When I told one of my girlfriends that I was pregnant several months ago, I remember her saying, “pregnancy is an emotional journey”. At the time, I didn’t fully grasp the meaning behind it, but as the months unfold I now see how right she is. Each week, month, and trimester have brought new challenges and new joys. The joys have been more than I ever could’ve expected. Even though I haven’t met her on the outside yet, I feel like she has changed my life for the better. She’s always the first thought I have when my eyes open and my last thought before drifting off to sleep. It’s hard for me to believe that during the first trimester I had major doubts about being pregnant and a few weeks that were incredibly low (thanks, hormones). I worried that I wasn’t cut out for this responsibility, wondering if I had made the right decision. Luckily, Eric was there to support and remind me how capable I am. He said – We are a team. I’m not doing this alone. We will figure it out together. Hearing this made the world of difference and I stopped feeling so alone.
Pregnancy Books: For the first several months of my pregnancy, I barely read anything about pregnancy (except for Googling all my symptoms, hah). The first book I read was Jenny McCarthy’s Belly Laughs (mainly because it’s been everywhere for the past several years) and to be honest, it made me feel a bit discouraged. Sure, some parts were funny (I did laugh out loud a few times!), but overall I found that the book instilled fear about pregnancy and birth, at least for me who is anxious by nature. Who knows, maybe I would feel differently if I read it now versus the hormonal first trimester.
Now that I’m getting closer to the finish line, I find myself turning to pregnancy/labour/newborn books more than ever. I just can’t get enough and I want to read e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I can get my hands on. The best advice I’ve heard so far: take all the advice/opinions with a grain of salt. While I certainly don’t agree with everything I read, it’s been fascinating to learn about different perspectives and approaches. A special thanks to a lovely blog reader Keri for passing along a few of her pregnancy books!
Secrets of The Mommyhood: Everything I wish someone had told me about pregnancy, childbirth and having a baby: A special shout-out to this book because I enjoyed it a lot. It’s filled with practical info from pregnancy all the way to newborn stuff. I have a lot of info bookmarked and highlighted to go back to. I bought it on Kindle and it was only $5, score.
I love how the book ends:
“The Only Thing That Really Matters:
There are millions of books, magazines and web sites that cover every facet of parenting out there. They can make you feel pressured to be the perfect mom and raise the perfect child. You should celebrate and enjoy your baby’s milestones. But remember, how early they roll over, stand, walk, talk or potty train doesn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things. I have found that in the end there is only one thing that really matters. You can give your child every comfort and luxury in the world, but all they really want is you. Mommy and me classes, baby sign language and the latest and greatest toys are not really what it’s about. You don’t have to give your child any of these things to be a good mom. All you have to do is be there. And that, my friends, is the Mommyhood. (As I see it anyway).” [excerpted from Secrets of The Mommyhood: Everything I wish someone had told me about pregnancy, childbirth and having a baby. Alexander, Heather]
Symptoms of late:
Preggo brain. I haven’t noticed having “preggo brain” too much during my pregnancy (if anything, I think all the omega-3’s and DHA oils are speeding up my brain), but it might be showing signs lately. The other night Eric and I were on a walk and as we passed another couple I said, “good morning!”. It was 8pm…lol.
Braxton Hicks Contractions. I’ve been getting these for a couple weeks now. My stomach gets super firm and tight (like a hard basketball) for a minute or so. Eric finds it so amusing. The uterus is practicing for the big event which I think is a great idea. They aren’t painful (yet), just uncomfortable and they don’t happen very frequently (maybe a few times per week). I read that BH contractions can increase in frequency and intensity as the pregnancy gets closer, so we’ll see.
Sciatica: I’m experiencing sciatica pain on the lower left side of my back and butt. The area got really sore after my 3rd chiropractor treatment (she was working on this area), so I have since stopped going for adjustments for fear of aggravating the nerve even more. The chiro suggested regular icing and gentle stretching so that’s what I’ve been doing to help calm down the nerve. I also suspect that when the baby flipped head down her change in position disturbed the nerve even more. The pain has improved since last week (with regular icing/stretching), so hopefully it won’t get worse as she gets heavier. I think I just had bad luck with the chiropractor because I’ve heard it can help a lot of pregnant women.
Peaceful mind: I read that an increase in progesterone in the 3rd trimester can result in a “quiet mind” or feelings of calmness as the due date approaches, and I have definitely noticed this lately. I feel pretty relaxed, chilled out, and able to slow down much more. I almost feel like I’m on tranquilizers some days! Normally I am go-go-go and anxiety-prone so it’s been refreshing to feel so calm. The only downfall is that I’ve been less productive on the work front, so I’m struggling with a bit of guilt that I’m not getting as much done as I want to. I guess I better get used to it now!
Cravings: The past week was incredibly hot and humid (thank goodness for flat irons!). I’m still loving fruit (raspberries, watermelon, grapes, kiwi, cantaloupe), popsicles, coconut water, and chocolate hemp smoothies. Also, I can’t get enough of Organic Works vegan + gluten-free sliced oatmeal, flax, buckwheat bread. It’s just the best! I’m also going crazy for homemade salad dressings lately and I’ve been whipping up a new one every week and pouring it all over romaine salads. I hope to share a new fav. recipe soon. I can’t get enough. I’m also loving 365 brand popcorn when I’m craving something salty and crunchy.
I love the quote you posted. It is true that books, magazines, even doctors cannot prepare you. The moment you hear your baby’s first cry in that delivery room: you will not remember any of the tips and tricks you might have read during pregnancy. All you can think about is GIMME MY BABY! And that is what parenting is about! Sure, some helpful advice is always comforting. But all you will really need for reassurance is your baby’s smile, her laughter, the way she will stare at you without blinking for an impressive minute or so… And reminding yourself that every day that passes, she is a day older. You really don’t get those moments back! As with your pregnancy… YOU WILL MISS IT. Ah, motherhood is incredible. I am wishing you all the best! AND I am really determined to make the Creamy Chocolate Hemp Smoothie for Two… for myself and my little ones. I’ll stretch that second glass! (:
I hope you don’t mind if I share my favorite pregnancy book! Its great, explains everything, goes through all the options you have for the birth and it doesn’t have weird scary stuff:
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
I love your honesty about how you’ve felt throughout your pregnancy, not that I expected anything different. :) And that baby bump is the cuuutest!!
Ugh! Isn’t sciatica awful? I’ve had it on the right side for the past few weeks (I’ll be 24 weeks Friday – we’re having a girl, too!) and was just thinking about heading over to the chiropractor. I’ve had bad experience in the past with the chiro, though so I’m nervous! You seem so happy and at peace with your pregnancy – I’m so happy for you!
I didn’t read any books until late in my second trimester, and then I read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. Glad I could pass a few along :)
You look beautiful!! Hope the sciatic nerve pain gets better!
Hang in there it is almost to the end. Something that helped me with all the uneasiness of the birthing process is I did hypnosis. That helped a lot. Also I did what they call painless child birth (hypno-birthing) This was the most amazing thing in the world. I have have two children and I have scoliosis so I was very frightened of having to have a pain killer not to mention what happens to the babies when you use that stuff. My husbands parents are hypnotists and told us about it so we tried it out with my daughter (who is our first). I had to be induced and they say that you feel ten times the pain when that happens, well I have to tell you I did not it only felt like I was having my worst day of menstrual cramping. No bad at all and when it was all said and done I did not feel a thing. She came in 9.5 hours and my son in 2hrs 45 min. They also say that hypno-birthing speeds up the process because you are allowing your body to do what it knows how to do.
An osteopath might be able to help with the pain. The work they do is similar to a chiropractor and they operate with the same philosophy, but they target issues with different methods. I found the additional stretching very helpful. Anyway, it’s just another thing worth considering! Best of luck.
Couldn’t agree more… I was stressed about getting everything perfect for the nursery before our first was born, and my mom told me to chill out. She reminded me that “the baby isn’t judging you.” So true. Enjoy these final months!
The bump continues to grow! You look very pretty in orange. I love how you chronicle little things each time you update and share with us. It will be nice to look back and have this information to compare to when you have baby #2. :)
Angela, have you come across Hypnobirthing? The concept / course? It was the best thing I did during my pregnancy with bub #2. Wish I had heard about it for bub #1 as it would have quelled my anxieties.
You look stunning and continue to glow throughout your pregnancy! I love the simplicity and wisdom of the advice for parenting :)
Hi Angela! It’s Heather. I am the author of Secrets of The Mommyhood. Thank you so much for your kind words about my book. I wish you and your husband every happiness and will be following your blog and keeping you in my thoughts as you await your little girl.
And congratulations on the success of your book. Holy New York Times bestseller!
Hi Heather, Well, how exciting to hear from you! This just made my day. :) Thank you so much for writing such a great book…it’s been one of my favs over the past 8+ months! I will be giving copies to my pregnant friends too. Glad you found my blog!
The best book I read at the beginning of my pregnancy was “Skinny Bitch – Bun in the Oven” by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin (they are vegan mamas). I love how they are sarcastic and they tell you the stuff the way it should be told.
“If you want to hear ‘everything in moderation,’ ‘an occasional glass of wine if fine,’ or any other candy-coated bull*&?!, pick another book. We will tell you the truth about food and how what you eat affects your pregnancy and baby.”
I loved it!