Wow all your Fright in the Night stories totally creeped me out today! I can’t believe what some of you have been through. I think all of my replies were along the lines of…OMG!!!!
As for our own Fright in the Night situation, I did some detective work today. I emailed the entire street and told them what happened and asked them if they experienced anything out of the ordinary.
You know you are in a small town when your street sends out email blasts to each other.
I got a reply from our neighbour at the end of our street saying that the same thing happened to him at 4am!!! Him and his wife actually saw two people hiding in the bushes in their yard after they rang the bell. They were teenage boys…and you know, boys will be boys. Especially teenage boys…in the summer…in a small town. It is boring around here let me tell you. My husband was a boy in this neighbourhood and I have heard some stories that I shall not repeat on this blog.
I just hope this wake-up call doesn’t become a weekly occurrence or I am going to have to start dumping Green Monsters from the second floor window!! Kind of like when the kids used to get ‘slimed’ on Nickelodeon. It doesn’t get much better.
Today was a rest day from exercise and I say the word ‘rest’ quite loosely because I baked for 8 hours today! I was on my feet all day long and I am feeling quite drained from last night’s lack of sleep.
As a result, dinner tonight was quick and easy…
Leftover Anything Goes Veggie Roast

And an Amy’s veggie burger with hummus, tomato paste, spinach, basil, and toasted Ezekiel bread.

Double yum.

Simple and satisfying.
I am off to get caught up on some emails and comments. After that, I hope to read EPL (never had time last night) and then get a good night’s sleep (*knocks on wood).
See you tomorrow morning for some decorating pictures of our family room. I will also tell you what easy trick finally allowed us to move forward with the decorating process.
Sweet Dreams!
That is so cute you emailed your street about what happened! You are too funny!
atleast you know, it makes it better
Small towns and pranks go hand in hand. Glad you’re ok and it was nothing more serious.
Hope tonight is smoother!
I HAVE to know. Are the carrot showgirls somewhere in that veggie roast??
haha Nope!
I had them today. It was a sad moment.
you should fill up water balloons with green monster… and keep them on ice… ready. :)
Stupid teenage boys! I like your idea for Green Monster sliming- very creative. Although I would suggest you make it with the excess CSA veggies that are just too far gone to consume. No need to waste the good stuff on little boys. ;)
What is your favorite flavor of Ezekial bread? I love cinnamon raisin, but that doesn’t really work for a sandwich!
I like the Green Monster-Slime idea, although I wouldn’t want to waste a drop of a good GM! :)
I dont know what flavour this is but I buy the ORANGE bag! lol
I would be so scared if I woke up to that in the middle of the night! talk about a heart attack!
Wow! What an experience. I’m glad that it’s nothing more than pranks, though those kids need to be more respectful. Teenagers or not, that is very rude :(
I feel bad that my generation of kids has to be represented by the likes of those two. D:<
The small town pranks are kinda nostalgic (albeit not any less annoying). With all the violence these days makes things like doorbell ringing and mailbox smashing seem so innocent :)
Sorry you lost sleep though – I needed an extra punch this morning too and treated myself to an extra half of banana in my soft serve!
Whoa. Just read your last post. I have been the victim of violent crime, home invasions, and more. Yes, I have been woken up in the middle of the night and am frankly glad I’m alive after a few of the things I have woken up to. Used to live downtown Chicago.
I am glad your situation was not too traumatic but I can imagine feeling very antsy and edgy for a long time to come after that!
Get some sleep my friend! Oh and kids, they wake you up in the middle of the night, every night. I haven’t slept more than 3 hrs in a row in 4 years!
I can’t believe Eric grew up in the same neighborhood! How cool. I live in the countryside, and it’s true, bored teenagers will do stupid things. No one around here has nice mailboxes because kids beat them up with baseball bats in the middle of the night. That is, when they aren’t hanging out at the isolated McDonald’s parking lot at 3 am. Good times.
Aaah that must be a relief to know what it was :) but seriously, teenage boys are so annoying!!
Slime ’em, slime ’em!!! That would be so great. In all seriousness, I’m sorry you had to deal with that!! Darn boys!
Revenge of the Green Monster would be sorta awesome :)
Whew! At least you know you’re not alone! Though that’s pretty crazy.
I want your burger! It’s nice to know that someone else out there realizes everything is better with hummus.
I love the idea of pouring GMs on those kids..the Nickelodeon reference is too god!!
I also love that you are so close with your neighbours. I live in an apartment and I don’t even know mine all that well.
I am always amazed at the insane stories my boyfriend tells me about things he did when he was a kid. Boys are nuts. I hope those kids stop doing that to you in the middle of the night. If not, you might have to go out there and scare ’em a little. lol.
Noooo don’t pour GM’s on them! The GM’s are too precious to waste! Pour something else on them, something gross like old grease (if you have any of that around which I doubt you do bc I don’t either). Lol.
Seriously, though, have you thought about doing a GM facebook page? If you did it, I’m sure it would be very popular!
im Sooooo bad with facebook. lol. I have a Glo Bakery one and I never think to update it. Not enough time in the day!
I get the feeling from your posts that things with the Glo Bakery are going well, otherwise I’d encourage you to update it more. My friends opened a Bakery here in town and said Facebook was the best advertisement. That stuff is viral! It is interesting to me that the health blogs seem to be separate from Facebook though. But if ur too busy there is def no point in adding more craziness! :)