Presenting the new Valentine’s Day Glo Bar called Adore!
I let Eric pick the name because I just couldn’t decide among all of your wonderful suggestions! It was so cute he was grinning from ear to ear when I told him I picked his name. :D He picked it because ‘It has the same first letter as your name.’ lol.
The flavour: Roasted Vegan Marshmallow S’moore with homemade vegan graham crackers, dark chocolate, and cacao nibs!
Eric had just two words when he tasted this bar, ‘Best Seller’ ;)

For all of the early risers- do you find that you get hungry for lunch really early?? I am eating lunch so early these days- around 11:30am! Getting up early makes me so hungry in the morning!
So what was my weekly food treat as per the Early Rising Challenge?

Ezekiel Bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lunch today was very colourful…

I like my Ezekiel bread toasted very crunchy. It takes longer to eat and feels more filling.
I piled on the veggies:
- Cukes
- Plum tomatoes
- Homemade hummus
- Organic Baby carrots
- Organic baby spinach
- Freshly ground black pepper


Then I had a romaine and cherry tomato side salad drizzled in homemade balsamic:
And Japanese Sencha green tea, to REV my engines for several more hours of baking today.
Dessert will be an Adore Glo Bar once these veggies digest a bit! ;) Mmmm.


Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Angela your description of the new glow bars have got my mouth watering?
By any chance do you ship to Australia? I would love to buy some just to try your new creation.
Halt! Do these Adore’s not have nuts?? I have a nut allergy and it didn’t look like these ones had any in them?
Oh shoot – I just looked in more dept on the bakery site and there is peanut butter.
*sigh* Damn my nut allergy! LOL
Thanks anyway!
Is it possible to get substitutions? You have a coffee bar in the special and I do not like coffee.
um wow- that bar looks amazing. yum!!! Major kudos to you for stepping up and donating some of your profits. I love Eric’s rationalization for choosing the name, so cute :)
How do you usually eat the Glo Bars? For Breakfast or dessert? I mean I love them all the time I just wonder if they are meant to be a post meal treat or a mid meal snack..v-day ones sound sooo good!
Um, congrats on being featured as the woman of the week on Women’s post!!!!!!!!! I just saw it and was like, hey I visit this blog EVERYDAY!
Angela, I am really, really struggling right now, and your blog just brightens my day and gives me hope. I need to know that i can beat this (eating disorder). i see a therapist, of course, but this has been going on for six YEARS. i feel so lost and hopeless sometimes, but when i read all about how overcoming your battles, i just want to leap for joy and the thought recovery IS possible.
i am trying so hard and just failing again and again. it is so hard to keep believing in myself — all i see is the failure. your story inspires me, and you emanate strength and beauty.
when the world is in such shambles, and there are over 100,000 people dying in a single catastrophe, i feel like a selfish jerk for worrying about my own dumb eating. these people are starving, unable to access clean water, and i am gorging until i almost throw up? and the guilt over that hypocrisy just perpetuates the disordered behavior.
i am ready to move on. i need to be okay so that i can help others — like you. thanks, angela. you might get sick of hearing it (no!) but your readers genuinely love and appreciate you and all the good you do for yourself, for your friends, for the blogworld, and for humanity.
I get up at 5:45 on weekdays, and I’m always dying for lunch at 11:30. I always feel like people judge me when they see me munching away at that hour, and I just want to tell them that if they got their lazy butts up earlier, they’d be hungry too!
Man, your veggie sandwich looks incredible! I eat veggie+hummus sandwiches all the time and they never look that pretty :-P
(On a lighter note)
L, i get up at 5:00 and always shut myself in my office to eat my 11:00ish lunch. I agree, people think it’s so weird (and i get so defensive), and they’ll actually make rude comments!
I get so hungry by 11/11:30 that sometimes I’ll eat my lunch then if I am not busy!
off to check out the bakery… mmmm… smores…
Ok. I think I’m doing something wrong with my tea. The sencha doesn’t taste very good, totally bitter. I re-read the tea post, and i’m not boiling it to the end, but I guess I’m still boiling it too much?! AGH!
Of course it took me like 3 months to finally get the hang of making coffee, so … I just might have a longer learning curve than most?!
Hey liane – try adding some cold water to the hot water, that might work :) Keep trying, you’ll make your perfect cup of tea soon!
One would think boiling water perfectly would not be so difficult… thanks for the tip and i will be doing that this afternoon with my tea!
Those LOOK AMAZINGLY delicious!
I just got so excited to order that it didn’t phase me I clicked CAD instead of USD…woops. Did you watch the 2nd 2 hours of 24?? It gets really good! I think I am going to like Freddie…but I really do not like the head of CTU.
those look tasty! I love the little bit of marshmallow peeking out saying ‘eat me!’ lol I always get hungry by 10:30am during the week when I have to get up at 5. Usually I have to grab a snack to hold me over till lunch at 12:30 :)
The new bars sound wonderful, and it’s very cute that Eric got to pick the name. :)
Looks fantastic Angela! I would love to hear more about how you handle the isolation of baking and blogging for a career…maybe you would consider writing a blog post about how you manage it, if that appeals to you?
The new bar looks amazing. I’ve never tried vegan marshmallows, must see if we can get them in Ireland :)
Love that Eric picked the name!
Hey Angela! How do you prepare your Ezekiel?? Do you defrost it before you toast it? and do you use the oven or the countertop toaster?
Aww! What a cute story of naming!
I love homemade hummus. There’s absolutely nothing like it.