Ok, I think I am in a better frame of mind, that I can write this Celebrity Beauty Secrets post without the guilt that I am writing complete fluff.
Hey, we all need a little fluff now and then right? :D

Can I just say that I am literally floored by the outpouring of all of your comments about my previous post? Wow. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful group of people reading this blog and being willing to share their own stories and lend their support. Truly nothing short of amazing.
It is honestly crazy how many of us are in unhappy situations. What is truly awesome is reading about reader’s stories of how they overcame a bad situation:
AGS wrote:
You’re not alone. I was in a similar situation a couple years ago. I was working at a great organization with great people, and had lots of opportunities (3 promotions in 2.5 years). Guess what? I wasn’t happy.
So I committed to meeting with a group of 3 other women and we went through the book The Pathfinder (N. Lore). There are lots of other good books out there (such as What Color is Your Parachute). I devoted time each week to dreaming, researching, info-interviewing for a year. Guess what? I’m now on the path I want to be. It took two years total, to finally be where I am. . . but I did it. The bottom line: I never ask myself “why am I doing this?” each morning on the way out the door. And I no longer drive my husband nuts with my whining!
Maybe this is just a bad day. Or maybe you might want to set aside time to investigate some alternatives. . . Hope tomorrow is better for you either way!
Thank you for sharing- you give everyone of us hope! Good for you for having the courage to follow your dream.
I know that something needs to change, in fact, I feel that it will be happening in the near future. I guess this sometimes frustrating phase, is just preparing myself and figuring out what I want to do. Nothing worth while in life comes easy, right?
And now onto some light-hearted fluff to put a smile on your face and tickle your beauty funny bone:
These tips and tricks are taken from one of my favourite & fun beauty books:
The Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets by: Kym Douglas and Condy Pearlman

Got a shiny T-zone and no powder to fix it? Sarah Jessica Parker and Tyra Banks use Toilet Seat Covers from public bathrooms as a quick and free oil blotting paper. Apparently the tissue paper expensive clothing stores wrap your clothes in also works! Gross but cool!
Dry, flaky skin? Top L.A. Skin Guru, Heather Hale, uses a kitchen sponge in the shower to exfoliate her skin. She says, “You know, the one that is yellow and spongy and green on one side? I use the rough green side on the bottoms of my feet and it exfoliates just as well as any foot file”
Want to know the secret to looking fab after 40? Diane Lane says, “I think it’s that I smile a lot. I think anyone who smiles automatically looks better, try it at home. :) Amen!
Nothing is more beautiful than happiness that radiates from the inside -
The secret to looking fab over 50? Jane Seymour says, “No botox. No facelifts. None of that obsessiveness. I will tell you what works for me. A number of years ago I almost died. I was very sick and in the hospital and I left my body. At that moment I realized that you take nothing with you, including your perfectly smooth, line-free face. All you really have in this life is how you feel and what you are going to leave behind.”
In Sorrento, Italy- one of my favourite places -
How does Kristen Davis from Sex and the City get her shiny locks? “First of all I drink lots of water, that is super important. I also wash my hair with Keratase shampoo and conditioner because my hair gets super beat up on the set. I also buy palm nut oil (found in health food stores) and it is magical as a hair conditioner. It doesn’t weigh your hair down and it makes your hair super shiny.”
That’s all for now….stay tuned for more celebrity beauty secrets all week long!
“I’m all about fashion, cheeseburgers, and bright red lipstick.”
~Scarlett Johansson
Hi Angela,
I am glad you are feeling better. I also feel like I am burning the candle at both ends lately full time job, school, internship, friends, blogging. I love it all–well maybe not love school and job, but it gets exhausting. Hang in there we love you.
I am a huge fan of the Almafi Coast. I have family in Naples, they always tell me to come live with them and they will find me a Neapolitan boyfriend, not an Italian boyfriend, a Neopolitan boyfriend lol!
take care!
You sound much better :) What a great comment.
I’m going to have to try the palm nut oil idea – that sounds fab.
I am sure you are making a wise choice in persuing happiness instead of just dealing with a situtaion you are unhappy with. Good for you!!
Sounds like you are doing better!
Thanks for the really cool tips!
I love the photos!!
Glad you’re feeling better, for sure!! Keep it up!! :-)
Happy Friday!!
I love your blog! I discovered it a while back and have just been going through your archives. So much great stuff here, and it’s very cool to watch the evolution of your bakery business from kernel of a dream to actuality!
I don’t know if I’ll ever go full-fledged vegan, but I’ve been inspired by your blog and a few others, as well as Alicia Silverstone’s book, which I just got and am in the midst of reading, to be much more mindful of my food choices. It is a really fun process although it makes my fiance a bit nervous, I think. But in the end, I have to do what is right for me.
Also: “Want to know the secret to looking fab after 40? Diane Lane says, “I think it’s that I smile a lot. I think anyone who smiles automatically looks better, try it at home. :) Amen!”
I couldn’t agree more with this! She’s a smart lady.
Thanks for your time and energy to sharing this blog with us. :)