Good afternoon!
Good news– the highlights were a success! I have found a new hair salon. It was perfect– everything about it from the stylist, to the environment, to the zero wait time even though I got there 20 mins. early!! You just can’t beat that. The salon was also only a 20 min. drive from my house (in the serene countryside to boot- no highways required!)
And like my dear friend Leah reminded me this morning, “Remember what Kim Cattral said in Sex And The City….’A woman should never feel bad about spending money on her hair because it makes you feel fabulous!” And fabulous I do feel. :)
My hair was looking so tired and dull from the winter. This was just the pick me up I needed!

My sister Kristi and I like to joke that our natural hair colour is ‘dish water blonde’ LMAO

Aveda Happy! Who hoo!
You can’t put a price on feeling great about yourself when you walk out that door.
Ok, maybe you can. The full highlights (2 colours) came to $150 (including tip)…..this tends to be the norm for me no matter what salon I go to because my hair is so long!
Like I said, I have tried to do my own colour before and it was a DISASTER. It was so bad I had to go to the salon to fix it anyways!
Thanks for the tip Katy about the Aveda schools…I’m not sure if there is one near me but I will definitely look into it!
So this means I definitely blew the budget this week. Thankfully I only have to get my colour done every 3 months or so. So if I look at it this way, that is only $1.60 a day. I don’t ever buy tea or coffee or lunches out, so I guess my hair can be my daily indulgence. ;)
This week’s expenses:
Groceries $100
- Included out of the ordinary things such as a digital thermometer ($15), some personal items, and we bought bulk for sale items
- For example, organic apples were on sale for $1.29/lb. so I bought 14 of them! This will last 2 weeks or more.
- The bruised bananas were 50% off so I bought about 10 (the more bruised the better for smoothies and baking!)
- I also bought 2 bags of frozen fruit (lots of money up front but saves money overall!)
- I also bought regular organic carrots instead of baby organic carrots (they are much cheaper! and now that I will be home I will have the extra time to prepare them)
- I didn’t buy one Larabar!!! Go me!
- I am going to start making my own Larabars again, as well as hummus and bread.
- $31
Subway (Eric)
- $8
Full Highlights
- $150
Week’s TOTAL expenses: $289
Well this week would have been pretty reasonable had it not been for my hair!
Next week will have another out of the ordinary expense (Valentine’s Day) but I already have a great cost efficient idea (stay tuned!) We are also using a gift card for our dinner out! :D whoooo!
See you tonight for my favourite Oatmeal Raisin cookie recipe!!! Of course I had to do some baking for our guests tonight. ;)
I can’t believe I haven’t posted this recipe before.
I must apoligize to you all for keeping this wonderful cookie recipe from you. This one should not be hidden!
“While we flatter ourselves that things remain the same, they are changing under our very eyes from year to year, from day to day.”
~Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Great highlights!!! I’ll have pics of mine on Wed :)
Gorgeous hair! You totally deserve this little indulgence!
love the hair, I have a question. I am so inspired about your keeping track of spending that I have decided to do it myself. Hubby and I are trying to save, save, save, but I have a question is there a number you are trying to spend weekly, monhlty,daily??? I want to do this in hopes that helps us be accountable to our spending.