Finally SUMMER has arrived in Ontario!!!
I’d like to thank mother nature for waking up and getting this show on the road!
My gosh it is so hot out there today. Our thermometer reads 34C/93F out there! Still no A/C on though…! We are doing good with our no AC challenge! But man oh man this house is HOT! I have the fan blowing on me now. :D
I found a new food I am addicted to…

I soaked them overnight in the fridge and then I cooked them on low-medium on the stovetop for about 40 minutes. It was my first time ever having BEP and I loved them!
Nutritional profile:
Black-eyed peas, 1 cup (boiled)
Calories: 160
Protein: 5.23g
Carbohydrate: 33.5g
Total Fat: 0.63g
Fiber: 8.2g
*Excellent source of: Calcium (211mg), Folate (209mcg), and Vitamin A (1,305 IU)
I am obsessed with this mixture now!!!

- 1 cup cooked Black Eyed Peas
- 1 cup Tomato Sauce
- 1/2 avocado
Heat in microwave covered with a paper towel for 1-2 minutes on high. It is honestly so quick and easy. I have been doing so much baking the past few weeks that I have had no time or motivation to turn on the oven for dinner! This meal took me all of 3 minutes to throw together and it is super healthy!
I served mine in a high protein pita along with 2 dollops of Unsweetened Soy Yogurt:
This was off the HOOK delicious!!!

I ate the leftovers in the bowl and had it with an Amazing Grass Green Monster!
I don’t know why it is, but when it is this hot I have ZERO appetite! All I have been doing is drinking green juice to stay hydrated!
Aunt Bun’s flowers are doing well!! They have made the transition to outdoors!
Last night my mother in law goes: “I think you have a new tree growing on the porch.”
We looked out to find this WEED the size of a bush!!!
I think my poor mother in law almost had a heart attack!!!! LOL!
Let’s zoom in shall we…

I felt like I had let the amazing gardener herself down. I vowed I would get to the gardening this week now that life has returned to normalcy (that was before I took on 4 more orders this week!!!). The weeds are truly embarrassing though and I will be weeding (I just wrote wedding!) this week! How disgraceful! lol.
Inspiring email of the day:
“Hi Angela,
I’ve been meaning to email you for a while and thank you for doing such wonderful things with your blog. I’ve been so inspired by your honesty and story. When I first began reading food blogs last year, I was entrenched in in very disordered eating and dangerous amounts of exercise. I was addicted to the scale, the lists of foods that were off limits to me were practically a mile long, and my portions sizes were just absurdly small. Blogs showed me what a normal amount of food and exercise was, and eventually (and slowly), I was able to apply that to my own life.
But, I really don’t think I could have made that transition without reading blogs like yours, which made me realize I am not alone in any of those struggles. I am so grateful for the support you provide simply by writing and believing in your values so strongly. The fact that you have recovered and are living so freely made me realize that it is both possible and worth it to stop the obsession. The more I read your thoughts, the more I was able to start making actual strides in my own life. It still shocks me how much progress I’ve made, how free I feel today versus a year ago. Every time I feel a struggle come on (and that happens less and less), I find myself so much more capable of trusting my decisions and believing that health is more important than anything.
I wrote a post today that was inspired by all the positivity from bloggers like you and Caitlin. I’d love if you read it! http://thewholeplate.wordpress.com/2009/06/23/beautiful/
Really and truly, thank you again for leaving such a positive mark on the world.
I’ll be reading for as long as you are writing!
Leslie, you are one amazing woman!!! I feel so inspired by your story and I thank you so much for sharing.
I wanted to encourage all of my readers to please read Leslie’s post called Beautiful…it gave me CHILLS!!! She tells a very heart breaking story about the fashion industry in which she had first hand experience with.

I got Order #3 done today and I have order #4 tomorrow. man was it hot in the kitchen today with no AC!!!
I am still waiting to hear about regulations for me to ship goodies to the US.
As a side note, my Canadian orders are now going in full swing, so order away! The website is being updated on a continual basis with my new products. You may notice that some products have received the BOOT for now. That is because my NEW food processor is broken (LONG story!) so I have had to remove a few of those things for now. Shoot your orders to [email protected] !
I believe Eric and I are going Biking tonight. :) Should be some fun X-training for a change. We certainly have MUCH better weather than last time!
Coming up Wednesday Morning:
See you tomorrow morning for some never seen before Wedding Rehearsal and wedding pictures!!! I will be showing you the venue, the people, the decor, and the outdoor ceremony spot!
Tonight’s Question:
Have you ever tried Cliff Shots or other energy gels/drinks when working out? I have read that it is a good idea to take these with workouts longer than 1 hour. I have been thinking of trying some out but I wanted to get some opinions first! Are any of them vegan or all natural too?
PS- The Liquor stores could be striking in the tonight at midnight (probably) and there is utter madness around town….90 minute line ups ate the LCBO!!!
oh my goodness, I love BEPs! Growing up a traditional GRITS girl (That is Girls Raised in the South) we eat them quite often, usually with a side of collard greens…I love to mix the whole mess together with hot/peppered vinegar! Man, I think I will have to make that soon…I’m craving it now!
I’ve been meaning to e-mail you to beg you to consider shipping to the US and I see it’s in the works! Hears to keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!