I was yearning for a low-cal, low-fat yet delicious pumpkin muffin– one that could be dressed up with icing for a decadent dessert or eaten plain with breakfast or for a light snack.
So I went looking through various pumpkin recipes and decided that none of them provided what I was looking for- wholesome nutrition with minimal fat!
And so I developed this recipe in the kitchen tonight.
Almost Nuttin But Pumpkin Muffins
- 1 and 3/4 cup pumpkin puree
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup applesauce
- 1/2 cup light margarine spread
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups whole-wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1-2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon
1. In a large bowl, beat pumpkin, sugar, light margarine spread, and applesauce. Add eggs and mix well.

2. In a different bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and spices. Mix together. Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and beat only until well blended. Do not overmix. Use a spoon to drop mixture into greased muffin tin.

3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 15 minutes.

Makes approximately 20 muffins.

Each muffin has approximately:
- 115 calories
- 2 grams of fibre
- 2 grams of protein
- 2.6 grams of fat
Not too shabby!
These muffins are not your typical sugary muffin. In my opinion, muffins are not supposed to be very sweet, but instead should taste wholesome. And these muffins certainly do. :)
Try adding walnuts for some healthy fat. I would have added 1 cup-1/2 cup of walnuts but I didn’t have any on hand.
I might try making a low-fat pumpkin icing tomorrow as well. If that goes well, you could have a healthy pumpkin muffin with a little icing all for under 175 calories. Not bad for a dessert!
Good news– Eric purchased a new tube and bracket for the washing machine and he was able to fix it himself! I am so proud. :D I have a husband who can fix things. hehehe. It seemed like a fairly big job- it took him a couple of hours to replace. Now we have our new washer and dryer in working condition and I couldn’t be more happy!
I have been doing laundry all night!!!
Here are some great quotes in one of my favourite books ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer’ by Kris Karr
“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” ~Gloria Steinem, journalist and activist
“By letting go it all gets done.” ~Lao-Tzu
“It all comes back to just letting go with love. Just put the love in it. Whatever it is, and if you can’t put love in it, don’t do it!” ~Bhagava Das, spiritual guru
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ~John Wayne
I’m so tired tonight I can barely keep my eyes open! Nighty night!
Back by popular demand…more Venice pictures!!!

you are unbelievably gorgeous! :)
Great muffin recipe! I agree – I like my muffins healthy, not sugary.
I wish I had this recipe a couple weeks ago when I used the last of my canned pumpkin puree (it’s hard to find in England) on an experimental pumpkin oatmeal cookie that went all wrong! Oh well, next time :) Thanks for sharing it.
Lovely photos!
Great muffins and photos in my favorite Italian city!! :-)
Angela – these muffins look spectacular. Great pictures!
I made some muffins kinda like this not too long ago and I got chipped pecans to add to them, as well as raisins. If you soak the raisins in hot water for 5 minutes before adding them to the mix they come out plump and delicious!
I LOVE pumpkin muffins, I’ll definitely have to try this recipe!
Beautiful Venice pics!
Pumpkin muffins are a favorite of mine! Here’s my go-to recipe – http://sweetandnatural.wordpress.com/2008/11/06/spiced-pumpkin-honey-muffins/. There’s no added fat and they’re made with unrefined sweetener!
1) you are SO cute!! I love all the photos!
2) Can’t wait to try the muffins!
I looove the dress you’re wearing in these pictures!!
Here is the recipe I use for pumpkin bread from Kath Eats that has no fat in it! yay! http://www.katheats.com/?p=2904
I love this recipe – I’ve made them the past two weeks. Here’s my question: I make them for myself and they have been starting to get mold on them after 4 or 5 days. How can I store them for longer? Or are the meant to be eaten quickly and that means I have to share them? :-)
interesting recipe but you’ve said “no oil” and then used margarine which is much unhealthier than oil IMO. I think I’ll try it with coconut oil instead of margarine, I never put fake things into my body, only natural ones.
Lara – try getting a whole pumpkin and cooking it yourself to make puree.
Jess – put them in the fridge.