I am one lucky girl.
My doorbell rang this morning and I thought, who could that be???
A flower delivery!!!!! :D
I LOVE pink roses!!!! I mean, obviously!!! Now I have the real thing on my dining table! hehe.
I immediately called my mom and thanked them. :) What a great way to start the day!

THEN- get this! I checked the mail and I had a mysterious package in the mailbox!!!
I ripped open the box and look what it was!!!!!!

And guess who it is from…
LEAH!!!! :D :D
Thanks girlie!! I am so excited to try out Ani’s recipes!
So as you can see the day is going well. It’s not even my birthday yet! lol.
I have been busy all morning working on an order for the fabulous Krista! And guess what else? Krista and I are meeting for the first time tomorrow morning!!!! Don’t worry we already have a photo op planned! I finally feel like I am in some cool blogger meet up club. bahahah.
Ok, so back to today…
A green monster with some new Kiwi napkins (from yesterday’s trip!). How cute are these napkins??? They had almost every fruit and veggie in the book and I had such a hard time choosing. The green speaks to me!
- 3 huge organic kale leaves
- 1.5 cup Almond Breeze
- 2 T Nutritional Yeast
- 1/2 serving organic tofu
- 1 T flax
- 1/2 frozen ripe banana
So so so heavenly good.
Preparing some eggless sweet wheat sugar cookies..
Then I had to force myself to break for lunch around noon because I was fading fast!
In the wrap:
- 12 Grain Tortilla (Dempsters)
- 1/2 avocado
- 2 T nutritional yeast (adds a very easy 8.34 grams of protein and 4 grams fibre)
- Tomato paste
- 1 cup organic baby spinach (PC brand)
This is a new dish I got yesterday for $2 bucks!! It’s so fun. :D

In the trail mix:
- 3 T raisins
- 3 T pistachios
- 3 T pumpkin seeds
Along with an organic PC white tea, organic granny smith, and a birthday card from MIL! :)

Ok, I must get back to the kitchen! Time to decorate the cookies :)
See you tonight for FAQ’s, cookies, and my workout!

Great roses and napkins and cookbook! I can see how you would be in a fantastic mood!!!
I’m psyched about tomorrow, too!!! ;)
What is it with people thinking that we Canucks say “about” weird? For some reason I thought of you tonight when I ped-egged my feet and then painted my tootsies pink…maybe because of your roses? They are beautiful – I hope you get to enjoy them for a long time! Any special plans for your birthday/long weekend?
Such pretty flowers! Pink roses are one of my faves. And I love getting new books.
Yum…raw desserts! And beautiful flowers, happy early birthday. :)
lovely flowers! and i love your new bowl :)
Happy Birthday!! Is today the official day?!
happy birthday!!!