[Thanks to Eric for this week’s iphone pic!]
In just over a month I could be holding our sweet little girl in my arms for the first time. Time is flying!
I find myself saying to Eric, “Can you believe there is a BABY in there…a real, live baby…who gets hiccups, sucks her thumb, and likes to wiggle to music?” He’s like, “No way! I thought you just had some weird growth!”
haha….poor thing just has to humour me at this stage…
By week 34 the baby can weigh up to 5 pounds and almost 20 inches. She definitely feels heavy on my insides lately! I also can’t get over how big her body parts feel under my skin – especially her back. I love feeling her feet poke through my skin…I picture the cutest baby feet in there. My Braxton Hicks contractions have also increased in intensity this week. They aren’t what I would call painful, but I definitely feel twinges of discomfort when my stomach hardens up. Eric is amazed by how hard my stomach feels…it’s like a brick!
I had another osteopath treatment this week and I continue to see improvement in my sciatic area pain. [I say “sciatic area” pain because I have no idea if it’s sciatic related or just muscular – apparently sciatic pain is quite rare from what I’ve read.] Anyway, I feel like I got my life back. I can enjoy daily walks again and normal movements don’t hurt nearly as much. It’s a flippin’ miracle!
Days until due date: 37 (umm what!)
Number of OB appointments left: 5 (one per week)
Nesting or resting? This kitchen reno has killed my nesting mojo. I don’t want to clean or organize a thing. And you know how mess leads to even more mess? It’s a vicious cycle. I want to nest, but I just can’t be bothered to because it’s so chaotic in this house right now. I’m sure the urge to nest will kick in once the reno is over after the 1st week of September…then it’ll be full steam ahead! I guess you could say I’m more interested in “business nesting” lately. I’m trying to get all my ducks in order with the business. We’ve been working on updates to the blog this week (an updated design and installing a recipe rating system), and we’re still working hard on the app and new business.
Ravenous or Nauseous? My nausea hasn’t been bad this week, which is great! Food is more exciting and I’m eating non-stop. And I’m drinking a ton of water. Biggest craving of the week = cereal with homemade hemp milk. It was my first time making hemp milk. I really love that it doesn’t have to be strained because you keep all the wonderful protein in the drink. I blended up 1 cup hemp hearts, 4 cups water, 2-3 large pitted medjool dates, a couple shakes of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Now, I’ll warn you that hemp milk has a grassier/earthier taste than almond milk, but I found the flavour improved greatly after chilling. My first batch was gone in 24 hours! Yup, I guzzled that stuff. It’s been quite chilly here this week, so I’ve been all about my morning mug of french press coffee. I’m also on a big salsa and chip kick.
Shopping or saving? I found myself searching for a cute delivery gown online (yes, they exist) this week. For a moment, I was convinced that I needed something cute to wear while in delivery. hahaha. Then I realized I probably won’t care what the hell I’m wearing (if anything!) when push comes to shove. Needless to say, that purchase did not happen. I don’t know how I would’ve explained that one to Eric. So put me down as saving I suppose!
Calm or cranky? I’ve felt fairly cranky and emotional this week. It feels hormonal…almost like PMS. I’m hoping it passes! The long walks really seem to help my mood though. I always feel so happy during and after a good walk outdoors! Nothing beats it.
Last time I cried: Watching this Pamper’s marketing ploy/sweet, touching video about baby’s 1st birthday.
Baby names: We no longer have a first and middle name in the #1 spot, but we now have 3 names (first + middle names, that is) tied. I honestly have no idea which one I prefer…and I don’t think Eric does either. I’m thinking it might be a game day decision after we see our baby girl!
Ok that’s a wrap for this week. Have a great weekend everyone! I’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors enjoying this glorious, non-humid summer weather.
Echoing what others have said, while you don’t want anything “nice” to deliver in, definitely bring and wear your own clothes! It was much more comfortable being in my own (cheap and replacable) nightgown than it would have been laboring in a hospital gown. I also found that I liked the tank tops with the built in bra that you can get for a few dollars better than the designated nursing tanks for when I was in the hospital and still 15 months later for wearing around the house and sleeping in (lo still nurses at least once overnight). It doesn’t sting quite so much when those invariably get ruined, too.
Yes, I’m definitely planning on bringing some of my own stuff for sure! Gotta feel a bit cozy during the stay. ;)
Congratulations!! I’ve been skulking around your website for a couple of years, stealing all of your recipes and brought your book as soon as it was available in the UK. Selfishly, I’m excited to see how you’ve been managing a vegan diet whilst pregnant and then bringing up your child. I have so much respect for you (and Eric) and now that my husband and I start to think about starting a family with all the issues of being vegans we look to your blog for an understanding of what others are/will go through. Also, thank you for your blog and book – you are such a wonderful, pragmatic and truthful blogger. Naomi x
Angela I am so excited for you and baby! I have used your recipes as my go-tos for the last 2 1/2 years after moving to a plant based diet after my first was born. I am now only a few weeks behind you with my second, due in October! I am looking for freezer meals to prepare before baby so that the first week or two we can still have filling, healthy, yet quick to heat up meals while resting and recovering. I’m sure you have thought of that too ;) but I don’t know where they are posted, or if you will be gearing up for that yourself in the next few weeks! Point me in that direction if they are already somewhere on the site, or let me know when to expect them soon! Thanks and good luck!
Hey Aly,
See this post – hope it helps!
You’re so close!!! You look wonderful. Enjoy every moment of this last month. My baby boy was born 10 days ago and it’s so surreal and incredible. It still seemed like forever away that I’d meet him when I was 34 weeks, but then time flew. Best of luck with your kitchen! We had some unplanned house renovation a week before I gave birth due to a bad thunderstorm. Talk about timing! Just got to smile and roll with it ha!
Only one more months! Time does fly – I can only imagine how excited you are to meet your little girl :)
And hemp milk sounds yummy! Something I definitively have to try :)
Good morning Angela. I have been a big fan of your blog for over 2 years now. I just love your recipes. I have really enjoyed watching you journey into motherhood. I am sure some of your other followers has already mentioned natural childbirth to you. It sounds like you have maybe sought out this information already, I noticed you mentioned a doula group. I am a mother of 3 and I taught natural childbirth classes for over 10 years and was a doula as well. I am not currently teaching only because I decided to go back to school and get a nursing degree. Anyways, I just think you are in a perfect mindset to give birth naturally. I so hope you will try. I think you trust your body and its natural ability. I do think that the way you decide to give birth is a very personal choice and everyone needs to do there research and decide for themselves. I hope you enjoy all the ups and downs of the remainder of your pregnancy, as well as becoming a mother.
wow you are so close..and need less to say that you look amazing….i am 32 weeks and its a boy for me..can’t wait to hold my little one…I am so glad that you are pregnant at the same time i am…it is so so helpful to browse through your recipes and baby posts….when i was in my first trimester, i could not look into your blog at all for like 3 months bcoz of all that nausea…i still remember the day i logged into your blog in second trimester and found out that you are pregnant, i was so happy and must have told my husband a million times…thank you for all your recipes, tips, baby posts etc…
looking forward to meet little Angela on the blog :-)
Oh Angela, I’m so nostalgic and quite frankly jealous of you, doing this pregnancy thing for the first time. My daughter is almost 14 months old now, and her birth day was the best day of my and our lives. It’s so exciting and a little scary, but mostly exciting.
My 2 cents is to stay at the hospital as long as they’ll let you. It’s nice having someone there to answer your questions and just help you recover. Don’t over pack for sure. Take lots of photos, because you kinda forget to. If you do have a doula, which I did, ask them to take photos. It’s nice to have some of you and the hubs together. If you do want to go natural, I did as well, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. People were so negative about it when I mentioned it. I’d do it all over again for sure. My recovery was a breeze and my daughter knew exactly what to do when it was time to nurse. I’d highly recommend it IF your wanting to do it. It’s not for everybody, and I get that.
Good luck and enjoy every bit. Also, don’t get too attached to your due date. I tried not to, but when my daughter didn’t come until 8 days after, I admit I felt like everyone got me so amped up that it was difficult to wait for days afterward.
I’ll be thinking about ya!
Hi Angela, I’m so excited for you! I’m 16weeks and one day pregnant today and it feels like an eternity to go!
My iron levels have dropped, naturally, but my doctor gave me iron pills my system can’t deal with. So I try to eat as iron rich as I can but actually, my creativity runs rather low at this point (the daily spoonful of blackstrap molasses almost made me gag this morning), so if you have a very iron rich recipe in mind… please please share!
Lots of love to the three of you!
Lisa x