Sorry about the comments not working this morning..I’m not sure what was going on, but it is now fixed! :)

Time for another Project Natural Glow review!
I was out of conditioner, so I picked up this Jason Body Enhancing Conditioner:
It was rated a 4 out of 10 on the Skin Deep website, which isn’t great, but it could be worse I guess. There is a fragrance-free conditioner that has a score of 2 out of 10, so this seems to be a better option if you are concerned about your product ratings.

What did I think of it?
- I didn’t care for the fragrance of this conditioner. I wish it was fragrance free- I’m not big on smelly things that I put on my hair or skin. The conditioner went on pretty thick so I was pretty impressed because body enhancing conditioners are usually on the thin and watery side. It was easy to rinse out too.
- The biggest downfall of this conditioner is that it left my hair extremely tangled! I have had this problem with other body enhancing conditioners before, but this left my hair more knotty than usual. The trade off however was lots of volume. I did notice that my hair had a bit more bounce to it.
- Given the so-so rating on Skin Deep and the fact that it did make my hair tangled and hard to comb out, I probably would not buy this product again. I will however continue to use it until it is finished, but I may have to mix it with another conditioner so my hair isn’t as tangled when I comb it.
Be sure to check out Dr. Oz tomorrow- He investigates the dangerous ingredients lurking in your makeup! I have my VCR ready to tape! :mrgreen:
Have you tried any Jason products? What were they and what did you think? Or better yet do you use an all natural conditioner that you just love- what is it?
I believe you are your work. Don’t trade the stuff of your life, time, for nothing more than dollars. That’s a rotten bargain.
— Rita Mae Brown
I need to watch that episode of Dr. Oz – I have soooo much makeup and alot of it is OLD!
I’ve tried their apricot scrub and it was pretty good. Then WF stopped stocking it, so I went with Earth Science, and while I think they’re pretty much the same product (as in apricot based and a scrub) the ES version is much harder to get out the tube (thus wasting valuable shower time! :)).
Ah I love that Rita Mae Brown quote!!
I like their apricot scrub as well, that is the only product of theirs that I use though!
I bought the shampoo version of this and I agree…my hair was SO tangled. So then I tried it on Maya and her hair was a disaster. Back to Pantene and Aveeno we went!
Wow that totally doesn’t surprise me…it’s too bad because I did like the final outcome…
I’ve always seen the Jason products, but haven’t tried any of them. Thanks for the review, as always!
All of the J/A/S/O/N products i have ever tried are awesome! Although I don’t use conditioner on my short hair haha… The mango and pineapple oil mouthwash is amazing though, as well as their biotin shampoo for thick hair! Great quote:)
honestly, i’ve been too chicken to try any all-natural products…any suggestions on really great ones?
I’m TiVoing the Dr. Oz thing; even though I don’t wear makeup usually, it’s great to know what’s in it!
my favorite natural conditioner (so far) is Kiss My Face brand Whenever. I’ve tried the KMF Big Body too, but I like the Whenever better. I also like the Aveda Shampure – but I find that to not be best for daily use.
I love that you honestly review stuff!
Have you ever tried ALBA products? They are amazing!
This has probably been suggested a million times before, but you should definitely try some LUSH products – if you can get to one, going into the actual store is best because there are so many different things, it’s a little overwhelming. They’re pretty expensive, but everything’s homemade with fresh ingredients (so fresh, in fact, that there are expiration dates on most products) and most are cruelty-free and mainly organic – the company is so amazing that I don’t mind paying the extra to support them. I started buying their bath products as every-now-and-then indulgences, but more and more of what I use regularly is slowly but surely being replaced by lush! I think you’d love it. :)
Ive tried Lush products once before and loved them…bath bombs and I cant remember what else. I dont have ne close by though so I gues out of sight out of mind for me!
I use Jason toothpaste and Tea Tree Oil body/shower wash–love them both! I don’t have a good all-natural conditioner recommendation, though. I’ve had the same problems as you with them (and my hair is pretty short, with even fewer tangles possible!).
I swear by Jason Shampoos and Conditioners. There is one type though where I had the same problem with the conditioner, I don’t remember what type it was but my hair was so tangled too. My favorites are: Natural Apricot, Henna Highlights, Biotin. . .I know there are others. They leave my hair super soft, shiny and very mangageable.
have not tried these products, but have tried yes to carrots – kind of leaves hair dull and hard to untangle (my daughters hair) I have thin hair and hoping raw and vegan food will help!
Angela, what do you recommend for face acne products? I am 46 years old and battle acne! Ugh! I have been high-raw for almost three months now and do not have the GLOW! Still have the acne.
I was not a fan of say yes to carrots either!
Also, a random tip – I’ve noticed that some conditioners apply better to hair that’s been sort of squeezed out, so no excess water (john frieda’s specifically say to do this in the instructions) and others work in much more nicely when there’s a good amount of water in your hair (clairol’s and biolage are more like this), so maybe try using it whichever way you didn’t the first time; in my experience it can make a HUGE difference, especially with just getting your fingers through your hair while using the product, but also with shine and smoothness afterwards.
It’s strange I read a lot of bad reviews on Jason shampoos and conditioners, but I’ve been using them for so long and I love them. I’m allergic to SLS and they’re one of the few products without it, and they always seem to leave my hair soft and shiny. Too bad they don’t seem to suit everyone.
I need to try more natural beauty care products!
I have not tried that product. I have to say it has caught my eyes a few times. I have been using Aveda. I do like using more natural products. Just say no to chemicals! We deserve better!
I have tried “Say Yes to Carrots” and did not like it at all. I’m a sucker for soft, shiny hair and its been really difficult to find and all natural shampoo/conditioner that works well. Thanks for your reviews and good info!
I’m assuming it’s “all natural” because it is from Aveda … I have recently become a big fan of their “Pure Abundance” line. The conditioner is indeed body-building and the shampoo + conditioner combo works fabulously on my stick-straight hair. Although their prices are a bit high, the bottle will last forever, and I believe with the shampoo, you simply add more water if you need more lather, not more soap, so I’ve been told. It is definitely a daily treat for me, and I can feel good about using it.