Good afternoon!
Well it took me 2.5 hours to get into work this morning! ARGH!!! It was horrible. One road in particular took me a good 40 mins. to move about 2 intersections. These commutes are reminding me why I left the job to find something closer. I hope the way home isn’t as bad. It has stopped snowing so let’s hope the roads are clear.
For those of you who didn’t see, I was featured on Kath Eats this morning modeling a KERF tee that I bought to support her website! Exciting stuff!

For full Valentine’s Day contest details see here!
I have been getting lots of questions about what exactly constitutes a healthy Valentine’s Day recipe. I should have clarified this to make things a bit easier on you!
Let me be clear– the entire recipe does NOT have to be healthy in all forms! Heck, it is Valentine’s Day!
The point of the contest is to take a traditionally unhealthy Valentine’s Day recipe and modify one or more ingredients to make it healthier.
Did you substitute pureed zucchini for oil?
Dark chocolate chips for regular chocolate chips?
Pomegranate seeds for red m&m’s?
All of these represent healthy modifications! Get creative! Remember red & pink colours are a bonus! :)
And now for another Afternoon Powersnack recipe!
This submission comes all the way from Denmark from the lovely Julie!

1 dl brown flaxseeds
2 dl golden flaxseeds
5 dl water
½ red bellpepper
2 large tomatoes
½ dl sundried tomatoes (not in oil), optional
2 tsp fresh parsley
3 tsp dried basil
1 small clove of garlic
S&P to taste
The flaxseeds are soaked in the water while the rest is prepared. Sundried tomatoes are soaked in 1 dl extra water for a couple of minutes. Bellpepper, tomatoes and garlic is cut into small pieces. Drain the sundried tomatoes. Combine everything in a blender, and blend until a slimy texture is reached, and tomato, bellpepper and garlic is very finely blended. The mixture is spread on two baking trays in a very thin layer – as thin as possible, if you want the crackers really crispy. Cut the mixture in squares by sliding a wet knife through it in a checkered pattern. Bake them at 125 degrees Celsius with a slightly open oven door for a couple of hours – keep an eye on them! It is somewhere between 1½ and 3 hours, depending on your oven, and how crispy you like them. Store in airtight container once cooled of.
Note. dl = A decilitre is 1/10th of a litre, or 100 mls (millilitres) or just under half a cup (0.40 cups). See here for more info.
These look yummy, I can’t wait to try!
The greatest motivational act one person can do for another is to listen.
~Roy Moody
Love that!!!!
PS- Hey guys!
I have been updating my blogroll- if you would like your blog on it please email me [email protected]! Sorry I am slow at these things!!!
Great recipe!! :) Cute video, look at all the snow!!!! :)
Cute shirt! Thanks for giving us more details on the contest. It sure makes it a lot easier to know that the recipe doesn’t have to be completely healthy! Now I just have to get my thinking cap on!
I love that you’re the KERF Model now!
What a terrible commute! Sitting in traffic is just awful :(
Great cracker recipe and you look so cute in that tshirt! btw I accepted your green monster challenge and posted my experience on the blog today!! my smoothie wasn’t bright green like yours!!!
those are so intriguing!!
I love seeing all the powersnacks again!