You know it must be Spring when Woody The Woodpecker comes out of hiding!

Beautiful!! We see a lot of these woodpeckers during the Spring and Summer months in our backyard.
Male Pileated Woodpeckers have a red stripe from their bill outward, while female Pileated Woodpeckers do not, but both the male and females have the red crest on top of their heads. We aren’t sure if this one is a male or female because it is a bit hard to make out in the picture whether this one has a red stripe from the bill. It looks like it does, but I’m not positive. Anyone know? I had to zoom in this photo a lot and unfortunately the quality isn’t that great!

Yesterday, Eric and I had Spring Fever pulsing through our veins and we went on three walks! It wasn’t even warm out, but we just needed to get in the sunshine and feel it on our faces. I’m pretty sure our neighbours think we are crazy, although I’m sure they have known for a while after seeing me take pictures of my food all last summer.
The conclusion: I really love walking and I don’t do it enough! It also seemed to help the horrible cramps I had yesterday too.

When we returned, a plate full of freshness was just what the Doctor ordered.

And then I fell asleep at 8:30pm on the couch, stumbled up to bed at midnight, and woke up just after 7am. I guess my body needed one last hibernation for the Winter? At any rate, I feel like a new girl today.

The fresh dill I bought from the grocery store just keeps on ticking. Luckily, it seems to be keeping quite fresh in the crisper. I have had lemon dill hummus on my mind all week long, so I used my Favourite Hummus recipe and added a bunch of fresh dill to it.

Spring Fever Lemon Dill Hummus
- 1 batch of My Favourite Hummus
- 1 cup fresh dill, large stems removed and minced
You simply prepare the hummus according to the directions here and add in the minced dill and process it some more until combined. Easy peasy!
It turned out great with a very fresh dill flavour. Two thumbs up!

We are off for our first hike of the season today. I wish it was warmer out (it’s about –4C right now), but we’ll have to bundle up and make do. I’ll bring the camera along and hopefully we will see some fun creatures out and about celebrating the first day of Spring!
I have never thought of adding dill to hummus! I should get some at the store and try that out in my next batch!
LOOOOOVE lemon and dill. i think i will defs be doing this with the leftover beans in my fridge
Wow, those woodpecker photos are so cool!
Have fun on your hike!
I have a woodpecker that likes to hang out in the trees behind my apartment building. It is nice to hear all the birds sing in the morning along with the woodpecker. I hope your hike was nice despite the weather.
Mmm…lemon and dill…what a lovely, refreshing combination. Yum!
I just did a couple posts on lemon & dill flavored food! One was raw zucchini pasta noodles with a homemade creamy vegan lemon & dill dressing and then I did roasted potato wedges with lemon and dill and herbs. I have been LOVING lemon & dill flavored things lately. Great minds think alike :)
Perfect way to jazz up hummus! I need to give it a try.
And woody the woodpecker…GREAT SHOT!
Have a wonderful weekend (what’s left) Angela :)
i always seem to forget about dill when I am cooking, but thats a great idea to incorporate it! shake things up!
I don’t know how to put a photo in the comments section but you should check out my hot pink hummus! It is all natural and sooooooo fun and tasty!! if you want to take a peak.
The woodpeckers have been waking us many mornings lately, they love our telephone poles.
YUM. I used to ‘hate’ dill, but as I got ‘older’ (lol) I realized that I don’t care for dried dill, but LOVE fresh. What a great idea to add it to your hummus. Very spring like ;) you pictures are so pretty!! Makes me want to make some right now.
Yum! The Summerfresh Lemon Dill hummus is one of my favourites and I imagine it would be even more delicious fresh. I can’t wait to try it!
my oh my – this looks so wonderful!
oh how I love hummus! Dill is such a great addition..
I love the idea of dill in hummus – dill is such a nice, spring-like flavor. Looks great!
I love dill but never thought of adding it to hummus! Must be delicious :).
This hummus sounds amazing:) Going to have to go buy some dill!
Love the color of this hummus! It looks so fresh and delicious!
We can never have too many hummus flavors, can we? Awesome recipe! I love dill.
I’m so delighted that you got to see a real woodpecker! We don’t have those in Australia!
Wow cooool~~I’ve never seen a woodpecker!! I always wondered if it reallly made that “ahe ahea aheaha!!” noise lol :P
What lens are you typically using these days? :)