Today, I had to apologize to my dear slow cooker for the neglect it has received over the past few months. It actually got demoted to underneath the counter, stored away in the cupboards where it collected dust.
But the guilt started to set in. The slow cooker has been nothing short of a miracle for me since my sister Kristi bought it for us 2 1/2 years ago. It was a housewarming gift when we moved into our condo in Toronto. I used to use it weekly if not twice weekly for easy dinners during the week.
But since I now work from home, the appeal of super quick meals wasn’t as urgent as it once was when I used to get home at 8pm at night. And so under the counter it hid for a few months until I came across a recipe that just couldn’t be ignored.
Banana Apple Coconut Curry
(adapted from Jacques Pepin’s recipe)
- 1 banana, sliced
- 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken thighs, diced
- 1 jalapeno pepper, seeds removed and chopped
- 1 1/2 cups diced tomatoes (I used 3 tomatoes)
- 1 large onion, diced (I used half a sweet onion)
- 3-4 cloves garlic, crushed (I used 4)
- 2 1/2 tablespoons curry
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2-3 bay leaves (Couldn’t find mine!)
- 1/2 cup white wine (didn’t have any)
- 1 apple, sliced but not peeled (Used a granny smith)
- 1 can coconut milk (I used 1 cup)
- I added 1/2 cup water (my add in)
- 2 tablespoons Wondra or flour It didn’t need any thickening!
- Green Pepper (my add in)
- 3 teaspoons parsley (my add in)
- 1/2 cup amaranth seeds (my add in)
1. Take tomatoes, apple, and garlic and place in a food processor to blend until chunky. I blended mine quite a bit and it was very soupy looking. If you don’t have a processor, you can always just chop everything up! Chop up onion, green pepper, and banana and throw into slow cooker followed by the rest of the ingredients. Stir well. Cook on low for several hours. Adjust salt level to taste as it cooks, and let the house fill with the smell of curry.
Optional add ins: Add unsweetened coconut, rice and raisins, or peanuts.
I will admit, I was quite terrified when I saw what it looked like before mixing:
Dear God what have I done???
The pureed tomatoes made the sauce pinkish when it came out of the processor! Have no fear though because the curry will turn it a nice orange colour. :)
This was my first time using amaranth seeds! I picked some up at bulk barn after seeing how great the nutritional profile was.
In just 1/4 cup cooked seeds there is 7 grams of fibre and 7 grams of protein!
I used 1/2 cup uncooked and threw it in.
They are so CUTE! How could I eat them?
I cooked it on medium for about 4 hours or so. The smell in the house was amazing when we got home!!!
But how did it taste?

I mean, let’s not forget there are banana slices and apple in this curry!!!
I was worried that I wouldn’t like it because I have never been one to mix sweet and savoury flavours together…
But wouldn’t you know it this dish rocked my socks!!!!!
Wow wow wow wow. Seriously wow. I had two full bowls and could have devoured more! It was the perfect dinner tonight because we are getting some crazy T-storms and it felt so warm and comforting. :)
The chunks of banana were out of this world amazing!!!
The amaranth seeds really made this dish extra awesome. It gave the dish a nice texture! I also loved the green pepper. Next time I will throw in more veggies too!
With Mary’s Crack…ers:

I’ve already finished a box and I am well into the second! HELP ME!
I also had a new tea tonight: Eater’s Digest

I loved the tea! No tummy pains after eating. Not to say that I always do, but I do suffer from indigestion at times.
My project tonight was putting together a picture frame that my mom and stepdad gave us a long time ago!!
I filled it with wedding pictures. :) I love looking at pictures. It has got to be one of my top 5 things to do- so many memories and nostalgia!
Starting at the top and going clockwise: Me (a bride!!), Me and dad, Eric, I and our wedding party, me and OSGMOM, The entire group!

It now sits on our fireplace but I am contemplating putting it on my desk in the office since this is where I spend the majority of my time! Maybe I will move it to the fireplace when guests visit. ;)
Thanks for all of your suggestions about the race snacks!! Wow, what would I do without your great help! Seriously, thank you. I have lots of ideas now and just hoping I have enough time to do everything I am envisioning.
1. I can’t believe Eric and I missed Leno’s farewell/Conan’s introduction last night!!! I just watched some video online. Oh, I love me some Conan!!!!
2. Only 1 day left of the BBBC!!!
3. Exactly 2 weeks until my 10k race!
I think I’m going to warm up a Blueberry Oat Streusel Muffin now…muahuaha.

Tonight’s question: Are you a curry lover?
I actually never tried curry until the end of 2008 and now I am hooked! I’ve only made it a few times and never been daring enough to order it at a restaurant.
I love your picture frame! It was pretty enough on it’s own, but your photos make it even better :) I’m glad you loved your slow cooker creation! Given that there are only 2 of us in our home, it seems ridiculous that I have 3 crockpots, but I love them so. They are my saviour in the winter. Soups, chilis, one-pot meals…nothing beats coming home after a long day at work and knowing dinner is already taken care of. Enjoy your leftovers!
That definitely does look like a scary mixture before it’s cooked. I would be a bit weary too! But wow, it sure looks delicious all cooked up! Awesome recipe! :)
Aww, those pictures look adorable! I love the cute frames. Very artistic-like. ;)
I LOVE curry, but even I was thrown off by the pink puree and banana pic. I’m glad it turned out delicious! If I had a slow cooker I would give it a whirl
Sorry my comment doesn’t really have to do anything with this post, although I think I will have to make that soup as I love anything that is coconut curry. What I wanted to say was this: I have been drinking green smoothies for a while now, off and on for over a year but after seeing how you make them I decided to try adding almond milk (previously I only used water or sometimes young coconut water) But omg the almond milk makes them soooo good. It gives the whole smoothie a nice almond flavor so I added some cinnamon to it and YUM! So I guess I wanted to say thanks! =)
I have to admit, my roommate has THREE slowcookers (I have no idea why) and I’ve never used one of them!! I never bother because I don’t like the idea of cleaning it afterward, but I should really give it a try. Definitely keeping this recipe in mind, I love curry!!
I had to work at 5am on Saturday so there was no way I was staying up to watch Leno (it comes at at 12:35am here). I’m a little bummed I missed it too, I love Conan!!
That recipe looks great and I have lots of bananas to use so I think I will be trying this out tomorrow!!!
The curry looks delicious and like such a new, interesting dish! The picture frame is adorable too :)
I’ve always been a little afraid of curry, but you’ve inspired me to think about breaking out the ol’ slow cooker! Hope you’re enjoying a great weekend, Angela! :)
I absolutely love curry and all foods Indian! (And the fact that you can make this curry in the crockpot is an added bonus!) I bet it would be great on brown basmati rice.
I ended up making a variation of this tonight- basically whatever I could remember when I was out shopping! It was delish. I loved the sweetness of the banana with the spice of the red pepper flakes I put in.
I love curries. They are an easy way to get loads of veggies, beans, and grains into a very flavorful meal. Plus they are easy to make in bulk = I have lunch for the week!
That recipe looks amazing…thanks for posting it I can’t wait to try my own variation, since I’m always looking for a way to use up bananas. I’ve tried to make soup out of them before, but that was a DISASTER! And yes, I’m a curry lover. Don’t be afraid to order it out, that’s how my obsession with curry and Indian and/or Thai food started. Yum.
What an intriguing dish!
You just reminded me that I have a box of the eater’s digest tea at home. I constantly deal with stomach discomfort after eating (I blame the Crohn’s.) and I keep forgetting I have this stuff.
Happiness Awaits