Good morning!
Sorry about my lack of post last night. We were doing renos until about 1am! We got so much done in the family room, I can’t wait to post pictures. We are going to be ready to paint the primer coat this weekend I think. We just have to decide what colour paint we want to do the family room. We are going to try and pull a neutral colour from the bricks in the fireplace probably.
Last night I was reading my Nutrition and Wellness Textbook and I read something that I knew I had to share with you all:
“The first and most important step for making lifestyle changes is training the mind. Changing your mind involves changing your self-awareness, attitude, self-esteem, focus, and capacity to set goals. Beginning an exercise program or a healthy eating plan with a fit mind ensures success.”
“The term mental fitness means a fit, healthy and balanced mind. A mind that is open to learning new ideas and positive change. A ‘fit’ mind does what is best for the body. It involves a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem. A person with a fit mind focuses on the task at hand and sets goals for success.”
“What can we do on a personal level to create change?
- Identify and change habitualy negative thoughts about your body. On average, people have 50,000 thoughts per day and approximately 80% of those are negative and 70-80% are the same thoughts we had yesterday (!!!!!). Think of how many thoughts that amounts to in a lifetime.”
“Body Affirmations: Happy Thoughts
- I am unique and precious human being, always doing the best I can and always growing in wisdom and love.
- I make my own decisions and assume responsibility for any mistakes. However, I refuse to feel shame and guilt about them. I do the best I can. That is 100% good enough.
- I take great pride in what I do, what I value, and the way I live because I truly believe in myself. My mistakes and setbacks do not make me a failure. They only prove that I am human. It is wonderful to be human.”
That last affirmation really struck me hard last night!! It was just what I touched on in my confession post. The text encourages one to repeat these affirmations each day as many times as needed. In the book, there is a whole page of affirmations. I may share mor as I see fit. :)
My question to you this morning is: Do you think you have a fit mind? Were you surprised by the high estimation of negative thoughts that we have each day? Do you think that is true for yourself? Are you working to change your thoughts?
I will admit that I have always struggled with negative thoughts, even to this day. I have gotten much better at dismissing my negative thoughts than I used to be, but I still know that I have a long way to go.
What I find works for me is to challenge negative thoughts.
For example, if I have a negative thought like, “I will never be able to run and train for a marathon again”
I try to counter that by saying ‘Listen Debbie Downer, you don’t know that. You are doing all the right steps by resting your injury and feeding your body healthy food so that it can repair itself. Once you are healed you will ease back into it and hopefully be able to train again. But if you can’t, you will be fine. There are tons of other fun ways to exercise and set goals!”
Night time snacking
First off, thank you to everyone for taking the time to comment after my Confession post last night. Your support and positivity is so amazing. I said in a reply in the comments section
“I never said the road to health wouldn’t have potholes!!”
I really like this analogy. :) I really think it is true. There will be bumps along the road- weight gain, injuries, decreased motivation, etc. That is life! What matters is what we do with these challenges- Don’t give up!!!!
I have also decided that for the time being I am going to log my night time snacks as a way to stay accountable in my efforts to reduce mindless eating.
I will start with last night:
- After dinner I had a small piece of my banana bread with vegan margarine spread for dessert
- Around 8:30-9pm I had 2 kiwis
- I also had a tiny tiny bite of a cookie I made for the boys. I was really proud of myself for not having a cookie because they were delicious looking (pics to come!). I also didn’t eat any cookie dough which I usually do. :D
All in all last night was a big success! I am feeling better already. I figure a few more days of being mindful of snacking and I will be back to my old self. Sometimes a bit of weight gain serves as a needed kick in the butt to jump start our health goals and reaffirm that this is indeed a life long journey and not a quick fix.

I am wearing one of my favourite pieces of clothing here: A BCBG dress bought from the BCBG discount store specifically for my honeymoon! It was regular $300+ and I got it for under around $80.

Love the back! I feel like a million bucks in it.
I loved reading all of your fav. articles of clothing too!
Another one of mine is my wedding dress and my black stilettos frm Aldo.
By the way, don’t forget to enter Fit Gear Contest #2!
Ok, I beter get cracking. Time for an energizing green monster with Strawberries and Kiwi!
“A waist is a terrible thing to mind.”
you are so lucky you didnt gain weight on your honeymoon. i too exercised (i think i ran 5 days out of honeymoon) but i still gained four pounds! bletch… but i weighed myself last night and i am BELOW my wedding weight now!! yayyyyy!!
i think negative thought prevention is very important. it makes such a big difference on my attitude when i think positively. :)
love that dress — gorgeous!
I most definitely do not have a fit mind. At all. I’m meeting a few new people today, and rather than thinking about how fun its going to be, I keep thinking about how I’m going to be the fattest one there by far, and how funny I’ll look.
I gotta get working on that negative thought thing…
Woo hoo y’all are knocking that room out!!
I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better. Sadly, I was not surprised by the high percentage of negative thoughts people in general have. I some people are probably more aware of them than others though.
Beautiful dress! BCBG really knows how to do it! :)
Wow 80% negative thoughts that is amazing. I personally had a light bulb go on for me related to this the past 2 weeks. I have been so up and down with weight my whole life that I knew my issue was not the food or dieting but my mind! This is what caused my binges and one day a couple of weeks ago I was like ok thats it I’m going to start thinking positive and I have been binge free for 2 weeks and lost a few pounds at the same time. Although my main focus is just my mind and binging right now the weight loss is an added bonus :)
I love love love that dress! BCBG has the most amazing dresses and the outlets are alway fully stocked with great deals on the dresses. i always go there first when looking for a dress for a special occasion.
i loved your post yesterday ang, it really hits home. you really know how to connect with your readers and i’m so proud of you for writing about your feelings. i have been feeling like ive been letting “loose” a ilttle too much lately too. I need to make treats exactly what they are meant to be. “treats”. and not supposed to indulge every single day multiple times a day. I am good with the exercises, but I really want to start focusing on my nutrition and food intake and see some changes happen! you are so wonderful and the blogworld is LUCKY to have you here :) xoxo
ive been thinking about the negative thoughts thing too.. and i wouldnt mentally beat up a friend the way i usually talk about myself.. so im going to make it a habit to try and be nice to myself more often!
however… i love the dress.. too bad my girls wouldnt fit in there! barely cover them!
Hooray for thinking positively!!
Gorgeous dress!!
Kudos to you for you confession. We’ve all been there, including me. You caught it in time and are ready to nip it in the butt. I’m not surprised about the number of negative thoughts people have a day. We need to be mindful of them and ready to get rid of them when they come. I love visiting your blog.
That is a pretty dress!
Glad you are feeling back on track!
Angela? Can I just say how refreshing it has been to read your last two posts. Sometimes I think you’re superwoman. I don’t know how you can stay so on-track. all the time Don’t let not running for a while set you back, you’re still a beautiful blonde blogger :-) Just think, the most dangerous night time snacks (those vending machine candy bars) are far away in your past. Having some healthy banana bread now will just fuel your future runs.
I hope your 80% negative thoughts at 0% today.
Kelly’s Belly
Love your BCBG dress, so amazing! I also eat desert everyday, my dad jokes that he grew up in a Scottish household (his parents are from Edinburgh) and desert is the main course!
Great post today! I do have a negative mind a lot of times that I really need to work on. You are also so right about bumps along the road! Very true for me this past week. The only thing to do is stay postitive and start over the next day. Love the dress too!!!
I’m a new reader to your blog and just wanted to tell you that you are such an inspiration! You have such an awesome and positive attitude! I can’t wait to read more from you.
Great post today! I agree, you have to have a healthy mind when you take on a new healthy lifestyle!
Negative thoughts come and go. The key for me is to not let them stay and to not focus on them!
You look rockin’ in your dress!
That dress is too cute, I have never had anything that exposes my back.Maybe I should all your stuff is too cute!
I love the dress!
I most definitely do not have a fit mind. At all. I’m meeting a few new people today, and rather than thinking about how fun its going to be, I keep thinking about how I’m going to be the fattest one there by far, and how funny I’ll look.
I gotta get working on that negative thought thing…
Angela? Can I just say how refreshing it has been to read your last two posts. Sometimes I think you’re superwoman. I don’t know how you can stay so on-track. all the time Don’t let not running for a while set you back, you’re still a beautiful blonde blogger :-) Just think, the most dangerous night time snacks (those vending machine candy bars) are far away in your past. Having some healthy banana bread now will just fuel your future runs.
I hope your 80% negative thoughts at 0% today.
Kelly’s Belly