Part two of my next baking experiment was rather fun! I was up early this morning so I could finish part two and blog by 10am. Eric and I have a date in the backyard at 10am! :)
What is more romantic than that? :)
The only problem is, today is cloudy! We haven’t had a cloudy day in probably 2 weeks so I am a bit bummed that it had to happen on our fun-filled Saturday! I think the hourly weather forcast (ha! As if they can predict hourly weather!) is saying it should be sunny by late afternoon, so I may wait and save my run for then. The good news is we are supposed to reach a high of 21C/69F!
So back to my baking experiment. If you recall, in Part 1, I made a Vegan Banana Cake. I cooled it for a couple of hours and then proceeded to crumble it up.
Part 2: The Baking Experiment
For Part 2, I made some homemade icing:
- 2 cups icing sugar
- 1/4 c non-hydrogenated Olive Oil Margarine
- Vanilla (1-2 t)
- Soy milk (1 T?)
Then I took my refrigerated cake crumbs, and mixed in about 1 cup or a bit more of the icing. With my hands. Oh this got messy! But it was fun. :)

Then I rolled little balls (and bars) with my hands and placed them on parchment paper:

Now these little guys are in the fridge, chillin, for a few hours. Note: I made about 2 plates of these balls.
Stay tuned later today for Part 3!
I had a lot of positive feedback about yesterday’s BBBC Challenge. It was to stop mindless eating! I will admit, I didn’t do so great at it yesterday. So I decided to extend this challenge all weekend! Some of the text is recycled from yesterday’s challenge because I am lazy and in a rush. :)
Day 23 + 24 (April 18-19): For this weekend’s challenge, I want you to stop mindless eating. I don’t know about you, but I can often be found snacking straight from the box or bag in the kitchen- while making dinner or preparing my lunch. It is always better to plan a snack and put it on a plate. Sitting at the table helps cue your mind and body that you are eating! I also eat in front of the TV a lot at night and I am going to not do this tonight and see how it goes.
In addition to this, aim to get 1 hour of exercise this weekend. You can split it up in four 15 minute sessions or you can rock it out on 1 long session. It is up to you! Just get sweating and working that big ‘ol beautiful heart of yours.

Eric and I have a big + fun to-do list today!

Hmm…I just noticed that Eric’s To-do’s is a big, fat zero. I’ll have to change this one! lol.
By the way, check out my new Twitter icon on the right sidebar! I designed that bad boy in Photoshop yesterday. The more I play with photoshop, the more I love it!
Have a wonderful Saturday morning! See you this afternoon!

DEEEELISH baking experiment!! Love the homemade icing.
I bet I know what you’re making – cake lollipops! I made them for a bridal shower last spring and YES it was super messy. :) If this indeed is what you’re making, I found that I actually had to freeze my cake balls and take them out a few out a time before I dipped them in chocolate. Can’t wait to see Part 3 and Part 4 of your experiment! :)
MMmmm! I can’t wait to see how these turn out! You are so creative with food. LOVE it :D
Have fun with the yard-date today. I hope the weather cooperates for you!
I saw your BBBC challenge yesterday and although I totally should have done it, I have kind of accepted that mindless eating is just one of my unbreakable habits that I’ll have to work into my eating.
But what you said about putting stuff on a plate and sitting at the table kind of clicked for me. If I made a rule that no snacking could occur unless I was sitting at the table like a civilized person with a plate (and heck, maybe like utensils! and a NAPKIN!), I think it would cut down the mindless eating. Perhaps it’s better to shift from thinking “I can’t snack while I’m standing around in the kitchen” to “civilized people eat at the table, not standing in front of their refrigerator. I’ll give it a shot. Of course, I’m baking black bean brownies today, and the maple sugar is sticking massively to my fingers. Do civilized people lick their fingers??? :-D
Can’t wait to see how these turn out!!!
I super spied your to do list and saw that you have knee sleeves on your list from RR. I work at MEC and they have them too and WAY cheaper. Plus, the RR is part of the evil forzani’s group.
It is so sunny here today….. I love it!
…and oh yes, i’m home! made it safe :)
hei there angela!!
i’m so glad you extended yesterday’s challenge because i didn’t do too well either!! and today is going awesome so far!!
and i already have my houre (80min to be exact) long exercice already done (ballet-class) so i can chill for the rest of the day! yay!!
oh and i think i know what your up to with your baking!! :D
by the way… i started my own blog a few days ago… i still can’t believe it!! so much changed the last few month… since i discovered your blog!! amazing!!
thank you sooo much and have a nice day!!!
love from the swiss-girl :D <3
Homemade icing looks delish! Wow, 21 degrees? I hope it heats up here as well!
Mountain Equipment Co-op (it’s gonna change your life)
Here are the knee warmers
there is a location in Burlington and TO or order online!
What a fun idea! I can’t wait to see the finished product =)
It’s 75* here! *does a happy dance*
Why is it that everytime I come to your blog I leave hungry?? ;)
Love seeing your todoist!! Get some for Eric!