bring a small pot of water to a boil before turning off the heat to let the water sit for 15 seconds or so. Then I pour just enough water into the French press to saturate my coffee grounds before giving the mixture a stir. After this pre-soak, I add the rest of the hot water to the French press, filling to about a 1/2-inch below the top of the vessel. I secure the lid of the French press and set my timer for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, I press the coffee with the plunger and pour it into my mug before stirring in a mix of Nutpods French Vanilla Creamer and Califia Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk.
Blender coffee:
I follow all of the basic French press coffee-making steps above except for adding the creamer, and instead I pour the steeped coffee into my blender. Then I add 1/2 tablespoon of Nutiva’s MCT (Medium-chain triglyceride) oil along with a tablespoon of Nutpods French vanilla creamer. Finally, I secure the lid and blend the coffee for about 20 to 30 seconds (tip: make sure your blender lid is vented as it can explode if it’s not!). After blending, I pour into a mug and enjoy!
Full disclosure: When I need coffee yesterday (which is pretty much 98% of the time), I skip both the 15-second water resting and pre-soak periods, simply filling the French press with boiled water (this is technically a “no-no” as you can burn the coffee, but trust me when I say I’ve compared both methods and my sleepy taste buds tell me they’re virtually the same, lol). Then I follow the rest of the procedure as listed. On the average day, I like to have one of these in the morning, one in the afternoon (my caffeine cut-off is 3pm!), and a mild Matcha green tea thrown in between. #dontjudge ;)

Q3. Hi Angela, I want to make your new Easy Vegan Sugar Cookies as a surprise for my vegan husband. :) Instead of electric beaters, do you think I can blend the pink frosting in a food processor? Thanks!
Hi Nathalie, what a cute surprise for your husband! I wouldn’t have thought to make frosting in the food processor…such a fun idea! Your question made me super curious, so I just had to test it out in my food processor to see. I’m happy to report that the frosting came together quite well with this method. I tried adding the vegan butter first to “whip” it, but I found the butter just stuck to the sides of the processor bowl, so I’d recommend adding all of the ingredients into the processor at the same time. I also found that I needed to add a bit more almond milk than usual and had to stop to scrape the bowl down a few times throughout. I hope this helps you have pink frosting success!
Q4. Hi, is tomato paste the same as tomato purée?
Hey cb, Great question! Tomato purée and tomato paste are made using different methods, which accounts for their distinct flavours and textures. Tomato paste is made by cooking tomatoes slowly until they become thick and pasty, resulting in tomato paste’s sweet, rich, and intense flavour (similar to sundried tomatoes). Tomato paste tends to be sold in small cans or jars, whereas I find tomato purée is mostly sold in larger quantities. Tomato purée is made more quickly, cooking tomatoes briefly to soften before processing into purée, resulting in a thinner consistency and flavour more like that of fresh tomatoes. In the photo above, tomato paste is on the left and tomato purée is on the right. (A special thanks to Livestrong for the distinction.) With all this talk of tomato sauce, I’m now craving spaghetti squash with marinara! lol.

Q5. Hi! Your Roasted Carrot and Dill Hummus recipe sounds amazing!! Just wondering if it’s best made the day you want to eat it or just as good made the night before?
Hey Larissa, My recipe tester and I found the flavours were a bit better the day of, but it’ll still keep well in the fridge for 3 to 5 days. Homemade hummus thickens when chilling, so it’s probably best to let it come to room temperature before serving so your dip can soften (if you can wait that long!). :)
Q6. Hi Angela! I love the rebranding of the Friday FAQs series to “Ask Angela”—I think that’s a great idea! I’ve wanted to ask you for ages whether you have an Instant Pot and whether any of your recipes would be suited for it? What with this Instant Pot craze going on now, I’d love to be able to make your delicious recipes quickly in this new gadget!
Hey Sandra, ohh you know what? I’ve been asked this question a lot lately and it’s making me super curious about Instant Pots! I don’t have one as I’ve been trying to avoid purchasing another small appliance, but I have considered it. I’d love to hear about your own experience, though!
I’m also curious how many OSG readers use an Instant Pot these days, and would love to hear from you all in the comments!
Do you have one and would you recommend it (if so, which version/model do you have)? Have you tried any of my recipes in the Instant Pot successfully, and if so, which ones worked best? Would you like to see new Oh She Glows recipes developed specifically for use in an Instant Pot? Thank you so much for chiming in! I’ve been wanting to ask about this for a while. I may also do a poll on Insta Stories soon too. :)

“I love your 10-Spice Vegetable Soup! I found this recipe a year ago and make it about twice a month. It is so versatile. I can make it very spicy for our family or less spicy for those who do not love spicy food. I shared it with some co-workers and they love it too! Thanks so much for the amazing work you put into your site and recipes. We are paying attention and the world is getting healthier one recipe at a time thanks to you Angela! Keep up the great work!”
Hey Lyne, It really means the world to me to read this! I agree about how easy it is to customize the spice level in the 10-Spice Soup. I always add a lot more to my own portion (I’ve been known to dump it on!) because I can’t get enough of that intense flavour. Getting healthier one recipe at a time…I LOVE that!! Thank you.
I have an instant pot too. I use it for soups, beans, grains and I steam fresh eggs in it all the time (I know this is a vegan blog, but maybe there are some other egg eaters who like your recipes out there). We have chickens and if you boil fresh eggs, you can’t get the shells off easily. Using the instant pot with a steamer basket I get peelable eggs the same day we pick them up.
Hi Angela, I too am an Instant Pot convert and lover! I received mine as a house warming gift from my sweet brother. It’s been just about 2 years since I’ve had it and there hasn’t been a week go by that I haven’t used it! I make your hearty beet soup in it and it comes out perfectly. I love it for dried beans and oat groats for porridge, rice cooks up soft and fluffy and no sticking to the bottom. You can steam whole yams and potatoes in it, in just a matter of minutes. I have a small cookbook that came with the IP, but not a lot of good recipes in it. Also I found you really have to play around with the cooking times. Example they will say cook kidney beans 30 mins. If that was done there would be nothing but mush in the pot! I usually cook the harder beans 4 minutes. I find it’s like anything in the kitchen it’s trial and error. That being said, I haven’t made anything in my IP that I have had to through out!!!! Love it and highly recommend for busy families. My kids are all grown and just my husband and myself at home, but with being plant based I use it constantly. Yeah for the Instant Pot!!!!
I would love to see some Instant Pot recipes. Our Instant Pot is a relatively new addition to our family. I purchased it mainly because it is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, and rice maker all-in-one (however if you are making a recipes that is served over rice, then you still need to pull out the old rice cooker)! I like that I can use it as a slow cooker if I have time to throw a meal together in the morning, however, if I forget too… I can use it as a pressure cooker and still make the planned meal. So far, I use it to make soups, stews and rice. However, I am planning to use it to can items this summer from the garden. Some fermented recipes would be nice too!
Not to offend anyone (but this may be helpful to someone), but my husband is a subsistence hunter here in Alaska. The Instant Pot is a game changer for wild game! I can make him an incredible bear stew in an HOUR! It usually takes 10-12 hours. I throw in lots of veggies which he likes… and he really liked fresh ground turmeric in the last batch.
Hi Angela. I have a new 6qt Instant pot (Christmas gift) and I LOVE IT! I use it all the time and I live alone! I also make your recipes all the time (love the glowing spiced lentil soup) but haven’t tried any in the instant pot… would love to but I’m so new at the instant pot I’m not confident enough yet to improvise. Would love to see some IP recipes. I have your cookbooks and use your app the most. Love your stuff!
Hi Angela,
I’m loving the return of Friday FAQs/Ask Angela. I love unwinding on my lunch break at work reading the weekly post.
I have a question about your Nut-Free Dream Bars from OSG Everyday–do you have any swaps for brown rice syrup in the crust? Every grocery store in my city is out of stock, and I want to make the bars for my mom’s birthday this weekend.
Hey Amanda, I’m so happy you look forward to the series every Friday…picturing you reading over lunch makes me so happy!
That’s a great question about the BRS in the crust. I used it here because BRS is the most “sticky” and “binding” of liquid sweeteners. So if you swap it with maple syrup the crust will crumble or shatter when slicing (not the end of the world probably but it would be messy to eat). I also find honey, while thicker, doesn’t bind as well as BRS. I’m sorry I don’t have a better solution for you!
I received an Instant Pot for Christmas and LOVE it….when I have the right recipe. It’s been challenging to find trusted recipe developers (like yourself!) with IP recipes. I’m determined to come up with a big list of tried and true recipes before our 2nd baby arrives in August because its so nice to let it cook while I clean all the dishes and dinner is done fast!
That’s such a great idea Stacy!! The IP would’ve helped us with the new baby transition big time, I’m sure! And thank you for the recipe love…so flattered you trust my recipes so much. :)
I received an Instant Pot this winter and am still getting used to it! I would LOVE to see some recipes from you that are IP friendly! I mostly make your recipes for dinner and I will say that the times I have used the IP for dinner it has made my life easier! I’ve been using it a lot to prepare grains, quinoa, and lentils. I actually used it last night to prepare the lentils for your Fusilli Lentil-Mushroom Bolognese from Oh She Glows Everyday.
I have an instant pot and it makes my life soooo much easier between cooking me rice and giving me the ability to skip soaking beans before I use it (or soaking it for only while the rice is cooking, then popping it in). I would love to see some recipes for it should you get it. Especially oil-free ones. Thanks!
Hello Angela, I accidentally came upon the Instant Pot a few days ago when shopping for a pressure cooker to make some Indian dishes in. The sales lady talked me into it saying that there were tons of recipes everywhere and it had a “cult” following. So I went to the bookstore to find one of the many cookbooks but I was underwhelmed. Your cookbooks are my “go-to’s” and I was really wishing for a combination of your recipes with the Instant Pot and then voilá, I open this blog today! I would love anything you could do for the Instant Pot. I just started with it so I don’t have much feedback but I would be happy to be a tester for you. Once I get to know the pot I will start to incorporate trying some of your recipes with it. Thank you!
I’m so happy to hear the level of trust you have in my recipes, Raisha! That means the world to me. Thank you for all your support! And thank you for offering to be a tester…I would definitely need a few IP testers I’m sure!
I don’t have an IP and I don’t even want one! Being a whole-foods vegan may be time consuming, but I like to feel that connection to my food. I have two kids, a husband who travels a lot and things can get pretty busy in the evening – sometimes I have to pre-plan a few meals but it’s always worth it. I haven’t had a microwave in over 12 years either!
Do you eat raw? The Instant Pot is just another way to cook food, and it is a great time-saver for families with children. The biggest plus, for me, is that it keeps my food warm if I am not right there when it is finished cooking. With two children and a husband who is not always available, you don’t have to worry about something burning if the little ones need your attention!
Hi Angela, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see some OSG recipes converted to Instant Pot. I’m pretty new to IPs, just got one this Christmas, but I love it. I’ve done some soups, quinoa, risotto, and pasta dishes, and baked potatoes in it at this point. It’s such a nice way to set it and forget it! By the way, it’s a Canadian invention and company I believe!
I use an instant pot all the time. It helps to keep the kitchen cool in the summer too. I can saute and dump and 50 minutes later have soup with beans from scratch in it. I usually make beans every weekend.. and can do this in small batches (for hummus, for refried beans, for black beans etc.). The only item I have issues with is oatmeal and brown rice. I just use a rice cooker and make a large batch of oatmeal on the stove top.
I’m obsessed with my instant pot / pressure cooker. I have a Fagor electric pressure cooker and love it. I use it to cook beans and grains super quickly as well as one pot meals in a fraction of the time of stovetop. I would LOVE to see instant pot recipes!
Hi Angela!!! Love all your recipes. Seriously, my sis and I have cooked through most of your cookbooks and a good part of your blog and app. Also, as a dietitian I recommend your recipes/books/app to SO many of my clients.
Quick question – any particular reason you use MCT oil? Is it for tatse, to add creaminess to the coffee or for specific nutritional reasons? Just curious.
All the best!
Thank you so much for sharing what I do with your clients Ilona! As for MCT oil, I like it because it creates a really creamy and rich blended coffee.
I have an instant pot and love it so much. It gets used so for many things: soups, stews, all kinds of beans and grains, beets, other misc. vegetables. Please look into adapting your great recipes to the iPot.
I just got my Instant Pot a few weeks ago! I have the 8qt duo. So far I like it, though I’ve mostly made staples like dry beans, rice, oatmeal, etc. in it so far. I haven’t tried any OSG recipes in it because I’m still learning how to use it, and I don’t really know how to adapt recipes to it yet. But I would LOVE it if you included some Instant Pot cooking tips in your recipes!
Hi Angela,
I am trying to convert my partner and I to a plant-based diet and I would love to see more Instant Pot recipes. Working FT and being in charge of our meal plan, prep and cooking is a huge job. I love your recipes and would love to be able to convert them or use my Instant Pot to make more than just Buddha bowl fare.
We LOVE your blog and cookbooks! We actually recently purchased an InstantPot Duo and have used it a few times. We’d LOVE to see some InstantPot recipes here :)
Love my Instant Pot. I use this several times a week and can’t wait to see recipes from you!
I got an Instant Pot as a gift from my mother in law this past Christmas and so far I love using it, but the recipes I’ve found for it have been pretty terrible. I would LOVE to see some Instant Pot recipes from you!! (Or even just some conversions.) Your recipes are my #1 go-to anytime I have time to cook, and I was so happy to receive the Instant Pot because I thought it would make cooking easier and quicker. So far, it hasn’t, but that’s mostly because the Instant Pot recipes I’ve found are extremely complicated and just treat the pot as a replacement stove top device rather than a quick-cooker. Doesn’t make anything quicker, just makes you stand in front of a different device and for longer! Love your recipes & love these “Ask Angela” posts, very useful!
Hey Maggie, I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy these posts…they are so fun to put together. :) And I totally get what you’re saying about wanting to find IP recipes that stay simple and fast! For me the IP recipe would need a true purpose, such as why wouldn’t I just make this on the stovetop? and it would have to be a worthwhile time saver :)