Boy, was the first day of summer ever a beauty!!!
Blissful scene around dinner time:
Eric firing up the grill!
2 veggie dogs for me and 1.5 burgers for Eric (plus the rest for his lunch tomorrow!):

Eric was in heaven to be eating his meat…lol.
My ‘hot dog buns’:
These are my go-to pita pockets as they are high in fibre and protein! My only gripe about them is that they crack very easily- even when fresh and they don’t have a long shelf life! I keep mine in the freezer and take one out at a time so they last longer.
These were 2 for $4 at Loblaws today. I made some baby carrots to go with dinner and accidently cooked them WAY too long. They were mush. :( bye bye nutrients!
He cooks some mean veggie dogs:
I’ve been snacking on my On The Glo II bars ALL day! lol. They are seriously addicting! So light and airy!!
Look what I got on sale at Shoppers today!

After reading all of your rave reviews about this product I took the plunge! :) I can’t wait to review it.
You will slowly see me shift my skin products to organic or all natural over the next several months. I am going to do a FUN EXPERIMENT and see if I notice any difference!
Today I got so much done!! I feel so much less stressed now. I got all my orders in order and a bunch of business stuff. I will finish up my paper work tomorrow and also finish baking for my order tomorrow night at 6pm. I also have an order for Tuesday AM and Wednesday. It will be a busy week but I will be so happy to be caught up!
No workout for me today…my body asked for a rest and I gave it one! ;)
Coming up tomorrow AM:
- I tell you what is going to happen with the BBBC!
I will also tell you what MOVIE I saw this weekend that required THESE:

Nighty night beauties!

Oooh, curious to hear about your results with the organic/natural skincare products! I have really sensitive skin, and a lot of natural products actually irritate it. Ironic, no?
Oh, those 3-D glasses look familiar! Are things looking UP?
Oh my gosh! I love all the Say Yes To products but I will admit that I didn’t stick with the shampoo, because it seems to take a large volume of the shampoo to really later up my hair, so it turned out to be wasteful and cost ineffective for me…but I do still use the body wash and it is soooo great. I got some cool samples of natural facewash and moisturizers from this store called Lush yesterday…I’ll be reviewing them soon, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for that (you know, in your spare time! ha)