Last night, Ange and Karly came over for dinner and we enjoyed a Mexican themed dinner party! I was looking for a dinner that could be prepared ahead of time and was laid back & fuss-free…Mexican food fit the bill. This week has been insanely busy with bakery orders, so I needed something that would be delicious, but not take up too much time.
I made a DIY burrito station…

I know it looks like a lot of work, but it wasn’t that bad! I cooked the lentils and beans the night before and the speltberry salad was also already made.
The great thing about this dinner is that I prepared everything ahead of time except for the guacamole which I prepared just before serving. The rest was completely finished and wrapped up in the fridge by 9am yesterday! You can’t have a lower stress dinner than that. :)

Mmm, it’s making me hungry just thinking about it! Good thing there are leftovers for my lunch today. ;)

Mexican Dinner Party Vegan Burritos
Serves 4-6 people
What You’ll Need: (I will link to the recipes I used)
- Pico De Gallo & Guacamole
- Back on Track II Spelt Berry Salad
- Homemade taco seasoning
- Lentil-Walnut Taco Meat (below)
- Spiced Black Beans (2 cups cooked black beans + 1-2 tsp taco seasoning)
- Daiya Cheese or other vegan cheese
- Salsa
- Shredded lettuce
- My favourite hummus
- Tortilla wraps (I used Food for Life GF) & corn chips
Preparation: I prepared everything the morning of and placed them in air-tight containers in the fridge. Just before serving, I made the Guacamole.

Lentil-Walnut Taco Meat II
Adapted from my first version.
Yield: ~ 2.5-3 cups
- 1 cup dry lentils
- 3 cups veggie broth or water
- 1 & 1/3 cup walnut halves, toasted
- 1 cup bean medley (chickpeas, kidney beans, etc)
- Homemade Taco seasoning, to taste
Directions: Cook the lentils in about 3 cups or so of vegetable broth or water until tender, about 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, toast your walnuts on baking sheet in a preheated oven at 300F for 10 minutes. Drain lentils and place lentils, beans, and walnuts in food processor. Add homemade taco seasoning to processor, starting with a teaspoon at a time. Process for just a few seconds, until chunky. You don’t want to over-process it. Taste and add more taco seasoning, repeat until desired taste is achieved. Just before serving dinner, heat a skillet with 1 tbsp olive oil in it, and add lentil taco meat. Heat and serve.

We had a grand ‘ol time and the burrito station was a big hit! The burrito fillings were also great to make a big salad with. I think I will be doing that for lunch today. :)

For dessert, I made vegan chocolate cupcakes with almond ‘buttercream’ and toasted coconut. They were awesome! I loved the toasted coconut on top…it really took the cupcake to a new level.

The girls each brought me some gorgeous flowers!!! I got spoiled. :) Aren’t they gorgeous?

I was told that I have to keep them alive until at least my birthday weekend May 14th. ;)

After Ange and Karly left, Eric and I watched American Idol that we taped (Go Haley!!) and I did some Vegetable Gardening reading while Eric did deck planning…

My mom gave me this book a couple years ago…how did she know that I would one day build my own vegetable garden? :) Moms are the best!
I am extremely amazed by all the gardening info that I am coming across! There is soooo much to learn and read up on. While it feels a bit overwhelming, I am extremely excited to start a garden. I could really see this becoming a huge hobby and passion of mine.
I loved this quote from Shannon the other day, “Gardening is a learning experience. Trial and error. Even the most experiences gardeners have failures and successes.” and like Karly said last night, it is better to try than to never try at all!
Many of you have also recommended the Square Foot Gardening book, so I might check that out this weekend.
Have a great Friday!
I love a fun fiesta – especially with fresh pico de gallo. I know everyone says this, but guacamole is my specialty. And now it can be yours!
I love to eat Mexican, what a great idea to prepare a lentil-walnut taco meat. I should try it. Talking about AI they have talent this year.
I want to come to this dinner party!
this post has my name ALLL OVER IT!!
I love dinners like that! Good luck at gardening…I need to start reading up too! My mom also got me an organic gardening book. :)
How long did it take you to prepare all of this ahead of time?? :-o Looks amazing :)
I cooked the lentils, chickpeas etc, the night before so that saved lots of time. In the morning, I think it took me about 1 hour or so…not including the photography. The spelt berry salad was also already made.
Wow, that’s impressive :) It’s smart to cook the night before…
Did you serve the beans and lentils heated?
Thanks :)
Burrito buffet! What a great idea! I love homemade Mexican dinners. Salsa, and tortilla chips, and guacamole, oh my! Great way to get ready for warmer weather!
The flowers that your girls brought you are B-E-A-utiful. Lucky gal! I love mexican food! So many good tastes come through in a Mexican dish!
Happy Friday :)
Thank you again so much for dinner Ange!! It was delicious and I will gladly bring you more flowers for your garden if you keep making food like that!!! My cupcake is in my lunch today! :)
ALl looks so yummy! I have made Italian the last 2 nights. Maybe tonight is Mexican food night, hmmmmm. :D
I love burrito night — we do that at least once per week! Not as many options as you have though :)
I’m excited to see how your garden progresses!
I might just have to pick up that gardening book too. I need all the help I can get!
Now I’m craving a burrito!
Yum! I am trying hard to incorporate more vegan treats with a ton of push back from the boyfriend! Maybe I can get him to try this taco “meat.” It looks awesome!
Where did you get the cupcake papers?
I think I got them at Goulda’s Kitchen store :)
That burrito bar looks amazing! I might have to try that. I’ve never had hummus on a burrito before, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. Maybe hummus with a little cumin or chili powder or something…
Love build your burritos, especially for dinner parties. Everyone gets exactly what they want! I did this on New Years Eve, and I always go the salad route, since I can’t do rice. I actually prefer it to the burrito now.
I agree!
ohh i forgot the RICE! hehe…I think we still made do. ;)
You have some lucky friends, that whole spread looks beautiful and delicious! :D
How fun! I make Mexican fiestas like this too and my fiance always comments that there are “a lot of vessels” because he is in charge of the dishes :). You’re right though, it looks like a lot more work (to cook, at least) than it actually is.
I was wondering- in your opinion, is Daiya worth buying? Does it taste like real cheese in your opinion? I love cheese, but I have been swaying back and forth about it lately. Daiya is expensive by me, so I want to be sure before I commit.
We only buy Daiya once in a blue moon for a special treat. I don’t think it should be a staple in my diet, but it is fun sometimes.
Eric and I LOVE making grilled cheese sandwiches with it. It is a bit difficult with the shredded cheese (does it come in solid form?), but we make it work. Slather bread with earth balance and place on skillet. Eric says he cant tell the difference! It is amazing.
With that being said, once the bag is opened it does not last long and will go bad fairly quickly, so that is a downfall.
Definitely don’t get Follow Your Heart – yuck! I took one bite and almost gagged. I had to throw it out, and at $4.30, that was a big deal. I don’t know about Daiya.
all that food looks so delicious! Wish I could have some for lunch! ha.
I can’t wait to have a yard to start my own garden! In the meantime, I’ll just help my mom!
Ahh I did the exact same thing for dinner last night I love mexican create your own fajita dinner sooo yummy… and I would love if you would share any gardening tips you might have I am trying to grow a garden this year in pots and I have no idea what im doing!
I will share my tips for sure! :)