What did I do to tame these wild and unruly tresses??
And get rid of the dry ends? BLECH!


Whatdya think??
Click below to see more pictures!!!
Did I fool ya?? ;) hahaha what a BAD photoshop job that was!!!
No, I didn’t chop off my hair (not yet anyways!).
Here is the ‘after’ picture:
I got 2-3 inches off and I also got low-lites. My hair had become that dreaded ‘one colour’ look from too much highlighting, so she added in some low-lites today to break it up. I think it looks so much healthier!

It is amazing what a few small changes can make!! :D I am really happy with it and have a little kick to my step! I don’t know why I always put off getting my hair done. I wait for months until I can’t stand it any longer! lol. I will have to remember these pictures and try to get it done more frequently. It makes me feel so great!
Before and after comparisons:
And that concludes tonight’s post! hahaha. Pretty pointless, I KNOW. But I just need a break tonight. Not every post can be a hot topic, ya know?! :p
Well, I guess there is a broader take-home message that may pertain to our own lives:
Take care of yourself- if you don’t no one will! Get that hair cut, make time for exercise, and do something YOU enjoy each day. Life is too short!!
Tonight’s question:
Do you change your hair for the summer? Do you style it differently or get it cut or coloured?
I always prefer to dry my hair with a round brush, but I must admit, in the summer when it is hot out, I just don’t have the patience to blow dry my hair and sweat to death! My hair is worn in a ponytail much more often in the summer. I also flat iron it once a week (like shown above) because it is quick and pulls my look together.
Peace out homies! It’s back to work for this chicky!
I’ve had a snag with my US shipping that I need to sort out. I also just got my GST number so now I have a huge amount of backlogging to do since my GST number was back dated to April.
My Brother in law and sis in law are giving us TWO tables and chairs tonight for FREE! I’m so excited, Eric is bringing them home now. We are actually going to have a dining room table now! whohoo!

I’ll be announcing the winner of the Neal Brother’s contest tomorrow AM- have no fear!
Okay A-you scared me! I was going to say the new cut is cute, but I liked it better long, so I am so glad you fooled me :D You look gorg as always! The lowlights are fantastic.
As far as my hair goes, I love to change it up whenever I get the chance. I love when it is dark, but for summer I put highlights in it again. It fades fast, but I redoing it for fall when I get more money. I’m trying to grow it out, too. My plans are to redarken (lowlight with a 3) and chunky highlight the rest.
Have fun the rest of your night? Oh and by the way … US shipping? Are you going to start?!!??!!?!? You’re getting me all excited…
Just wanted to say I love your new hair cut and color, it looks great.
Summer Changes- I have actually never colored my hair! And I try to change it every few months.
I ALWAYS keep putting mine off and I feel heaps better after it’s done – it is a little pricey, but I try to look at it as an investment and my hairdresser does such an good job I usually only need to get it done 2-3 times a year.
Yours looks great!!
The locks look much healthier and happier!
I don’t do a thing to my hair. Seriously it’s in a ponytail all summer :)
Your hair looks amazing! I’m so GLAD you didn’t cut it short. I think you would have loved it at first and then regretted ever chopping it all off. You look so gorgeous with longer hair like you have now.
Does waxing count? Thats about all i did :)
Great Hair cut Angela!
I get more blonde highlights in summer, and I actually let it grow! I love ponytails and chignons this time of year. Your hair is beautiful by the way!
It looks amazing Angela and SO healthy. I love the low lights, it makes your hair look much richer and thicker!
Mucho better! It’s amazing what a little color and a good cut can do for your hair, I love it. I usually get a more summery color in the summer, and go richer for the winter. I wish I could afford to color more than 3x a year but it’s expensive!
this is so ironic that you posted about haircuts because im going to get my hair cut tomorrow! i always grow my hair all year without getting it cut [i know! how bad is that!] and then in the summer i find getting a drastic cut is so refreshing. i plan on getting a short assymetrical bob-like cut, which will feel so nice!!
Your haircut looks great! You have such beautiful hair…
I desperately need to get a haircut, but I’m putting it off for some reason…
Your hair looks beautiful! Matches your face ;)
Love the haircut! I’m getting one next Tuesday and am a little nervous but I want an easier ‘do for summer!
Love the new do! I actually got my hair cut/colored today too! My step mom is a stylist, but I have to drive 1.5 hours to get to her, but it’s worth it. It’s amazing how nice you feel after a great haircut. I feel lighter already :) Enjoy your new table, yay!
Angela, you look gorgeous!!! I love your haircut :)
you look beautiful, Angela – as always! :)
I cut my hair last summer… and got quite a bit shorter within the past year. It’s been WAY easier… I have naturally curly hair, too… so it’s much less to worry about in the summer!
Is that a lulu top it’s so cute! Do you know the name of the style?
Cute… there’s nothing like a fresh trim to brighten your day right?