My sweet baby,
You are officially full term!! I can’t believe we are so close to meeting you. You’ve been growing for almost 3/4 of a year in my belly. Look how big you’ve gotten. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m walking around all day with a full size baby inside me. I don’t think I will ever get over how cool it is. I keep your ultrasound pictures on my desk beside me and I look at you frequently throughout the day. You have these big, chubby cheeks just like your dad and I had when we were babies. My heart melts every time I look at you. I feel so lucky to be your mama.
It’s hard to imagine what our lives will soon be like. Things will change in so many ways and we will feel unbelievably scared at times, but something tells me that life will feel fuller than it ever has. We will figure it out together just like we have these past 9 + months. One day at a time.
Even though I’m anxious to meet you, I’m also trying to savour these last days together. I’m going to miss your silly kicks and hiccups, but I know what awaits on the other side is better than I can imagine. Anticipating our birth experience has also filled my thoughts lately. I’m scared and have major butterflies, but I’m also feeling very positive about it. I know you will give me all the strength and motivation I need to get through it, no matter what happens. Plus, your dad gives really good back rubs! Those will come in handy I’m sure.
I’m feeling great these days. Much better than I thought I would at this stage in the game. My energy is high and I’m staying active every day. You love falling asleep on our long trail walks everyday. I’m looking forward to taking you for walks in the stroller this fall! I no longer have bad rib pain since you dropped down a bit lower a couple weeks ago (thank you!). I hope you are feeling good too. I think about you (and worry) all the time and wonder how you are doing in there.
Your nursery is almost complete and it’s my new favourite room in the house. Your dad laughs at me because I like to sneak upstairs and sit in your room, rocking on the glider, just thinking about you. He thinks this is funny because I don’t sit in quiet solitude ever, but being pregnant with you has taught me to slow down a bit. You know, stop and smell the roses. I know you won’t realize it yet, but we put so much love into your room. I can’t wait to show you pictures one day. I’m sure once you are a toddler you’ll be ready to design your very own ‘big girl’ room! That will be fun too.
We’re also wrapping up our kitchen renovation next week. I hope to have a week to prepare meals and freeze them before you arrive. Today, I made a big batch of African Peanut Soup! I’m also preparing blog posts so I have some ready to go in advance. I want to be able to devote all of my attention to you. Your dad is hard at work on the house, fixing the roof and the gutters, installing tamper proof outlets, tuning the car, and the kitchen reno. Last night, he drilled some Ikea picture ledges into the wall for your book display. We keep saying that we’re preparing for the most special visitor of all time! It’s like the Queen is coming, but WAY better…hah. Something tells me all you will care about is love, food, a clean diaper, and a warm place to snuggle. That’s cool too!
I’m feeling a bit intimidated by all the baby gadgets we have to figure out in the coming weeks. I practiced swaddling and diapering a baby doll the other day (seriously) and it didn’t go so well. haha! Then I tried on the wraps/carriers with the baby doll. Again, it was much harder than I thought. Anyway, I’m sure I will get the hang of all this stuff. Next week we have an appointment with a lactation consultant and guess what I’ll be practicing with? Yep, the plastic baby doll once again. Your dad is installing the car seat tonight and then we have a car seat inspection class at the fire hall this weekend. The days are filling up!
It’s fun to guess your birthdate – your dad says Sept. 19th and I say the 23rd. If only we knew! But I guess that is part of the excitement. I’m not the best with surprises; I’m just hoping my water doesn’t break while I’m getting my hair did next week, but I guess that would make for a good story…
Still no idea what we are going to name you. Well, we have a couple contenders, but I wish I just knew one way or another. Something tells me that we will have to meet you to see what fits that sweet face.
Anxiously awaiting your birthday baby girl…
Love always,
What an emotional post! Wow, Angela!!! I’ve got a lump in my throat. So beautiful.
Thanks for sharing! Wishing you all the best on your new journey. You’re so positive and that’s exactly the recipe you need! (Smiling)
Little side note:
I make the eggnog spiced cashew milk almost each week (PDF bonus)! My Mom was visiting a few weeks ago. I only see her once a year as she lives in the U.S. I showed her how to make this eggnog and she was excited about trying her first raw, vegan treat!
I love having it for breakfast with a banana.
And- I loaned out my, Oh She Glows cookbook, to my naturopath, just days after I received it, around the pre-order time… Can’t pry it away from her so ordered another one for me. I love your work very much. Amazing recipes, beautiful photos. Just a pleasure.
In gratitude- thanks for a wonderfully delicious and proper intro to vegan cuisine!!!
M. In Montreal
Hi Angela. Just came across your post.
What an amazingly beautiful post. You are truly going to be a wonderful mama. Can’t wait to meet our newest family member. Like you, we are also so in love with her already. Soon…
Love mom-in-law.