Good morning!
I just received a call from my Sports Medicine clinic…they have my results and my doctor wants to go over them with me! I have an appointment for noon today. I am quite nervous. I hope it is good news…I will be on pins and needles I am sure.
Sorry about the lack of night post last night! We were all messed up with the time change and our day felt extra short. We had some cleaning and groceries to take care of. Oh, and a little 24…*cough, cough…* :D
Here is what we bought:

- Almond Breeze (one in Original, 1 in unsweetened)
- 5 organic tomatoes
- 2 kiwi
- 4 Zucchini
- 5 oranges
- 1 loaf no name whole wheat bread (blech)
- 1 cup chopped unsalted walnuts
- 1 bin organic baby spinach
- 3 Bartlet pears
- Simply Natural Organic Pasta Sauce
- 6 Red Delicious Apples
- 1 can Gold Seal Flaked Salmon
- Mary’s Organic Crackers, in Herb
- 1 red pepper
Not shown: 2 cans of black beans, 2 organic kale bunches, dish soap, shaving cream, buttermilk, coconut milk, Eric’s 1% milk.
We spent about $50
Dinner last night was quick and simple…we were in a rush to get to the grocery store before it closed!

A large sweet potato with a dallop of Soy Yogurt and Paprika :)
Wedding Dress Plan: I want to put Vegan Butter spread and brown sugar on this sweet potato! But in effort to shave some calories, I often for unsweetened soy yogurt and paprika. I saved about 125 calories by doing so. I also had 1 piece of toast instead of two. Total savings: Approximately 300 calories.
And some whole wheat toast with homemade hummus, Tofurkey, and tomatoes:

For a night time snack I had a serving of Mary’s Organic Crackers and salsa.
Question of the Day:
Sally asks, “I have a question about your Crap Free Week. I know you’re trying to cut back on sugar, but I’m curious about the rationale of having a handful of pineapple + a handful of raisins instead of some chocolate chips. Wouldn’t it be likely that the chocolate chips would have less sugar? I know that one is fruit sugar and one is added sugar, but in the end, isn’t all of it just sugar?”
Yes, sugar is sugar in it’s scientific form (C12H22O11), however it is what the sugar molecules bring with them that matters to me. You have probably heard of complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Carbs are simple sugar molecules. Simple Carbohydrates are known as bad carbs that come from processed foods (e.g., chocolate chips, white bread, etc). These foods tend to have had the nutrition stripped from them and eating them often leads one to feel unsatisfied and leads to overeating. Complex carbs on the other hand, are unrefined and this bring with them a natural water content, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. These foods leave you feeling satisfied after consumption (e.g., fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains). It is possible that the raisins and pineapple that I had were indeed higher in sugar than the chocolate chips, serving for serving, however my take on it is that the pineapple + raisins satisfied me, and left me feeling full. If I had a handful of chocolate chips this would have likely spiked cravings for more and more sugar and I can guarantee you it would not have stopped there. In this challenge, I never said that I was cutting out simple sugars from whole foods because our bodies need these foods to have energy and to obtain proper nutrients. I simply said that I would be cutting out sugars from processed foods, which I think I have done a great job on so far. :)
Question of the day: What are your top three favourite fruits?
I think mine are Ugli Fruit, blueberries, or melon. :D If you have never had Ugli fruit before I suggest trying it! So delicious.
See you this afternoon for my Bone Scan Report!
“Pushing your body without enough rest can weaken your immune response and cause frequent colds. Mood is an early indicator of overtraining, so take a rest day if you’re feeling cranky.” ~Runner’s World, March 2009
Thanks for answering my question and good luck with your appointment!
PS Does anyone else find the font used for writing comments to be very difficult to read?
LOVE the new site, looks great!
Hi Angela, with your research experience, what are your thoughts on salon vs store bought shampoo’s and conditioners? Is there a store bought shampoo/conditioner just as good as salon?
Good luck with the bone scan results. My top 3 fruits are green grapes, navel oranges, and strawberries.
Pears, Blueberries, and Mango!
Good LUCK with your appointment! i hope everything goes well :)
btw, love the look of that sweet potato! I loooove that combo!
This is kind of random, but re the favourite fruit melon from the post above, just wanted let you know that you can roast melon seeds in the oven or on a dry skillet with salt and/or spices. They make a terrific snack :-)