This week was sooooo not the best week. Anyone with me? I’m eager to be moving on to a fresh week. Almost anything that could’ve gone wrong this week did, including a few issues with our kitchen reno. I know it will all work out in the end, but it’s hard not to get worn down by the day-to-day grind of it all.
Anyway, I think I will chose to move on to happier times. Such as, the 3rd annual Liddonfest that went down this weekend. It’s a huge party that my brother-in-law throws for Eric’s birthday. The weather was ah-mazing and it was so much fun to just forget about our week from hell and catch up with friends and family. After being on my feet for 8 hours, I crashed pretty hard in bed Saturday night!
This week, I started re-watching some of my childbirth/care videos (Laugh and Learn about Childbirth and Laugh and Learn about Newborn Baby Care) for a much needed refresher. I think I’ve forgotten about 50% of what I learned a few months ago. Maybe I do have preggo brain, after all! Anyway, it’s good to be getting back into it again because the videos are super helpful and make me feel like I CAN DO THIS.
Guess who finally took the plunge and booked a maternity photoshoot? I wasn’t going to bother getting maternity photos taken, but I thought I‘d regret it if I didn’t. Plus, it will be nice to have a couple to hang in the nursery! We’ll probably do some photos in the master bedroom, maybe a couple in the nursery, and then some outside. I don’t want anything over the top or cheesy…just simple and natural!
Last week, I started seeing an osteopath for my sciatic area pain. I was feeling pretty desperate and thought I’d give it a shot after my doula recommended it. Well, after a couple treatments my pain has improved so much. I really wasn’t expecting much as I hadn’t been to an osteopath before and didn’t know what to expect, but it made a huge difference. I only wish I started to go sooner! This gives me hope that the next 6 weeks can be relatively comfortable.
Not much to report on the food front. I’m still struggling with the return of 1st trimester nausea on and off. Other days I want to eat everything in sight. Those hormones are strange things!
Baby girl is still entertaining me all day/night long. The newest thing I’ve noticed over the past couple weeks – her hiccups! She gets them once or twice a day and it’s pretty adorable. We are getting so excited to meet her. I really can’t say it enough. I’m really grateful for this incredible journey.
I’ll leave you with a couple Sketchie sightings from this week. He’s never far from the action…!

You look truly beautiful!
My son would get hiccups too in utero and his twin brother would always kick him to stop it. That relationship carried over into their toddlerhood.
Can’t wait to see your precious little girl once she’s born!
You look so GREAT!!!! Wishing you all the best as you get closer the meeting your little one.
Hi Angela
I love your blog and am 27 weeks along in my pregnancy. Thanks for sharing your journey! Where are you getting those gorgeous dresses?
Hi Angelina, Thanks for the kind words! And congrats on your pregnancy :)
This dress is an old dress from H&M (with lots of stretch!) – it’s not a maternity dress (and to be honest, the waist seam isn’t the most flattering from the front on a preggo belly – wish it was empire waist!), but sometimes anything is better than yoga clothes ya know? ;)
Omigosh, I love that last photo of Sketchy! Does he seem to be protective of your belly!? My cat Jim was like that with my first pregnancy and this one. Plus, he only gets more so as I get closer to my due date (2 1/2 weeks for me!).
I do think you’ll be glad you did the maternity photos. Even though pregnancy sometimes seems to go on for forever, you’ll be amazed how quickly it went by once you’re actually holding your baby and those photos will be a wonderful memento of this time!
That’s cute! I’ve heard that a lot about animals, but Sketchie hasn’t really paid much attention to my growing bump and he doesn’t seem to cuddle me more than usual (which is not very often in the summer because it’s so warm!) He’s much more of a winter snuggler. heh
I had sciatica during my first two pregnancies, and it totally disappeared after delivery. In both cases it was the first sign I was pregnant. Didn’t have any the second time around.
I love reading these updates! Thank you for sharing and best of luck on your new chapter :)
And thank you for all the great recipes that have made it to our kitchen in Nova Scotia!
Hi –
Fellow pregnant lady here, same week as you but this one is my fifth. In my experiences with childbirth I want to recommend that you look into Ina May Gaskin; she has a few books and a documentary that I strongly think all women going through labour for the first time should be familiar with. I wish I had had the knowledge she imparts for my first, second, third and fourth. She talks about things in labour, with women and with couples that no one else seems to touch on; things that will truly help during labour and probably goes against most things you watch in other videos. Truly, she is an excellent voice of experience and reason.
Good luck in the coming months. Don’t get pushed into making choices that you aren’t comfortable with – it’s not always so nice & wonderful with doctors & nurses when you are truly in a position to not be rational. I don’t want to sound daunting but I’ve had enough labours/deliveries to speak with a little experience. I’ve been through it all and wish you an easy and earth changing experience. What an empowering thing birth is. What an incredible thing to be a woman and bring life.
Heather, I agree. Ina May is amazing. Her book Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth helped me prepare and look forward to my birth. Her book was invaluable!
Oh this is such an exciting time for you Angela ;)
It will be amazing to meet your little sweet baby girl ~ pure joy!!
Yes, maternity photos are a must!! It’s the cutest keepsake ever – for you and your girl when she’s older ;)
All the best on this next exciting chapter!
And good luck with the kitchen reno…
xoxo ella
Thank you Ella…you are so sweet. It’s been fun following along your journey too!
First time commenter…Love your website! Such amazing food!!! It’s been fun to watch your pregnancy unfold, too. I have two babies of my own who are now young adults, so it’s been great to “relive” the ups and downs of pregnancy. That all being said, thanks for sharing the pictures of Sketchie. He is a gorgeous cat! I love seeing him in your posts :)
Thanks for your lovely comment Michelle!
Other places kitties like to hang out:
The changing table
The crib
The Snuggle-Nest (co-sleeper)
Piles of clean baby laundry/diapers
The car seat
Sorry to hear about the nausea…that stinks. Hope you feel better soon and that this is a better week for you!
So happy to hear that your pain is easing up – sciatic pain is the wooorstt! If it is any constellation your pink dress is absolutely adorable and you are glowing in it! Wishing you a better week this week and good luck with your renos!! :) :) :)
Oh, and pictures of Sketchie always bring the biggest smile to my face!
Oh My! You look amazing! I’ve been gone since purchasing your cookbook (loooove it!) And now I’m back for more of your fantastically inspiring recipes ;0) I absolutely love your blog and share it constantly! Plant based nutrition has changed my life and your blog, personality and amazing recipes helped start my journey, thank you soo much<3 Preggo brain or not, your followers will be here with support in thanks for your positive influence in our lives.
I love reading your updates. You look absolutely beautiful. I am glad you decided to do the photos. I am like you– never want all that attention on me, and I look back and wish I had more photos of significant life events!
LOVE the pic of Sketchie in the stroller! :P
You look beautiful Angela!! Lovely dress! The big day is coming up really soon now, very excited for you and your growing family! :)
I’m so glad an osteopath was able to help with your pain. My mom is an osteopathic surgeon, and my sister has just started medical school to become an osteopath. Naturally, I think they’re pretty amazing people. Plus, I saw one before and during my pregnancy, and they helped me so much! ;) Best wishes to you!