Behold the Persimmon fruit.
This one in particular is a Fuyu variety.
What is a Persimmon fruit, anyways?
- A persimmon, known to the ancient Greeks as "the fruit of the gods"
- Hundreds of varieties grow around the world
- The Fuyu is fat and round, like a ripe tomato, with a waxy orange skin and heart-shaped leaves. When firm, its texture is smooth and crisp with a mild flavour. When left to ripen until it yields slightly, like a pear or peach, its honeyed flavour is sweeter and more pronounced.
- Vary in size from 1.5-9 cm in diameter
- They may be spherical, acorn-, or pumpkin-shaped
- High in glucose
- Nutritional highlights: (per fruit): 70 kcals, 3.6 grams fibre, 19 grams carbs, 13% of Vitamin C, and 167% of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Because they are high in glucose, this fruit would make an excellent pre-workout snack
How I prepared my Persimmon (Fuyu):
Slice in half.

Remove Core.

Scoop out flesh with a spoon.
Cut up and take the leap!

My Permission ripened on my counter for at least 1 week so it was quite soft. In this picture you can also see that there was almost a syrup covering the fruit (high in glucose, don’t forget!).
My taste review:
- Because of the roots or veins in this fruit, it has a very strange texture. The flesh was soft, but once I bite through all of the ‘roots’ it was really crunchy to bite through them.

- The taste was quite sweet and pleasant
- Texture = weird, soft yet stringy
- I had this before my long run on the weekend and I did seem to have a little pep to my step, so perhaps the kick of carbs did the trick. ;)
My next Exotic Fruit Experimentation: The Prickly Pear! Yikes!
I best get back to my to-do list. I’m trucking along. No sign of my blender today. I’m seriously in GMM withdrawal! I did receive my HUGE bag of gluten free oats though. :)
Have a lovely day!

Love the info! I tried a Fuyu once; letting it unripen as much as possible. It was sweet, but I must admit, not on the top of my list. Nice for a change though!
Beautiful fruit, sounds yummy too.
Ohhhhh i love prickly pear! Lived in AZ for a while:)…yummy in cakes/pies and frozen margaritas but they are TART!!!!
Thanks to you…I’ll be trying a dragon fruit this week!
Love your fruit review. I’ve had a persimmon, but it has been awhile- you’re making me want to try one again. Thanks for sharing!!
Fun fact: Historians think the persimmon may be the “forbidden fruit” that Eve at in the Garden of Eden.
Persimmons are great and always remind me of the holiday season. We make persimmon pudding and it tastes wonderful. Maybe you could make a Glopudding this year!
I have never had a persimmon before! I honsetly don’t know that I’ve even seen them in the store, but i think I might try to track them down after reading this…
Those are called kaki here in Japan. The kaki trees that I see around are already with fruits. I have yet to wait for about a month before they fully ripen, though. Can’t wait to munch on these! :D
I love your fruit reviews.
Mmm I love prickly pear! Especially in margaritas :)
Just FYI I am doing a giveaway on my blog of Good Health Natural Products. There will be two winners, one person will win a sampling of snacks, and the other will win a sampling of their natural soaps and lotions. I thought I would let you know since you have done some great posts on natural beauty products. :)
I love persimmons, I hardly ever think to buy them though! Loving the random fruit experiments, so fun! Sorry you’re going through GM withdrawals, that’s terrible, hope you get your stuff back soon!
Yay for gluten free oats! I’m thinking about having those for my breakfast in the morning!
Pretty! I’ve never tried one before!
There are at least 2 different kinds of persimmons. The other one is really soft and mushy and the middle part is kind of like a chewy jello…You basically cut it into quarters and eat it like how you would a watermelon slice on rind. I personally find it kind of gross…=\
But the one you had though, I LIKE!!
I’ve never had it before, but I’ve seen it when we lived in a bigger town. (Here, a cantaloupe is exotic!)
Thanks for reviewing such an interesting fruit!
hhmm…very interesting- i’m not even sure i’ve seen one of those before. you have me curious.
Persimmons are good. I like em but it’s not like I eat them more than once a year. Expensive and/or impossible to find when out of season. Where are you getting all this stuff, Angela? Do you have an inside track at The Exotic Fruit Emporium? Just kidding :) Congrats on your GF Oats order. Woo-hoo!!! I’m GF, can you tell I’m excited?!
I tried a persimmon fully ripened, and I didn’t like it that much–it was too sweet and gooey.. I really liked the crunch of the almost unripened ones tho, they were goood… :o)
Pricky Pear huh? Can’t wait for that post! During primary school we used to go on excursions with people who used to teach us about “Bush Tucker” – I remember going home with my sister and trying to pick the pears with our bear hands — It took 2 weeks for the prickles to fall out of our palms! Never again!! :o) I’ll definitely leave that one to the professionals..
when they were in season where I almost turned into one. Next time cut them up like an apple. It’s a great texture thing..crunchy and gooey sweet. YUMMY!
Yummy! They look tasty! I love the new layout-very pretty!
You might be interested to know that Fuyu is Japanese for winter. :) Just some food for thought.
I Love this fruit!! Its delicious!