Good afternoon!
Did anyone have an afternoon powersnack today? I sure did. I had a Key Lime Pie Larabar! My stock is quickly depleting. I am going to be so sad when it runs out. I think I have 3-4 left :(
Today I decided to post Kath’s afternoon powersnack submission called ‘Afternoon Cobbler” I can’t wait to make this recipe!
Afternoon Cobbler

1 cup frozen mixed berries
1/4 a cup pancake mix
1 oz milk
A splash of egg white
About 3 tbsp rolled oats
Sweetener if you like (a tsp of sugar, maple or honey)

Defrost and heat 1 cup frozen berries in a small oven-proof bowl so they are hot. Drain off liquid. Combine pancake mix, milk, egg white, rolled oats and sweetener (if using) in a bowl. Pour topping over berries. Bake for 10 minutes at 400*.

Yum! Looks delicious :D Thanks Kath.
Celebrity Weight Gain Rant
I am sure that you have all seen the tabloids this week on Jessica Simpson’s alleged weight gain. It literally disgusts me how women are treated in society today, especially celebrities. I know that everyone says if celebrities don’t like being in the spotlight, they can get out of it, but no one deserves that kind of treatment!
Yes, I know she has made a lot of her money based on her body (Dukes of Hazzard, anyone), but I still don’t think any reason gives justification to put someone down.
We are all human, we all feel like crap when we gain weight, and we especially don’t want people commenting on it.
Jessica has gone though some tough times since her divorce and who knows what else she is going through. I am personally not a fan of hers, but I can totally feel for the girl. It is no wonder that so many girls are growing up in today’s world with a completely skewed perception of their own and others bodies.
Why can’t we just be at peace?
Injury update:
I am still sore! :( I guess I must have done something pretty bad if I am still feeling sore. I think this week I may try doing some light yoga again and stretching. I miss running + exercise so much!!! This is the longest I have gone without exercise since I was a teenager!
Eric and I did get out yesterday for a short walk to enjoy the beautiful weather! It was so gorgeous outside. It felt nice to be out and about and get some vitamin D.
Contest Update:
Get working on those Healthy Valentine’s Recipes! I am so excited for this contest! I will be posting all the entries in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day so we can all get some great ideas for desserts + meal ideas.
No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
~Barbara De Angelis
All those afternoon powersnacks look so good!
I agree! People have just gone NUTS with this story. I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels having her face plastered all over magazines due to the fact that her body has changed a little bit. It’s shameful really…
Anyways, Kath’s cobbler looks great (but when doesn’t her food!?). I’ll have to give that one a try sometime soon before an exam to “power” me up!
That whole Jessica Simpson thing was so sad! She is human for gosh sakes!!
I too feel horrible for Jessica Simpson, it is a total shame that people seem to have so MUCH time on their hands to worry about someone elses weight/life!!!
YUMMY afternoon cobbler!!!!
I agree totally! I think Jessica looks great with her curves!
Sorry to hear your injury is still bothering you! :o(
I need to remember that cobbler recipe for the future! A “dessert” that’s wholesome enough for a snack? Sounds perfect for me!
P.S. Awesome quote.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re still sore. I can’t imagine how badly you miss the exercise since you were completely devoted to it before. Hang in there!!!
At least you only have 4 more days of work! yay!
I also love the quote.
Take care!
Hi Angela,
I would like to see more of what you eat all day. Seems like all you post is your morning smoothys. Could you do more dinners and lunches?
oh my gosh that cobbler looks so good! and so easy!! That looks perfect for a cold afternoon with a cup of tea.
Mmm, the cobbler looks good!
I can’t wait to make this cobbler! It looks so good!
I think its horrible how they are reacting to Jessica Simpson. I didn’t even notice she had gained weight!
Jessica Simpson does not look that bad at all