There is something magical about reaching 6 weeks postpartum. So many mamas told me that once we hit 6 weeks I would feel significantly better about so many aspects of parenthood and that has definitely been true for us. I noticed a big improvement even from weeks 5 to 6. We feel like we’re getting into a groove as parents. Not that I expect things will always be smooth sailing, but it’s reassuring to know that this isn’t as hard as it was in the early days. We’re getting our feet under us and our confidence as parents is growing on a weekly basis. It feels good!
To think last year we were still on the fence about parenthood, mostly because of our fears of the unknown. Growing up, I never really had that strong urge to have children and most of my life I said I probably wouldn’t have kids. Oh how things can change. Now I can’t imagine my life without Adriana and I know we are both eager to have more kids if we are lucky enough to. I would love to have two or three kids, close in age. But that thinking could change once this little monkey is mobile! hah. It’s a bit scary to think about being in the pregnancy/breastfeeding/newborn/toddler stage for the next several years…
So what’s new since the last update? Well, Adriana has certainly discovered the world around her. And boy does she think it’s exciting! From the black chandelier in our bedroom to the shadows on the wall, she does not stop looking around and fights sleep like crazy. Sometimes when I try to nurse her, she will get distracted by the room and look everywhere except my nipple. Then she looks up at me with a huge smile and let’s out this excited “coo” or squeak. It makes me laugh so much. It’s fun seeing the world through her eyes. Lately, she loves to go in the Ergo carrier with me and walk around the house as I tell her about each room and all the things she’s looking at. The kitchen seems to be the favourite room right now. She especially loves looking in the fridge…I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
Morning is still my favourite time of day. It’s definitely Adriana’s happiest time of the day and she loves to smile, coo, squeak, and kick her legs and arms around like crazy while desperately trying to make noises come out of her mouth. It’s quite a performance. She will often start by thrashing her legs, panting, and then she opens her mouth in excitement and after a few seconds a big squeak or coo comes out. I don’t know who is more amused by it all.
Some days she naps for a long stretch in the morning so that is usually my chance to work. I wasn’t sure how much interest I’d have for my work with a newborn, but doing bits throughout the day keeps me sane and happy. I am so grateful that I enjoy my work as much as I do. In a strange way, I think I have been more creative since having her. I don’t know why, but it’s motivated me and some days the ideas are just flowing like crazy! Maybe my preggo brain is finally gone? Or my love of food has returned? Other mornings she doesn’t nap at all, so it really just depends on her mood. Overall, she seems to be a very high energy baby. Everyone who comes to visit always comments on this. I think we might be in for it!
We do tummy time a few times per day and she’s a lot less frustrated with it now than she used to be (she used to just cry and chew her hand after a minute or so). After she mastered turning her head from side to side, she can now hold her head up on her own for 5-10 seconds or so. She has much more head control these days. It’s been so fun to witness these developmental milestones!
More than ever, I’m all about the quick meals lately. I thought I’d share my 5 minute go-to lunch that I’ve been enjoying for weeks now:
1 avocado, mashed and spread on buckwheat flatbread crackers with marinara sauce and Herbamare
Sliced Honeycrisp apple with raw almond butter
Black Currant Rooibos loose leaf tea or a decaf black tea with almond milk or my healing ginger/turmeric tea from the cookbook
This is lunch #1…I am always hungry for another lunch later in the afternoon (it’s usually leftovers). For snacks, I’m loving soaked almonds! They are high in protein and calcium, good for lactation, and satiating. What are your go-to quick meals?
I have a couple funny stories to share with you this week…
In the middle of the night the other week, I was feeding Adriana in bed. It was probably around 3am or so. I was so groggy (obvi). All of a sudden, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a black spot on the ceiling. Curious. When my eyes focused a bit better in the darkness I realized it was a HUGE SPIDER dangling about 12 inches from my face! Of course being the freak that I am I jumped in fear, yelling SPIDER!, while Adriana almost bit my nipple off. Eric flew out of bed in a panic not knowing what the heck was going on (poor guy) and like a magician he caught the spider just before it landed on my face. It was pretty hilarious (think: spider scene from the movie Just Married). Now we know why they say people eat several spiders a year while sleeping…
Around week 3 or 4 when I was dealing with a ton of breastfeeding pain, I bought some Booby Tubes. For those who don’t know, these are circular flaxseed-based heating pads for your boobs. You can heat them in the micro or oven, or pop them in the freezer to chill. Then you just place them on your breasts. Since we don’t have a microwave, I popped them into the oven to heat up and then I went to shower with Eric agreeing to take them out when the timer went off. Well, I guess I had the temperature up too high because the Booby Tubes burned to hell in the oven. Eric didn’t know what to do so he threw the smoking Booby Tubes onto the deck (LOL) so they wouldn’t stink up the house. Guess who found them quite tasty? Yup, the squirrels decided they would make a great snack! Flax seed for all…

We still haven’t found where the squirrel dragged one of them off to. Note to self: lower oven temperature next time. I wrote to the store explaining this story and they are sending me a new set! Bless their souls.
Pacifier or thumb? Neither – Adriana has yet to discover sucking her thumb and she has rejected the pacifiers we gave her. Strange, no?
Nicknames: Monkey, Milk Monster, Werewolf (don’t ask, lol)
Recent personal discovery: I never knew how much patience I had until I became a mom
This week’s highlight: I hosted a lunch with my girlfriends this week which was so nice because it was the first time I had hung out with any of them since the birth. Adriana met her first two buddies – twin girls born 6 weeks before her! Two more of our friends are due in December, so there will be a total of 5 newborn girls by the end of the year. Crazy!!
We enjoyed: Our first walk in the carrier on the trails I used to walk during my pregnancy
Currently reading: Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child, The Wonder Weeks App
p.s. – This article cracked me up!! Um, all of the above? She’s definitely in the Suck a Little, Look a Little and the Nipper Napper phase…
Favourite toy: That would be her activity mat right now!
Quote of the week: Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. ~ unknown
What’s new in your life these past couple weeks?
I totally had the same spider story! Except that I was feeding my 7 week old son on the couch and it was during the middle of the day. Instead of trying to kill it however, I blew at it, and it tumbled to the floor (or so I thought!). Of course then I was petrified to step on the floor barefoot, so I wore slippers for the rest of the day. After that first day, I thought that for sure I would have already stepped on the spider and killed it…but…2 days later, I was sitting on the couch feeding again, and I looked over, and there was the spider sitting right on the edge of the couch!! I couldn’t believe it! This time, the spider did not live…but I have to say that this spider sure did try to stick around!
OMG, I was laughing my butt off at burning the booby pads to hell! I bought some gel pads from my lactation consultant that were hospital grade. I bought two sets and would just keep rotating them suckers when I had pain! Another thing that helped me (because my nipples were cracked to pieces and my little guy was so small at birth – small mouth for latching) was a nipple guard. I swear that piece of plastic saved my life. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have made it through two years of breastfeeding. Anyway, probably too much information from a stranger, but I wanted to let you know to hang in there because soon (around 12 weeks for me) breastfeeding will be pain free.
Oh and BTW you look fantastic after just having a baby!
Omg, I’m dying over the booby tube story! Hilarious!
Hi Angela! What type of baby carrier are you using? I am looking for one for my son. There are so many options.